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1. How did the cold war affect Latin America? Why did the United States get involved?

The United States and the USSR were the ones that held power over the other nations during
the cold war. If a nation was not communism the United States was able to protect them with
armies. The United States got involved because they thought of communism as evil.
2. What is the difference between left and right wing? Why is it confusing?
The people who believe in the left wing government is known as the liberals. They believe that
more people should have a part in the government important decisions. And believe the
government should also help supporting citizens through health care and other programs.
Those who support the right wing government are known as the conservatives. They are the
smaller group of people that make the decisions or one person. They believe that the
government should not have a big role in helping people. This is confusing because it makes it
seem like one is better than the other but the left nor the right is better than the other.
3. Why did the United States get involved in Cuba?
The United States was interested in the economy like the sugar production and the United
States was in control of it. And the money was going toward the United States or corrupt
government which left people poor. So when Castro was communist, Cuba became an enemy
of Cuba which United States refused to trade with Cuba.
4. Whats a banana republic?
A banana republic is a country that doesnt have as much power in the government, making
them almost powerless, and have to run or controlled by a company. The company is producing
and exporting goods like bananas (mostly).
5. How did the CIA get involved in Guatemala?
The CIA got involved in Guatemala because the militant dictators controlled until the 1950s.
Jacobo Guzman created land reforms to communist natures which United States strongly
dislikes the communist nations. The CIA helped to overthrow him in 1954 but resulted in
violence under the military junta for years.
6. What is the other infamous September 11th?
Salvador Allende took control of Chile in 1970 and with the help of Augusto Pinochet overthrew
the government. Massive human rights were violated, thousands of people were killed and
7. Who were the disappeared in Argentina?
Thousands of people that were killed during the dirty war, which the government supported,
and these people were the ones who opposed the government views. They are known as the
disappeared because the secret police took them out at their homes and were never heard of
again and some people thought that the government killed them.

8. Why was it controversial when the United States intervened in Nicaragua?

It was controversial because the United States supported the anti-communist group known as
the Contras. Then when President Reagan couldn't support the Contras, the United States still
secretly sent weapons to them by sending it to Iran which then was shipped over to the Contras.
9. What violence occurred in Brazil and El Salvador?
About 75,000 people were killed when civil war broke out in El Salvador between the right and
left wing guerilla fighters.
10. If democracy is a goal of the L.A. nations, what does a nation have to have in order to
achieve this goal?
Latin Americas goal to become a democracy, and to do that they need to change things. Since
Latin America is a banana republic, controlled by a company with goods. They need to be
controlled by a government that is stronger, Latin America Nations has almost a powerless
government. The nations need more power, so they need to come together and have the people
help contribute with the government's decisions. They can give more human rights to the
citizens in the nation, and let them take part in the government's decisions. And these nations
need to be run by a government that has enough power. But not too much power that takes
away rights from the people.

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