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Tutorial Week 4
Awang Syarifuddin Afif
Lahung Wan
Rosman Drahman


arrangement some of the tables are not

suitable for pupils to study. Examples: 1.The
round table at the middle of the class which
should be in front of the class or at the back of
the class. 2. Horizontal arrangement of tables.
Usage of chalkboard. Dust may be harmful to
the pupils or the teachers.
One table with one pupil at the back of the
class is like stranded from the other

Ways to Solve Problems


round table should change to a rectangle/long

table which can be easily to make the pupils
interact with each other. The horizontal tables
position change to V-shaped position to make
pupils easier to look at the whiteboard.
Change the chalkboard to interactive
board/whiteboard that using a marker pen.
One more table should be arrange with the
rectangular table that been changed from the
round table. Or may be can be used as a timeout.

The arrangement of tables in a V-shaped position will
make the pupils easily to give attention to the teacher in
front of the class; do not have to turn their bodies. When
there is a group work, the pupils can face each other by
sitting face-to-face with the members of the group. E.g. 5
members in each group sitting with 2 pupils at the other
side of table and 3 other face-to-face with them.
Round table changed to rectangular tables enable pupils
to maximize the interaction/discussion. To make them
comfortable. V shaped position.
Timeout table at the back of the class for the pupil who
disobey the rules stated in the class.
Use of whiteboard so that the teacher and the pupils are
safe from the danger of chalks dust.

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