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Global crisis has provided the economic impact on the entire country in the world, including

Indonesia. greatest impact and the most we feel is the wave of is unemployment.
Unemployment itself is a person who does not work at all, looking for work, working less
than two days during the week, or someone who is trying to get a decent job. Unemployment
is generally caused due to the workforce or job seekers are not proportional to the number of
existing jobs. The result of unemployment are productivity and incomes will be reduced so as
to give rise to poverty and other social problems such as increased crime rates, it is difficult
to get an education, the emergence of a variety of health problems, and lead to social and
political stability. Unemployment can be distinguish to three kinds there are disguised
unemployment, underemployment, and unemployment. type of unemployment that is
frictional unemployment, structural, cyclical, and seasonal. Unemployments that occur in
Indonesia due to the global crisis is cyclical unemployment. Cyclical unemployment is
caused by the economic slowdown that led to the company is not able to accommodate all the
existing workers. Many workers are excluded from the job because many companies are
affected by the global crisis that stop operations, and caused by the import export levels
In 2013 the unemployment rate is still very high in Indonesia, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS)
Indonesian said that a record 7.2 million or approximately 5.92% of Indonesian society are
unemployments. The Government must be overcome this issue by providing employment like
new industries, especially primary industry needs in areas experiencing unemployment so it
can absorb more labor. In addition to the task of the Indonesian people themselves to
overcome this problem with increase the skills, knowledge, and must master the technology
to compete in this global era where a lot of human power replaced by machine or other
advanced technology.

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