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Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

August 25, 2014

Dear Student/Dear Family:
Welcome to our class and to our school.
Third grade is a transition year, when your child will learn to become responsible for
his/her own progress and success. This will be a time to discover, explore, and grow into
a brand new learning experience. Therefore, I look forward to providing your child with
the strategies needed for the acquisition of the right study, work habits and attitudes that
will assure him/her an enriching and rewarding school year.
I will aim at providing your children with the opportunities to develop ideal work and
study habits. We will, together in partnership with the home, instill in them the need to
become lifelong learners and problem solvers as well as independent, responsible and
respectful thinkers and citizens. Lets be unanimous in giving your child the best of
learning experiences they can have.
I realize that there will be a lot of new and novel ways of doing things and that can be
frustrating and overwhelming. For that reason, the first few weeks will be Getting-toKnow-You weeks for your child and for me. This will be a time to come together as a
team, assess, test and figure out what we need to do to guarantee a step forward into third
grade level of learning.
The overall objectives for this school year, therefore, are to offer your child a program of
studies that conforms to the DoDEA curriculum standards for the third grade, as well as,
to the needs, interests and abilities of your own
child. Together we can provide all the assistance and support your children need and I
need to do a job well done. Therefore, our school-home partnership is the key to their
progress and educational growth.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade
Third grade is definitely a transition year. This, in other words, is a year to consolidate
everything that your child has learned up to this point. As they become more mature and
more independent learners and thinkers, this is a time to gain mastery in reading, writing
and math, develop new strategies of learning and go forward.
I will be sharing more of the learning expectations, about the different programs and
strategies used at third grade, as well as the curriculum at a Getting-to-know-you
conference time sometime the next two weeks, when we will meet after school to share
information and get-to-know the schools expectations for your child, as well as find out
about his/her learning style, strengths and weaknesses. I will ask all of you to share
your email address with me so that we can keep in touch and informed on what is going
on in the class and the school.
I look forward to working with your child, and providing him/her a successful, fun and
enriching school year 2014-2015. Feel free to call me any time after school or to drop by
for a school chat.
Thank you,
S. G. De Melo

Our Class Pledge

I Pledge Allegiance to my class
And to the Learning for which it stands
I will work hard, listen and be a responsible student and
classroom citizen
I will try to do my best and be successful
I will be an independent learner and thinker.
I will start taking care of myself and my work.
I will respect myself and others
I will be a busy mind
and do what's important for me, my future and my

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Our vision is to provide a standards-based educational program in a safe, caring, and respectful
environment. We are working to develop lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Our mission is to provide an exemplary education that inspires and prepares all DoDEA students
for success in a dynamic, global environment
Goal 1: All Rota Elementary students will increase in communicating their understanding in all
curricular areas by demonstrating improved ability to gather, organize, and compose
information in both oral and written formats as measured by system-wide and school-based
Goal 2: All Rota Elementary students will increase in their ability to demonstrate an
understanding of number sense and number relations as measured by system-wide and schoolbased assessments. Such as: ordering numbers, representing numbers in equivalent forms,
identifying relationships and interpreting numbers in real-world situations.

Arrival Time:
Instruction starts at 8:30 sharp. Students are not to come to school before
8:10 A.M. At the sound of the whistle, third graders line up at the assigned
line up area. They are to stand in a straight line on the Red Circles for our
class when is time to do so. There should be no running, loud talk or
playing while they wait. By inclement weather, they will be directed to
come in. There is no walking around the hallways before school starts.
Our class has been assigned the following time for lunch 11:35-12:20 P.M. If
your child is purchasing a hot lunch they will need to have an account set up
at the NEX and then they will have a pin number that they will use to
purchase a lunch. If they bring their own lunch, it should be packed up in a

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

labeled lunchbox or lunch sack to avoid confusion. The cafeteria will not
accept any money.
Dismissal Time:
Class is dismissed at 15:00. They will be accompanied to the lower level and
then dismissed. Students are to walk in an orderly fashion and go directly to
where they need to go after school. Bus riders should go directly to the bus
and wait to be allowed into the buses. Any student who rides a bus will need
a note in case of a change of plans for any given day i.e. if they are to walk
or to go anywhere else instead.
Meeting Brothers, Sisters, and Friends
Students who are being picked up or are picking up siblings will be waiting
by the multi-purpose room or some other meeting place arranged by a
parent, teacher or the student, but outside the school building, not at
classroom doors or hallways.
I will ask you to drop in for a conference. We want to be in touch.
Communication between school and the home is very important for
students progress and development. We will start with a beginning of the
year Get-to-Know-You conference. I plan to meet with everyone the first
two weeks of school. I appreciate your participation and support in this
effort to get to know everyone.
Email/Internet Communication
I will be sending home by email a copy of the homework and any other
classroom correspondence by email, on weekly basis. For that purpose, we
ask that you share your email addresses with me.
Each day, your child will bring home his/her binder. Inside the binder will
be a STARS, (Students Training for Achievement, Responsibility and
Success) sheet. This STARS binder will have a list of the weekly
homework assignments, any special news of events coming up that week,

