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From the Desk of

New York State Senator Ted OBrien

District 55



ROCHESTER, N.Y. Senator Ted O'Brien applauded Governor Cuomo for having the
Departments of Health and Environmental Conservation study the practice of hydraulic
fracturing before a final decision was made, compared to other states where health
effects were only studied following fracking activities. The results, which were released
today, say that there are still too many potential risks and unknown health effects
surrounding the practice and that it should not be permitted in New York State.
"I'm grateful to the Governor and those who worked on this issue at the Departments of
Health and Environmental Conservation," Senator O'Brien said. "Their methodical,
scientific approach to this controversial issue always kept the health and safety of New
Yorkers the top priority, fulfilling government's most fundamental responsibility to the
people it represents."
Senator O'Brien has a long history of advocacy protecting his constituents from the
potential risks of hydraulic fracturing. He has co-hosted hearings in Albany regarding
importing Pennsylvania fracking waste for reuse or disposal and introduced a legislative
package addressing the concerns that arose from those hearings, including bans on drill
cuttings and wastewater being brought into this state and the reclassification of fracking
waste as hazardous materials.
-30Senator OBrien represents the 55th district in the Senate, which is made up of the
eastern half of Monroe County and the western half of Ontario County, including much
of the city of Rochester.
Media contact:
Thomas J. Morrisey
Director of Public Affairs
(585) 218-0034

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