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Katie Blomarz

edTPA Submission
December 2014
Reflexive Statements
Standard 6: Reading, Writing and Oral communication
Through my college career and through classes like CI 473, they really helped
me learn how to make a great lesson. They taught me to think about every
step in an activity and look at it from different points of view. In my
composition project with edTPA, I was able to present a project that worked
for multiple different learning types. I was able to present the information
they need to know to complete the project, but also allow them to be creative.
Standard 8: Collaborative Relationships
With a young group of students, I wanted to ensure not only they were
comfortable with me, but also that there parents were comfortable with me.
When I started at the school I had my cooperating teacher send out an email
to the parents introducing myself. In the email, I made sure to give them a
little background of who I was, where I am coming from, and how I look
forward to working with their students.
I also communicated with the parents starting the edTPA journey. I
wanted to clear up any confusion that may occur from the video release
forms I sent home. I described the project to them with fewer words than the
sheet so they had some idea about the project before they saw the forms.
Standard 9: Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy
I was fortunate enough to have my supervisor watch one of my edTPA
lessons. After the lesson, the two of us sat down with my co-op and discussed
how the lesson went. Both of them agreed that I seemed confident and
comfortable in front of the students. They both said I did a great job keeping
a good rapport with the students that stayed professional. Along with this, I
have received confirmation that my co-ops are comfortable and will be
writing me letters of recommendation. They have been greatly supportive of
me and my teaching throughout this semester.

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