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EDUC 224

Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

STEP 1 Download this document to your hard drive or portable storage device. You will
revise this SAME document TWO additional times during the course. For the first
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as beginning. For the second
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as middle. For the final assignment,
you will only complete the areas labeled as end.
STEP 2 Copy and Paste each bullet point to your answer pane. Rate each bullet point as
to how you are feeling at this point in the course. The rating will either be Confident,
Somewhat Confident, or Not Confident/Dont Understand.
STEP 3 Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.
STEP 4 Submit your assignment. Please make sure that you save this document as you
will revise this SAME document two additional times during the course.
EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Vision for Curriculum
Together we will work toward: Type your answer in the text box.
Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer


Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
I am confident in finding patterns and making connections with scientific concepts. I enjoy
working with the unknown and trying to create my own understanding by linking it to things I
have already experienced or learned in the classroom.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
I am not confident about allowing natural curiosity and questions to drive the curriculum. Im the
type of person who likes to have specific assignments with specific answers. It is difficult for me
to trust that all things will get covered by allowing the students to drive the curriculum.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Vision for Curriculum
Together we will work toward: Type your answer in the text box.
Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Somewhat confident,
Although the three layers are somewhat new to me, I feel that with a little practice I will be able
to understand and teach this concept.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Confident- I am constantly asking myself why. I have a natural curiosity about me and I believe
that children do as well. I will be able to help children tap into that curiosity.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

Somewhat confident- I believe I can ask questions during an investigation. I am not as confident
as being able to choose the correct questions that would deepen understanding.

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
Not confident. When I am not able to find the correct answer I become uncomfortable. When
there is no correct answer I start to doubt myself. This is a trait about myself I am working on.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana


Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Somewhat confident, I am the same
I am beginning to see the layers more. I understand that learning can take a path that is
unexpected. I believe that as the teacher it is our responsibility to help lead the students
to the main idea without interfering with the students judgment on how they should get

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Confident- SAME
Children have a natural curiosity. It is fun to watch them figure things out.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

Somewhat confident- Changed to Confident
Before I wasnt sure if I could choose the correct questions. Before I was unsure about the
questions because I didnt realize that the questions that I need to ask need to be there to guide my
student to understanding the big idea.

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
Not confident changed to somewhat confident.
Although I want to have the correct answer, what I am learning about myself is that more
importantly I want to make sure that I am on the right track. If I am going in the right way then I
am sure that I will be somewhat at the correct answer. What I dont like is being unsure if I am
going in the right direction to the correct answer.


Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Confident-I imporved
I see that there are layers of understanding. I am understanding that there are patterns and
connections to understanding and that when we tap into those understanding we can have
multiply interpretations.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Confident- SAME
Children have a natural curiosity. It is fun to watch them figure things out. When we show
children our curiosity it opens the door for them to also be more inquizity about things. Our
excitement drives the classroom.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

To deepen my understanding of things I question how things work. When I am confused on what
question to ask I ask myself why. By asking why I can develpe a question to help drive my

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
Confident- Changed
I will not know the answer to many questions. I will only learn when I search for the answer. I
want my students to be ok with not knowing but know how to look for an answer.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana


Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Confident- Scientific words and pharses when I was younger were only vocabulary words to me.
I was taught to know the word and remember its definition. As I am older I feel that I would be
able to look at those words today and have a deeper understanding of them.

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Confident- I feel that reflecting on experiences helps us grow as learners.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems.
Confident- I have looked on my past reflections. I am sometimes amazed at my lack of
understanding of some items. Then I get a feeling of satisfaction because I know that as a learner
my understanding has deepened.


Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Confident- remains the same
What I know will or what I think I know about scientific words is going to change. The content
that is out there is changing, and I am ok with that. If I am confused about a meaning I can
always look the definition up online. By researching information I can show my students how to
do the same.

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Confident- remains the same
I can reflect easily on my past experiences. What I have noticed is that I need to allow myself the

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

time to do so. What I am lacking from my reflections is allowing myself the time to do so.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems.

Confident changed to somewhat confident

What I am learning about myself is that if I do not allow myself the time reflect I can not make proper
notes to myself on what to reflect. I find that when I do allow myself to reflect, looking back on those
notes allows me to deepen my understanding. I have found that when I reexamine my notes I tend to
remember more information than what I had previously documented.


Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Confident- remains the same
I am still confident in this. I would like to be able to remember scientific phrases more than I do
now. I am confident that if need I can easy find out the term and use the term within a few

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Confident- remains the same
When I take the time to reflect I can see what I could have done different to better the outcome of
certain situations. I find it hard at times to take the time to record my thoughts. I believe that I
would benefit from a tape recorder and record my thought while I drive.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems.

