Anda di halaman 1dari 1


You are going to hold a conversation with your teacher and

share as much information about yourself as you can. Be prepared to answer the
following questions, and then share what you would like about the topics below,
and then ask your teacher a question:
Cmo ests? Qu tal?
Cmo te llamas?
Qu te gusta (ms)? Por qu?
Cmo eres t?
Qu te gusta hacer?
Qu no te gusta hacer?
Cul es tu clase favorita y por qu?
Qu comes para el desayuno o el almuerzo?
Qu bebes para el desayuno o almuerzo?
Qu te gusta ms, el desayuno o el almuerzo?
Topics: Use the space to write in ideas and notes.
1. What you are like
Yo soy.(atrevido/a, etc.)
2. What you are not like
No soy.
3. What do you like to do
Me gusta (me encanta). (practicar deportes, tocar el piano, etc)
4. What dont you like.
No me gusta.
5. What classes you have and what you need for your classes
Tengo ____ clases. Tengo la clase de. Necesito
6. What is your favorite class and why
Mi clase favorita es porque
7. What foods do you like for breakfast and lunch. What do you drink?
Yo como (me gusta comer) y bebo para el desayuno, para el almuerzo.

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