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Arroyo 1

Romanticismo, Realismo y Naturalismo.

Literatura decimonnica y la forja de la
Espaa moderna
Espaol 331 Bloque 5, 2015
Profesor: Daniel Arroyo-Rodrguez, Ph.D. (AH 313)
Oficina: Lunes, Mircoles y Viernes de 2:30 a 4 pm. y por cita previa.
La libertad, con su inmortal
aliento, santa diosa, mi
espritu encenda
(J. de Espronceda)

El siglo XIX marca el nacimiento de la nacin moderna espaola y sienta las bases de la
estructura social y poltica de la Espaa contempornea. A nivel poltico y social, se suceden distintas
constituciones (1812, 1834, 1856, 1862, 1869, 1876); una Guerra de Independencia; tres guerras carlistas;
la Guerra de Cuba (1898); y La Gloriosa (1868), la primera revolucin social en Espaa. Entre las
profundas transformaciones que tienen lugar en este periodo se encuentran la creacin de las bases del
sistema liberal espaol, que convivir con el tradicionalismo y el nacionalismo; la superacin del
absolutismo; la irrupcin en la vida poltica de las clases medias; el desarrollo de la vida urbana; y el
desmoronamiento de la Espaa imperial. Ms an, en el siglo XIX se cristalizan posturas ideolgicas que
ms tarde se confrontan en la Guerra Civil Espaola (1936-39) y que marcarn en lo sucesivo la sociedad
y la cultura peninsular. Todas estas circunstancias hacen del siglo XIX un periodo cuyo estudio es
fundamental para la comprensin de la Espaa tanto moderna como contempornea.
En el plano literario, caballeros deshonrados se baten a muerte en duelos de honor; amantes
desesperados se lanzan por tenebrosos precipicios antes que aceptar el desamor; guerrilleros improvisados
se enfrentan a ejrcitos convencionales para defender la corona; vivos y muertos se confunden en tramas
espectrales. A nivel formal, se exalta la libertad y se rompe con las rigideces del neoclasicismo. En cuanto
a los gneros literarios, se cultivan efusivamente el teatro, la novela, la poesa, el folletn, el cuento y el
artculo de costumbres. Todo ello hace del siglo XIX un periodo de amplia riqueza cultural en el que
brillan algunas de las plumas ms brillantes de la literatura en espaol: Rosala de Castro, Benito Prez
Galds, Carolina Coronado, etc.
A nivel pedaggico, este curso propone un estudio slido de la literatura espaola del siglo XIX.
Las lecturas, tareas y discusiones tienen como propsito ayudar a los estudiantes a construir un marco
conceptual que facilite su comprensin de los contenidos, que les permita expandir sus conocimientos y
desarrollar sus habilidades crticas de forma autnoma. En relacin al desarrollo de habilidadesy
partiendo de la premisa de que todo texto literario est sujeto a una multiplicidad de perspectivas e
interpretaciones se fomentar la lectura crtica de acuerdo a instrumentos propios del anlisis literario
como, por ejemplo, mediante la identificacin e interpretacin de figuras literarias, la parfrasis, la
analoga entre distintos textos, etc. Utilizaremos tambin textos crticos para discutir obras primarias. De
este modo, este curso invita al estudiante, no slo a comprender los contenidos que se proponen, sino
tambin a interpretarlo, cuestionarlo y a responder al mismo de una forma crtica. A efectos de
evaluacin, los estudiantes producirn tres ensayos crticos en los que explicarn las caractersticas
principales de los textos estudiados y desarrollarn un argumento crtico propio. Adems de reforzar el
aprendizaje del alumno, estas actividades, junto a una prueba escrita (Midterm quiz), la participacin en
clase y una presentacin oral se utilizarn como instrumentos de evaluacin. Finalmente, este curso
enfatiza el valor de la diversidad, la cooperacin y el respeto acadmico.

