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Taken For Granted

How nice it must be,

to wake up
next to the one you love.
to never question
their loyalty to you.
Or just to be able to look into
their living eyes,
and see your own reflection.

How sweet it must be,

to kiss your lovers lips,
and feel their hands,
feeling you.
Hear kind words
spoken right into your ear,
with no space,
or machine between you.

How easy it must be,

to take these things for granted,
when you've never been separated,
never had doubts,
only the real thing right in front of you.
So that you could touch it,
taste it,
on a daily basis.

And how free you must be,

to love with passion and zeal.
To simply reach out,
and there they are,
with no questions,
no conditions,
only acceptance and certainty.


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