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Programmazione degli interventi CLIL nelle classi 5

Anno scolastico 2014/15

Classe 5 A PHYSICS

Revision of Electric and Magnetic fields

Electromagnetic induction, laws of induction, application of induction
Electromagnetic waves
Astrophysics and Cosmology

Classe 5 B Science/ Italian and English Literatures

The concept of Infinity in G.Leopardi and the English Romantic poets

Classe 5 C Mathematics


Classe 5 D Physics/Literatures/Science/Physical Education

Bohr and Black Holes, A. Compton, Photoelectric effect

The DNA, Organic Chemistry
Aestheticism and Decadentism
Muscles and motion

Classe 5 E PHYSICS

Special Relativity

Classe 5 F Chemistry

Organic Chemistry: Functional groups

Classe 5 G Mathematics and History

Derivatives and Successions

The Protagonists of the Second World War

Classe 5 H PHYSICS

Special Relativity

Classe 5 I Physical Education

The Human Body:

The skeleton, The Muscles
The nervous system

La referente per la CLIL

Maria Rosaria Gismondi
Grottaferrata, 2 Dicembre 2014

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