Arroyo 2

Course Description: In this course we will explore the major literary movements of 19th century
Spain through some of its most renowned authors, such as Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer, Rosala de
Castro or Benito Prez Galds. We will analyze a selection of literary texts in relation to the
movements in which they are conceived, such as realism, romanticism, costumbrism, etc. In
addition to poetry, plays, articles, and short stories, we will also analyze Francisco de Goyas
etchings Los desastres de la guerra, Giuseppe Verdis opera La forza del destino inspired
in Duque de Rivas Don lvaro o la fuerza del sino and films contextualized in this period. We
will also explore key social and political issues that affect literary production in Spain at this
time, such as the War of Independence (1808-1812), the Revolution of 1868, the Restoration, or
the advent of the middle classes into political life. Finally, we will also study critical and
theoretical texts that will inform the students literary and cultural analysis. As a result, students
will develop a solid perspective of 19th century peninsular literature that may help them to better
understand modern and contemporary Spain, and motivate an in-depth approach to this area of
Accomodations: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation should contact me
privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact Accessibility Resources at 719-227-8285
to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.
Honor Code: Students are expected to read and understand the Honor Code System. Any
violation of this system will be handled by the Honor Council.

Intermediate-advanced command of the Spanish language

Spanish 305. Spanish 306 (highly recommended)

Learning Objectives: During this course students will:


Acquire a general understanding of 19th century Spanish literature and culture

Reinforce their communicative competence/fluency in Spanish
Develop their ability to express ideas in a clear and concise manner
Communicate an informed personal response to a literary text and support their

interpretations with textual evidence

Relate literary works to one another and synthesize ideas that connect them into a

tradition or a literary movement

Develop skills of interactive learning, such as introducing topics for discussion,

negotiating meaning, establishing analogies, defining concepts, etc.

- Learn how to seek out further knowledge about an author and his/her literary work
Instructional Methods: In this course, lectures will be reduced to essential background
information and to the explanation of cultural and technical concepts that we will further develop

Arroyo 3
through small group discussion and written assignments. Students will need to come to class
prepared to discuss the readings assigned in the weekly schedule. We will reinforce our study of
literature with the discussion of critical texts, Francisco de Goyas artwork and Giuseppi Verdis
opera La forza del destino. We will also study the films Sangre de mayo (2008), by Jos Lus
Garc, and Adis, Cordera! (1966), by Pedro Mario Herrera.
NOTE 1: This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish
NOTE 2: In the films, students may find obscene language, violence and sexual references.
Please, let me know in advance if you have any concern about these contents.
NOTE 3: Students are expected to study an average of 4 hours per day outside the classroom.
Please, make sure that you can dedicate this amount of time to the course

Meetings: Monday to Friday from 9:10 am to 12:15 pm. We will meet from 9:10 to 12:40 pm.
on 1/22, 1/30 and 2/6.
Essays (3): In this course, students will write three essays. As an essential part of the writing and
research process, students need to propose their own essay topics. I will be happy to assist
students in choosing these topics during my office hours. When writing these essays, students
need to use Times New Roman, font size 12 and double space. The first essay must be no shorter
than 4 pages (about 1200 words). The second essay must be no shorter than 5 pages (about 1500
words). The third essay must be no shorter than 6 pages long (about 1800 words). In these
essays, it is advisable to relate the text or topic under discussion to class activities and to
previous essay/s (not applicable in the case of the first essay). Essays will be submitted on the
dates marked on the calendar. All essays will be peer-reviewed in class. For these revisions,
students need to bring to class a well-developed draft.
Canvas Presentations: Students will prepare and submit digital presentations through Canvas.
Students are expected to conduct preliminary research before posting their presentations. During
the online presentations, however, students will not be allowed to use notes. Each presentation
must be between 4 and 5 min. In addition to the quality of the students responses, time
management will be evaluated. Examples and instructions of how to accomplish this activity will
be provided in class. These activities will allow students to present themselves effectively in a
digital environment.
Quizzes (Midterm and Second Quiz) The purpose of these quizzes is to help students assess
their own understanding and assimilation of the contents covered in the course and also their
learning strategies. Possible questions include, but are not restricted to, the following examples:

Relate different texts and authors to a literary movement

Describe a literary text. What are its most relevant characteristics?

