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Anabasis Alexandri. Gale World History in Context. Detroit: Gale,
2014. World History in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
Arrian Anabasis wrote the Anabasis Alexandri around 150 CE. This
book is the oldest account of Alexanders military campaigns. It is also
based off of now lost eye-witness accounts. The Anabasis Alexandri
helped me understand the military and strategic side of Alexanders
mind that allowed him to be such a success and make such a huge
impact on modern society.
Library of History. The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. Don
Nardo. Ed. Robert
Kebric. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2007. 202. World History in Context.
Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
The Library of History was written by Diodorus Siculus, a Greek
historian from Italy. Diodorus books provide information on history for
many years, Alexanders reign included. Having only been alive about
300 years after Alexanders death, the Library of History books are
some of the oldest accounts of history. It has allowed me to see history
in a view of the past.
The Conquests of Alexander the Great (334 BCE 323 BCE). Gale
Encyclopedia of World
History: War. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
The Conquests of Alexander the Great was written in 2008. It has
allowed me to have an overview of Alexanders life and his cousins,
Philip, who was sent to live in the city of Thebes to get an education.
Philip was also one of Alexanders later successors. This document
provides information on the victory and reputation Alexander left when
he was killed.
The Military Campaigns of Alexander the Great. World Eras. Ed. John T.
Kirby. Vol. 6:

Classical Greek Civilization, 800-323 BCE. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001.

35-36. World History in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
This document on the military campaigns on Alexander the Great
provide a lot of much needed and useful information about his plans
and his work. It also allows an inside look on where he planned on
going to conquer and how he managed to become such a big success.
Geagan, Daniel J. The Genius of Alexander the Great. Canadian Journal of
History 33.3
(1998): 437. World History in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2014.
The document The Genius of Alexander the Great is a good source
for this project simply because of the information and background it
provides. It tells how Alexander was such a great leader and why. Not
only that, but it gives a background idea as to what he left behind as a
legacy and why its legacy.
The Empire of Alexander. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Jan. 2015.
This picture was useful for my project to represent/show how much
Alexander's empire expanded over 11 years.
Nagle, Brendan, and James Romm. "The Military Campaigns of Alexander the Great
N.p., 2001. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
This article was useful in giving me information about Alexander and his
Alexander the Great. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

This image is to show the interpretation of what people think alexander looks

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