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BT'SH- Ul 10-052 B. Tech Degree III Semester Examination in Naval Architecture and Ship Building November 2010 ST 03 N2 BASIC SHIP THEORY Time :3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100 1. (@__ Draw neat sketches of the lines plan of shin consisting of (Profile view showing buttock lines i) Half-breadth plan showing waterlines and the diagonal curve ee aera « (b) Explain the process of fairing of alinesplan. @) a eho vapiec p fl Waterplane area Gi) LCF from midship TPC (iv) Transverse Moment of Inertia of waterplane (¥) Longitudinal Moment of Inertia of waterplane about LCF. 111, (@)__ Explain the terms Bonjean Area and Bonjean Moment. List the steps to get Volume of Displacement, LCB and VCB, given the Bonjean curves at different stations and the trim line. (b) The half-ordinates of a transverse section of a ship at different heights above base line are as follows : Height T Above | Aowe foo | | Line x) OS et oie st | et | esas ao) wore | 00 | o0ss | 0222 ons | ao ss | ss 010 (Caloulate Bonjean area and moment at 6m water ‘OR IV. (a) Define Transverse Metacentric Radium BMy and Longitudinal Metacentric Radius BM, (b) Derive the formulae for BM and BM. V. @_ Define the terms TPC and MCTIcm. Derive expressions for both. (b) Arrectangular box shaped ship has a length of 60 m, breadth of 12 m, draft of 6 m in sea water , KG of 4 m above base line and LCG of 0.5 m aft of midship. Calculate @ GMr Gi) MCTI om (v) Trim OR VI (a) Define the terms : Block coefficient (ii) Prismatic coefficient iil) Vertical Prismatic coefficient (iv) Midship section area coefficient (¥) Waterplane are coefficient ®) (20) (19) (10) (8) aay ao) )) ao) (P.1.0) VIL va. o @ ©) &) [A ship has L_= 120m, Breadth = 20 m, draft = 9m, mass displacement (ext.) in sea ‘water 17712 tonnes, At 20 m draft, waterplane area = 2016 m? , midship section area =17im. Calculate i) Block coefficient Gi) Prismatic coefficient i) Vertical Prismatic coefficient (iv) Midship section area coefficient () — Waterplane are coefficient ‘Sketch the typical hydrostatics curves ofa ship and name each curve. Describe the various uses f hydrostatic curves in ship calculations. oR Explain the effect of change in water density on the mean draft of a ship. Derive a formula to calculate the change in mean draft when a ship goes from water of one density to water of another density ‘The ship with dimensions as described in Question VI (b) enters from sea water of density 1025 kg/m? to fresh water of density 998 kg/m’ . Calculate the change in mean draft. Waterplane area can be assumed to be constant within this range of drafts. Answer any four ofthe following :- (@ State the Laws of floatation and derive the conditions of ‘equilibrium of a floating body. State and prove Simpson's I" Rule for numerical integration. What could be the limiting values of BM; and BM, at zero draft, for a flat bottomed ship? Give reasons for your answer. ‘What is reserve buoyancy? How will you ensure that a ship has adequate reserve buoyancy? (¥) Define the terms margin line and permeability. How does permeability affect the floodable length? ao ao) c)} ao) (any (4x5=20)

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