Arroyo 4

Explain why did or didnt you enjoy a literary text or film

Explain the similarities and differences between two literary texts
Explain the relevance of an excerpt in relation to a literary work
Write a brief summary of a text studied in class

Oral presentations: Understanding a text requires basic knowledge of the historical context in
which a work of literature appears. Starting on 1/26, each day one or two students will make an
oral presentation about the topic assigned for that day in the syllabus. The purpose of this
assignment is to assemble some basic biographical information about the author or about the
historical and cultural context in which a particular work is produced. Students may also choose
to present an academic article they consider relevant, the chapter of a book, or to facilitate a
critical discussion of a specific topic. Students are expected to support their presentations with
textual evidence and, if possible, with visual materials. Presentations should be 15-20 minutes
long. You need to be clear and avoid rambling and digression. You also need to be prepared to
answer questions about your presentation. You will conclude your presentation by moderating a
class discussion about a topic that you will propose. At the end, your professor and your
colleagues will evaluate your presentation according to an evaluation form that I will provide at
the beginning of each oral presentation.
Cooperation Bonus: This course values cooperation among students as a tool to enhance their
learning and communicative skills. Cooperation is expected both inside and outside the
classroom. In order to recognize students efforts and commitment in this area, each student will
award 1% of recognition grade to another student that has significantly helped him/her achieve
the goals of the course. This grade will be added to the recipients final grade. Each student can
receive a maximum of 5% recognition grade and a minimum of 0. The concession of the
recognition grade is strictly confidential and will be submitted on the last day of class. In order to
submit a cooperation award, the student will need to fill the appropriate form, which will be
provided on the last day of class.
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2:30 to 4 pm. and by appointment.
Attendance to office hours is not only highly recommended but also expected. It is mandatory to
make a midterm appointment to discuss your progress and grades with me. If you cannot meet
during my office hours, please contact me to make an appointment. The best way to contact me
is by email. All official communication concerning this course will take place via email.
Late work: Your grade will be reduced 10% for each day it is late (except in cases which are
properly justified.) Please, see attendance policy below regarding the justification of absences.

Class Participation: 10%

Arroyo 5
Midterm quiz: 10%
Quiz 2: 10 %
Canvas Presentations (4): 15%
Oral presentation: 10%
First Essay: 10%
Second Essay: 15%
Third Essay: 20%
Grading Policies:
Participation: Class participation is defined by the students thoughtful contributions to class,
showing that he/she is engaging intellectually with the material and fostering an environment of
learning for all course participants. Regular attendance, punctuality, and active and informed
class participation are crucial to succeed in this class and will be reflected in the students class
participation grade. The student is expected to do all the reading assignments marked on the
calendar before coming to class. Coming to class unprepared will affect the students
participation grade.
Evaluation of drafts and essays: Throughout the block, students will regularly receive
personalized and specific feedback on the quality of their drafts and essays. This is a brief guide
of how their written work will be graded.
A >> Your work is highly coherent. You discuss a specific topic or text critically and you
acknowledge its relevance. You support your arguments with relevant textual evidence and with
literary analysis.
B >> Your work is coherent. You touch on some relevant issues. You support your
arguments with some textual evidence. Your literary analysis still needs some
C >> Your work is not always coherent. You overlook relevant issues. You do not
provide textual evidence to support your argument. You rely more on
description than on analysis.
D >> Your work shows little coherence. It lacks substance and detail. Your writing is
not clear. You do not identify relevant issues. You barely support your arguments
with textual evidence.

Attendance policy: Attendance and punctuality are mandatory, and will be recorded at each
class session. Unexcused absences and coming to class late will affect the students final
participation grade according to the following guidelines:
1 hour of unexcused absence and 1 late arrival, do not affect students participation

Arroyo 6
The students final grade will be lowered 1% for every hour of unexcused absence
after the first one, and 0.5% for each time he/she arrives late without a justification.
If the student misses a class (or part of a class) and his/her absence is not properly
excused, he/she will be personally responsible for contacting a class colleague and
finding out about the content and the information that he/she has missed.
Note: An absence may be excused in accordance with the following guidelines:

Illness. The student needs to provide written documentation indicating the date/s when
he/she was seen at the doctors office.
Religious holidays. Only religious holidays approved by Colorado College can be
Athletic events. Students who are involved in Colorado College athletic teams must
provide written documentation.