Confident- Changed from somewhat confident

I have been taking time lately to reexamine my thoughts from pervious reflections. I am gaining insight
into myself. I feel that what was stopping me from before is who critical I thought I would be on myself.
I looked back on a few reflections from past semester and I found where I still need growth and were I

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

have seen growth in myself. I enjoyed the intrinsic reward I received from doing so.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

3. Relations
Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning
involves the community of learners
Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners
Confident- This is something that I did last night in my biology class. As a group we were
confused on how to make some of the conversions in the metric system. The group contain three
people at different levels of understanding. I was able to help each meber understand the proper
way to convert in a way that they were able to understand.

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
Confident- I learn differently at different times. If what I am learning is new to me I like to be
able to do. If what I am learning is old to me and is more of a brush up on information that I
already know I need to be challenged to stay engaged in the classroom.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Confident- I am never embarrassed to share my ideas. I have noticed that when I do speak up in
the class I bring up facts that the other students may not feel confident in talking about. An
example is that during a biology lecture, the teacher was lecturing about the differ types of
hydrogen bonds. The slide said the there was a removing of the water to make the bond, yet the
teacher was stating that in this particular bond the water was being added. I spoke up about the
difference and the teacher stated that his slide was wrong and made a note to fix it. The teacher
also stated that this was not the first time he had used the slide.


Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners
Confident- remains the same.
I found that I work with others well. I tend to understand the people I am working with. I am
understanding that each person learns differently. Before if someone would be at a different level
of understand than me I would get frustrated. Today, when I notice that someone is at a different

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

understand than me, I give that person time to think it out and speak about their understanding.
This has made my dialogue with others better.

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
Confident remains the same.
I learn differently at different times, because of my understanding of different subjects. I know
that others are the same. If what I am learning is new to me I like to be able to do. If what I
am learning is old to me and is more of a brush up on information that I already know I need to be
challenged to stay engaged in the classroom.
When I am in a group I want to allow others the time they needx to understand. I picked up on a
quote this year. If ou want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go with a group. Today I
can say I finally understand those words.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Confident- remains the same
I am never embarrassed to share my ideas. I have noticed that when I do speak up in the class I
bring up facts that the other students may not feel confident in talking about. What I am working
on today is allowing others to speak. Some people may not be as fast as me to answer a question.
I have purposely held information to myself to allow others time to speak. At times this is
difficult. I feel that at times I can speak too much.


Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners
Confident- remains the same.
I work well with others. This semester I was put in a situation where I was working with someone
who didnt work well with me. It was my reaction that to the situation that I was able to control.
I feel that, in the real world I will most likely be put in a situation like this again. I feel that when
I am faced with this type of situation I will be able to handle myself in a manner that is

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Confident remains the same.

My thoughts on this are that I am deepening my understanding of my learning process. I can
process information fast and develpope conclusions on how I can best suit a group when I am
placed in one.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Confident- remains the same

I can allows express myself. What I am practicing is expressing myself with using my emotions. When I
feel deeply about a situation it is hard at times not to use too much emotion. I feel that when a person
using too much emotion when expressing themselves their opinions and thought may get lost in the
conversation. Although on the other hand a person who is expressing thought without emotion may be
seen as cold. Still I have no problem with practicing on how my thoughts are expressed within a group. I
know that in time I will be given many opportunities to develop my craft as a group speaker.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. Rigor
Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Somewhat confident- I feel at this time that I still like to have the answers to the questions that I
have. I do not like not having an answer to question that I have.

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Somewhat confident- I feel that we will always need to ask why. After finding out why
something works in a particular way we should ask why to deepen our understanding.

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Confident- making an educated guess based on my understanding is something I am confident
with. Checking thiet viability in accordance with my understanding at that time is also something
I am confident with.

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
Soemwhat confident- Although I have developed my own inferences and feel confident doing so I
have not developed an working explanation Or if I have I do not know what that may consist


Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Somewhat confident- I feel at this time that I still like to have the answers to the questions that I
have. I do not like not having an answer to question that I have.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Somewhat confident changed to more confident
I feel that we will always need to ask why. After finding out why something works in a
particular way we should ask why to deepen our understanding.
When we come across a question where more is to be learned about the concept we can break up
the learning into different parts. While I will not always have all the answers I am learning that
we cannot spend all the time on one aspect. We should always move forward but we can allows
go back to revisit a concept to deepen our understanding of it.

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Confident- not changed
I need to make a few observations. Sometimes doing so takes more time than I can allow myself
to do.

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
Soemwhat confident- changed to confident
Although I have developed my own inferences and feel confident doing so I have not developed
an working explanation Or if I have I do not know what that may consist of.
A working explanation is my understanding of something as those thoughts evolve and my
understanding changes.
I have practiced this in class. I thought I knew how something worked then I learned how it
worked and my explanation of how it worked changed as my understanding changed.


Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Somewhat confident changed to confident- During the midterm I found that even a week after
the paper was turned in I was still coming up with questions regarding the scientific terms that I
found for the paper. I thought that doing was great because it showed that I was interesting in the
paper I had completed. The terms that I learned from the paper were not terms that I would have
looked for on my own, but in my own time I learned more about those terms.

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Confident- same
If I come across something that I need to know but am lacking time to learn it I will take time on
my own time to learn the information.

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Confident- not changed
After making observations and then inferences I can easily look online to check the viability of
my inferences. What I am learning to do now is to use sources that are more reliable.

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others

My thoughts are evolving as I learn new information. I am constantly learning as well as everyone else
that is around me.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now - Expectations
Class Expectations:
1. Attend all class sessions. Notify instructor of absence by email and take responsibility to learn about
missed experiences from your group. In class credit cannot be made up. Absences may lower your
final grade because class activities require participation to earn points. See syllabus.

Beginning: If you dont think you will be able to attend class on time and/or regularly,
explain the difficult you foresee so we can discuss it.
I am confident that I will attend all class sessions.


Explain your attendance pattern to date and whether you need to modify it for
the rest of the class.

What I am noticing is that I am missing more classes than I thought I would. My schedule is changing,
my children were needing me and I am having to miss class to attend work related classes. I dont want to
miss any more classes.


If you had problems with attendance this semester, explain your situation here.

I had missed a few classes do unforeseen situations. I had problems making to class on time because how
where I worked and the time I had to get from work to school. I believe that driving at five pm should be
outlawed for all those not going to school or work.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

2. Participate fully in all class sessions by working collaboratively with peers, asking questions and
taking responsibility for developing your "scientific self".

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

I am confident that I will fully participate in class sessions.


How are you doing in this regard? Look at the Participation Sheet.

I participate in my classes, always. Unless I am not there. I will miss three days this semester. I think I
may participate more than I should, sometimes I find it hard to sit and not participate although I have tried
to do so. I am trying to teach myself to listen more and talk less.


If you had problems with participation this semester, explain your situation here.

I only had a problem with participation when I had a teammate yell at me. I understand that she was
under a lot of stress but it affected me for the night and made me not want to continue with the project. I
refused to give up on a project that meant so much for me.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

3. Type or word process all major assignments (double space,12 pt font, see guidelines in syllabus) and
submit documents as instructed.

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

I am confident that I can put all my major assignments in the proper format.


How are you doing?

I am doing great! I do have issues with my grammar. I am a pro with APA.


If you had problems with requirement this semester, explain your situation here.

No problems with APA. I did have a few problems with grammar and spelling. I am still addressing
those issues.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. Give each assignment enough time to apply your best thinking and writing skills. I assume that
what you submit is your best work and grade it accordingly.

Beginning: If you think there will be a problem, let me know here and talk with me.
I am somewhat confident. I have had time management problems in the past were balancing my home
work and school lives has been difficult. I feel that I am doing better with this today and I eager to see
myself do better with my time management this semester.


How are you doing?

I am doing pretty well. I have rushed an assignment. I did so because I had confused myself on the due
date. I turned the assignment in early. I felt good about doing so. It was nice to be ahead rather than
trying not to fall behind. I

End: If you had problems with doing your best this semester, explain your situation
I feel pretty confident with my work this semester. I know that I put my best effort into my work. I did
the best I could with what I had to offer. It was a good feeling seeing that my grades this semester
reflected my efforts.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

5. Submit all work on due date. See the syllabus for the late policy and assignment submission

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

This is the same with the question above. I feel that I will be able to complete and turn in my
assignments. Although at this time I do not have internet access I am doing my best to download may
work to my computer so that I can complete my assignments at home, I just need to make arrangements
on uploading my assignments on time.


How are you doing?

I am doing great! I am turning in all my assignments. I think because I didnt have internet for so long it
made me go out and do my homework. I had to put more effort into doing my work. I am ahead on some
of my work.


If you had problems with getting assignments in on time this semester, explain
your situation here.

I had a an assignment I had forgot about till the last minute. That was not a confortable situation. Then
there was a time that I didnt allow myself the proper amount of time to finish an assignment and I feel
that I had to rush through the end of it.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Preferences in Ways of Learning
Preferences in Ways of Learning
Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred)

I like to learn by:




having the information presented by an instructor and/or a book and my

job is to learn what is presented.

reading and listening to explanations but also by asking questions during

class and working to make sense of the material.

figuring out answers on my own by doing my own investigations and


working with a group to do investigations, discuss what we are doing,

and work together to understand new or different ideas or results.