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

and a quality check sheet. This sheet needs to be signed each night by a
parent. It is to remain inside the binder each week until the end of the each
quarter. Please, make sure your check this sheet nightly. This is one form of
quick communication from me to you that is sent home every day.
That along with emailing and conferencing will be a way to keep in touch,
and thus optimize your childs academic performance. Please make an
effort to read and to respond, whenever necessary, to any and all
correspondence being sent home. Remember, home/school communication
is an important factor to your childs own success and motivation to do well.
He/She will care about his/her progress, if we all show that we care about
their efforts and achievements.
Early Student Pick Up:
If you need to pick up your child during the school day, you need to go to
the main office and sign them out first. The office will then call my room
and I will send your child down to the office. Please do not come to the
classroom and ask to pick up your child. If possible send a note or an email
to me so that we will be prepared for the early pick-up. If your child is going
to return to class afterwards, you will need to go to the office and sign them
back in and then they can walk back to the classroom themselves.
Visitor Passes:
All visitors to the school, anyone coming into the school, will need to stop
by the main office first in order to pick up a visitors pass. Anyone walking
the hallways without a pass may be asked to go back and geet the visitors
pass. This is done for reasons of school security.

Nutrition Break:
Students will be allowed a nutrition break at 10:25 each day. This is just a
small healthy snack, like a granola bar, an apple (slices), some grapes,
raisins, a small package of fruit chews, etc. it needs to be something that can
be eaten in 10 minutes. This is not a meal. Please, dont have them bring
extra drinks, cookies, chips, etc. They may have a water bottle at all time. I
suggest that the water bottle be one with a sippy pull up top on it. This is
so that if the bottle tips over, the water doesnt spill out on everything.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Your child will have a reasonable amount of homework, Monday through
Thursday, and writing journals for weekend writing. Homework will be sent
home via e-mail over the weekend and a hard copy will be handed out to
your child on Monday morning at school. I appreciate parent feedback on
homework volume. We do not want homework to be a torture for children.
Let me know at any time if there is too much or too little, so that I can adjust
accordingly. Different students are paced differently. The intent is to have
students practice, prepare and generate some learning on their own. A
parents job is to allow them to work independently, guide, orient, and offer
help only if needed. If a student is having problems engaging; is taking too
long to complete the assignment, but have done the best they could to tackle
the homework, just sign the homework logbook as proof that they were
engaged in the homework, but did not have the time to finish everything, or
something else happened that prevented them from completing the
Homework will not be given out over an extended holiday recess; however,
there may be some type of challenge work that students may want to take
part in for extra credit.
Any student going on a family trip will write a report about their trip and
share that in class. Students will be expected to make up any missed work
upon coming back. We discourage traveling during Testing time, i.e.
beginning of the year, for the SRI, BAS, pearsonsuccess reading and math
series diagnostic and beginning of-the-year, end-of-the-year tests and Terra
Nova week in March.
Students will also be involved in turning in book reports, and engaging in
special projects. Your support at having students turn in quality work is
much appreciated.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Students keep a reading textbook at home for homework reading

assignments. Your child will also be encouraged to read on the books,
magazines, online stories and articles of their choice. They will be asked to
use such strategies as letter writing, summarizing/reflection paragraphs,
story maps, drawings, outlines, etc. of the reading they do.
Writing is one of the School Improvement Goals. It will be our focus to be
fluent not only in reading, but also in writing. For that reason, we will be
assigned spelling homework that will ask students to write sentences with
the spelling words. We will also be given vocabulary words to look up the
definition and write sentences for those words.

Composition Notebooks
We will use 5 composition notebooks. They will be used as logbooks for
reading, writing, quizzes, math, homework and social studies/science. They
will be kept in the classroom and shared with parents at conference times.
Each student needs to have 2 3ring binders ( not the bulky kind). One of
those binders will be used as their Take-Home binder, which will contain the
STARS sheet, Homework Log, and other information that is being sent

The other binder is the Data Binder that will be kept at school and sent home
periodically for parents to review with the child and comment on.
Pocket Folders:
This is an important supply for your child to have. All correspondence goes
home in these folders such as homework, notes to parents, school
newsletters, fundraiser activities, field trip permission forms, etc. If you have
a note for us, it should be put into this folder. Completed homework goes in
the folder and then the folder is turned in the following day. These folders

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

keep the papers given to the students organized. This folder is to be kept in
the childs binder.
Homework logbook:
Students will be expected to keep all written homework assignments in a
homework notebook/logbook. Loose leave written assignments are
Grading Rubric:
When correcting, I use a rubric where one indicates excellent quality work
or A. A two or B indicates very good work, but some mistakes or better
quality was expected, and three or C indicates a poor quality work, where
more effort and application was needed. I will also write comments like
excellent, very good, good, could be better or more effort needed, and poor
quality work. Other times I will use four stars to indicate excellent work,
three stars to indicate good work and two stars to indicate adequate to
satisfying work quality. Occasionally, I will use a happy face, a straight face
or a sad face to show corresponding work quality. You will also see grades
like 7/10 or 28/30 and so on, indicating how many correct responses there
were out of whatever numbers of questions in any given assignment. I also
use a Capital letter C that stands for Correct and a cross or a line through
the answer to indicate wrong.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