Texts: Students will need to purchase the following texts at CC Bookstore:

1. Benito Perez Galdos. El 19 de marzo y el 2 de mayo. Ed. Alianza Editorial. 1a ed. 2001,
2. Duque de Rivas. Don lvaro o la fuerza del sino. Ed. Ctedra. 30th ed. 2010, Madrid.
4. Pedro Antonio de Alarcn. El sombrero de tres picos. Ed. Ctedra, 26th ed. 2005, Madrid.
The instructor will provide additional readings through handouts and pdf. files.
Semana 1
Temas: Introduccin y Guerra de la
a) Introduccin al siglo XIX:
b) Francisco de Goya. Los desastres
de la guerra (Grabados)

Tema: Narrativas Histricas I. Las historietas

a) Teora: Pedro Prez de la Blanca Sales.
El fenmeno afrancesado
b) Pedro Antonio de Alarcn
1. El carbonero-alcalde
Tema: Narrativas Histricas II. El origen de
la nacin moderna espaola. La novela

Arroyo 7

a) Benito Prez Galds: El 19 de
marzo y el 2 de mayo (Novela) (pp. 46135)
Tema: Narrativas Histricas III. El origen de
la nacin moderna espaola.
a) Benito Prez Galds: El 19 de marzo
y el 2 de mayo (Novela) (pp. 135-Final)
b) What is a Nation? Renan.
c) Revisin de borradores

Tema: La representacin de la Guerra de la

Independencia en el cine contemporneo
a) Pelcula: Sangre de Mayo (2008).
Director: Jos Lus Garc
b) Entregar ensayo 1 antes de las 3 pm.

Semana 2
(Empiezan las presentaciones orales)

Tema: Costumbrismo. Artculos de

a) Teora: Jos Escobar: Costumbrismo:
Estado de la cuestin (Jstor)
b) Mariano Jos de Larra
1. El castellano Viejo

Tema: Poesa romntica 1

a) Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer. Rimas

Tema: Poesa romntica 2


a) Jos de Espronceda: Canto a Teresa/

Arroyo 8
Cancin del pirata
b) Carolina Coronado: Gloria de las
Tema: Prosa romntica2
a) Pedro Antonio de Alarcn. Fin de
una novela
b) G.A. Bcquer. El Miserere
Quiz 1
Tema: Prosa romntica 2. Leyendas
(Midterm appointments; Please, make an
appointment with your instructor to discuss
your progress and grades)

a) G.A. Bcquer. Maese Prez el

b) Teora: Armand F. Baker: SelfRealization in the Leyendas of
Gustavo Adolfo Bcquer.
c) Revisin de borradores

Semana 3
a) Tema: Teatro romntico I
(Midterm appointments; Please, make an
appointment with your instructor to discuss
your progress and grades)

a) Duque de Rivas.
Don lvaro o la fuerza del sino
b) Teora. Linda Materna: Ideologa y la
representacin de lo femenino en don
Alvaro o la Fuerza del sino
c) Entregar ensayo 2 al final de la
Tema: Teatro romntico 2

a) Duque de Rivas. Don lvaro o la
fuerza del sino
b) Giuseppe Verdis La forza del
destino (Opera)

Arroyo 9
Mujer y poesa decimonnica
a) Teora. John Wilcox:
Gynoliteratura: Estrategias
discursivas en la literatura de mujer
b) Josefa Masans: de Resolucin
c) Rosala de Castro: Follas Novas

Tema: Mujer y realismo

a) Emilia Pardo Bazn. Medias Rojas
b) Discusin sobre el ensayo final:
temas, composicin y anlisis.


Tema: Entre el romanticismo y el realismo.

a) Pedro Antonio de Alarcn. El
sombrero de tres picos.
b) Revisin de borradores

Semana 4
Tema: Entre el romanticismo y el realismo.
9 /2
a) Pedro Antonio de Alarcn. El
Sombrero de tres picos.
Tema: Naturalismo
a) Leopoldo Alas Clarn. Adis,
a) Pelcula. Adis, Cordera! (1966).
Dir. Pedro Mario Herrera
Entrega de ensayo final

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