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Political Manifesto

The only true natural rights that all people have are the right to life and the
right to liberty. Nobody should be able to take your life away, either physically or
metaphorically. This means that no one has the right to be able to kill you, or even
keep you from living your life. Things like blackmail and threats of violence can take
your life away just as well as a knife. Liberty allows you to live your life the way that
you want to, meaning that you can make all of your own decisions without someone
telling you what to do. God does not give rights, you can either be born with them,
like natural rights, or you have to earn them. This is because there are many
religions in the world, so not everyone believes in the same God.

A social contract is an agreement between two or more parties that usually
states that they will both work together and protect each other. The right to govern
a people should come from the consent of the majority of the people because
everyone cant agree on one person. Even if some people were unhappy with the
new government, most of the people would be happy with it.

A legitimate government is a group of people selected to rule by the majority
of the people, in order to protect their rights. But a government can be illegitimate
as well, meaning that there was a hostile takeover or a (usually) military operation
to take control of the country. Government is necessary because without a
government, there would be no laws or rules, so people would run wild and do crazy
things. The purpose of a (legitimate) government is to provide for people who
cannot provide for themselves, and to protect the rights of all the people. If a
government stops protecting those rights, violates them, or starts protecting
themselves instead of their people, the social contract that was made at the
formation of the government would be broken.

If that social contract is broken, the people have the right to rebel, called the
Right of Rebellion. It is a good idea, because if a government stops providing for its
people, hurts them, or becomes corrupt, the people have to overthrow it in order to
create a new, better government and social contract. Some situations in which the
people would have the right to rebel against their government would be: a hostile
takeover, the government being no longer interested in the safety of the people, an
illegitimate government being formed, etc. This Right of Rebellion keeps the
government in check and makes some rules for the ruler, in order to keep a
government focused on its peoples safety and well-being.

Dachtler, Gregory

Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 2:59:10 PM Pacific Standard Time


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