Using all three situations. When we read the textbook we get the
background information. The teachers is able to go in depth regarding
the textbook information. We are able to gain understanding by using the
information we learned in a group setting.

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I prefer to have a guided learning experience. I sometimes have found that working on my own about a
subject that I have little knowledge with has at times left me with an misunderstanding of a subject.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I like having the information to be presented to me in a class setting. I am stating to enjoy working in a
group. Before when I worked in a group I felt as everything was going to slow. Today when I work in a
group I feel like I can get more points of view of the guven subject that we are working on.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

If we were to only read the textbook our learning would be not as depth as it could be by using all three
methods of learning. I want to be taught by a teacher that is excited about the information that they are
teaching. I believe that reading from a textbook should the students responsibility. The textbook is the
background information. The teacher can deepen the understanding of the textbook with lecture. I like
working in a group. When we work in a group we can practice the information we learned in the textbook
book and from the teacher. In a group setting is your first real discussion regarding the new knowledge.
This will influence my teaching in the future. I see myself having the students read the textbooks. Then
in class, as a teacher I will discuss the reading. From this discussion I will be able to tell what the
students learned from the textbook, and then I will now where I need to start teaching. With my
experience in different classrooms I know that the best way to have the most students read the textbook I
should give time during the day for the students to read. I after the students are finished with lecture and
class discussion I will allow for project time weret eh students can work on chapter projects in groups so
that they can practice the information gained from the textbook and teacher lecture.

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred). Each
statement must have a rating.
I like to be graded by:



individual work (papers, lab reports, or assignments) that I do by myself.

group projects where we get a group grade.

group projects where we learn together but we get graded on our own

taking quizzes and tests.

writing about what Im doing, thinking, questioning, and/or feeling and


Being graded in all areas allows the student to truly tested on the work. A
student who is not well at test or writing may do better in group work. A
student who is does not perform well in a group setting my benefit in
individual work. These strengths and weaknesses may vary depending
on the subject matter.

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

I like to be graded on my individual work. I want my grade to be of what my work is or how I work
within a group I do not want to be graded by someone elses work I want to feel as if I given the grade
that I deserve. Tests and quizzes are not a good learning devise. I sometimes read through the questions
to fast and select the wrong answers because I am more interested in completing the test.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I like reflecting. I feel that when are reflecting we learn about what we are doing in our class. We are
able to look back and reflect on what we have read or done in class. In a group I like to get a group grade,
but I also like to have my work graded as a individual. Grading as a individual is almost like not working
in a group. I feel that if it is group work then it should be graded as group work, because we can be
graded on how we work in a group.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?
As a teacher we should use assessments throughout the semester. Using formative assessments at the
beginning and during the middle of a section will allow the teacher to see where the students are. The
teacher can then make adjustments and lesson plans that will help the students gain the most knowledge.
The teacher can then use the summative assessments the gage what the students retained from the lesson.
The teacher can use all of this information to see where and what he or she should change for the
following semester.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred). Each
statement must have a rating.
I like to take part in class by:



mainly listening to others; I dont like to talk in class

occasionally talking with one person or in a small group

asking questions, sharing ideas, and working in a small group.

asking questions, sharing ideas, and providing leadership in a small group

asking questions and sharing ideas in large group discussions

presenting my ideas to the whole class

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I like to talk and to share my ideas. When I am confident with the subject matter I enjoy presenting my
ideas to a large class. I have found that at times I talk when it is not my turn to talk so I in the past I have
tried to limit what I say I found doing this to be somewhat difficult.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I like to talk and to communicate my ideas. I have tried to not talk as much to allow others to
communicate. I find that when I do sit without speaking I want to jump up and say something. I like to
lead. I can take direction as well.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?
In my future I can see the benefits of each style of learning. A person who does not enjoy talking rather
listening can still have the same benefits from a student that loves to talk. A person who likes to observe
will be able to gain information. A person who likes to talk may be blinded by his or her own ideas and

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

not wsee others perspectives. This is a new idea that I have picked up from this class.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. If there is anything about how you learn or something that might impact your work in
this class, add it here.
I loved this class. I know that pervious students were stressed about the amount of work that this
class brought. I couldnt disagree more. I found the extra work very helpful. Towards the end of
the semester when the workload was lessened I found myself more likely to look over deadlines.
As long as I stayed organized with my homework I was able to complete the work on time. This
will completely help with how I study in the future.
Working in the small groups was great. I found that placing us in groups with similar and
different personalities was interesting. It opened my eyes to other perspectives.

Make sure you save a WORD document with your name in the document name for
instance Mechelle what am I thinking beginning.doc (or docx) .

When complete, submit in Blackboard Assignment button for the correct time in the course What I am Thinking Now as a Word document.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

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