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Catcher Progression Checklist

Phase I: Signal Position

Step 1) Feet shoulder width apart
Step 2) Knees pointed at pitchers shoulders
Step 3) Fingers on inseam
Step 4) Protect signal from 3B coach
Step 5) Watch for peaking from batter
Phase II: Distance from Batter
Step 1) Glove to elbow rule
Phase III: Shifting/Swaying
Step 1) Split plate down middle to adjust to the side of pitch
Step 2) Shift over as late as possible
Step 3) Keep ball in middle of body Illusion- Inside/outside pitches can pull
glove momentum away from zone, appearing to the umpire as far outside.
Phase IV: Primary Stance [no runners on base]
Step 1) Feet shoulder width apart with weight on balls of feet, Toes with slight
angle (Swaying Purposes), heels off ground (stay low & wide to absorb)
Step 2) Glove elbow flexed and outside of knee, still out front of body (relaxed)
Step 3) Throwing hand (thumb tucked) behind hamstring area
Phase V: Secondary Stance [runners on bases]
Step 1) 1st Priority is the BALL!
Step 2) Right foot instep into left foot, on the balls of feet
Step 3) Butt higher up
Step 4) Feet are wider than shoulder width
Step 5) Throw hand behind glove for quicker exchange
Appendix A: Framing (1/4 Turns)
Note 1) Wrist relaxes at pitchers breakpoint
Note 2) Pull ball back into middle of body [No Excessive Pulls]
Note 3) turns, turning ball into middle of body, to aid in umpires decision
Appendix B: Blocking-Block it, dont catch It!
Note 1) Dont be tight, be relaxed
Note 2) Legs and feet spread out, trying to minimize V hole.
Note 3) Head down- Chin to chest
Note 4) Fork glove position in V hole.
Note 5) Try to kill ball back toward pitcher or home plate.
Note 6) Slump-Angle shoulders, get angled AROUND ball.
Note 7) Drive off opposite playside leg.
Note 8) Collaspe playside knee and swing butt around with slide.

Appendix C: Fielding the Position

A. Rounding to the ball-square to 1B (communicate with 1B)
B. Dont scoop- Sandwich ball when straddling it
C. Bring ball to chest, Step and Throw

Trailing runner to first with no runners on.


Calling plays from home plate


Plays at the plate

A. Anchor left heel at front tip of plate. Always give base runner back tip.
Toes up 3B line for knee give, Do not straddle plate.
B. Stay low and look for hops.
C. Catch it, ball in meat hand inside glove. Runner coming in, collapse back
knee with left knee still up, tag with backside of glove.

Appendix D: Popups- Be like an outfielder

Note 1) Find ball
Note 2) Throw mask when ball reaches its peak
Note 3) The ball will spin back toward the infielder, catcher must turn back to
infield, so the ball will back spin toward him.
Note 4) Two hand catch with flexed elbows
Appendix E: Throwing- Stay low for a low throw
Jump Turn- stay behind plate
A. bow and arrow & T Position
B. Close up front side
C. Butt out
D. Flexed arms and legs
E. 4Seam Grip
F. Fingers on top of ball (wrapped)
G. Dont step on plate

Jab Step- quicker catcher/less arm strength

Pop time of 2.3 or below

Appendix F: Drills and Demonstrations

Plate work (blocks, force plays, plays at plate)

Pop ups
Blow out, blow back
Communication ( Lining up cutoffs, where to throw)
Receiving ( Swaying, shifting, turns, framing)
Throwing to all bases

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