At the end of the quarter, students will receive a report card. The grades that
they receive each quarter will not correlate to any letter or academic grade.
CD shows that student has mastered or is consistently displaying any third
grade concept. P is for progressing, and N is for any concept not yet
I believe that students work should be neat and reflect their best work.
Students should strive to turn in topnotch quality work as an exercise in
excellence. We will be learning keyboarding and cursive writing and they
will be expected to write complete or meaningful sentences and be able to
summarize and do reports on stories and books read. Students will be asked
to keep logbooks neat and to practice organizational skills.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

1 pencil set (12) of #2 pencils to be shared with the class. Special pencils,
eraser, etc. are kept as the students personal property in their cubbies.
1 glue stick
1 small bottle of Elmers glue
1 pair of scissors
2 two-pocket folders (plain)
1 set of crayons or colored pencils
1 supply pouch for keeping pencils
5 one-subject notebooks or ring notebooks
1 small pencil sharpener
1 eraser
1 ruler
1 box 9 not small pack) of tissues
(No bulky notebooks or trapper keepers, please)
These items should be replenished whenever needed. Other items may be
necessary as the school year goes by. Please keep all valuable/more expensive
and eye catching items at home. We will not be responsible

Birthdays and/or Other Celebrations

If you wish to send in a treat for your childs birthday, do so during snacktime or lunch recess time.
CSI Continuous School Improvement
Our School Improvement Plan is on two areas:
Goal 1: All students will increase in communicating their understanding
in all curricular areas by demonstrating improved ability to gather, organize,
and compose information in both oral and written formats as measured by
system-wide and school-based assessments.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Goal 2: All Rota Elementary students will increase in their ability to

demonstrate an understanding of number sense and number relations as
measured by system-wide and school-based assessments.
Fluency in reading, or how fast and how well one reads, determines success
in many other academic areas. Please encourage your children to read
Teachers and adults should be reading as they model what
is expected from students.
Students should self-select or choose what they will
Students are tested on SRI or Scholastic Reading Inventory one of the first
week at school to determine their reading level. Students should make an
effort to focus and to try their best.
Daily Reading Log
A reading log sheet will be part of your childs daily assignments. Students
read and parents check their minutes or pages read and sign the log sheet.
Making reading a routine is a step forward to reading excellence.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Tentative DeMelos Third Grade Schedule









Morning Routines:
Lunch Count




rk Areas

er Lab
k Areas

Work Areas



















spelling games












1405-1445 *Science/Soc
. St./Health





SSR (sustained

SSR (sustained

SSR (sustained

silent reading)

silent reading)

silent reading)



silent reading)


Specials Schedule

Day One

Day Two

Day Three



Day Four


Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Mr. DeMelos Third Grade STARS

Students Training for Achievement, Responsibility, and Success

Dear Third Grade Parents,

Here is a little gift for you as you leave your precious one
with me on the first day of school.
A cotton ball ( as you hold this cotton ball in your hand, the
softness will help you to remember the gentle spirit of your
Kleenex ( to use to dry your tears after you have gone home)
Tea Bag ( make yourself a cup of tea, put your feet up and
A stick of gum (to remind you that you and I must stick
together as we work for your child to be the best they can
Thank you for entrusting your child to me for the coming school
year. I will do my very best every day to be your childs guide in
learning and exploring.

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade



I have a great job in the universe of occupations. What do I do? I'm a "star
It's a very important job. If you want to know how important, just go out at
night and look at the stars twinkling and sparkling.
You see, I'm a teacher. The stars are the children in my class. My job is to
take them--in whatever shape they come--and shine and buff them and then
send them out to take their places as bright, twinkling beacons in the sky.
They come into my room in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they're bent,
tarnished, dirty, crinkly, or broken. Some stars are cuddly and soft. Some
are prickly and thorny.
As I buff and polish, I train and teach my little stars; I tell them that the
world cannot do without them. I tell them they can do anything they set their
minds to. I tell them they can be the brightest, shiniest stars in the sky and
the world will be a better place because of them.
Each night as I look at the sky, I'm reminded of my very important job and
awesome responsibility. Then I get my soft buffing cloth and my bottle of
polish in preparation for tomorrowfor my class of little stars.

--Leah Becks

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Weekly STARS

Third Grade 2014-2015


Student Name:______________________________
Week of:___________________________________

Daily Report: Quality

1- inappropriate 2- weak 3- satisfactory

4- Strong 5-
















End of the Week Report:

O- Outstanding
S= Satisfactory/OK
N=Needs Improvement
Quality Attention
Works independently and uses time
Demonstrates self control
Uses classroom manners.
and discipline
Produces neatly, quality
Committed to learning.
Reading/Writing Critical
Number Relationships
Parent Signature:___________________ Student Signature:________________
(Please sign and return on Monday).

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

Rota Elementary School

FPO, AE 09645
Mr. DeMelos Third Grade

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