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Human Body Systems

Amazing Facts

Digestive System

The small intestine absorbing surface is about 2,700 square feet,

the size of a tennis court
The stomach produces mucus every 2 weeks to keep the stomach
acid from digesting itself
The human microbiome is special to each person and the bacteria
in them outnumbers the human body cells 3-1
Hydrochloric acid is the stomach acid in a human body. It can melt
substances like metal

Respiratory System

Left Lung and Right lung are not completely the same
People that have lung capacity can send oxygen into their body
You can expand your lung capacity by exercising
Average person breathes about 11,000 liters of air per day
Average adults breathe about 12-20 times a minute while resting

Skeletal System

At birth, human bones add up to 300

At adulthood, human bones add up to 206
Bones will repair themselves if they are broken
Teeth are considered part of the skeletal system, but is not a bone.
Bones produce red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the
human body.

Muscular System

Main Purpose of muscles is for motion

There are about 650 soft contracting muscles in the human body
Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth are the 3 different types of muscles in
out body.
Cardiac Muscles are only found in the heart
The jaw is the strongest part that uses muscle strength

Immune System

99.9% of bacteria is good

People that tends not to laugh or has no humor has a weaker
immune system
Skin has a special material that it releases, a antibacterial
substance, that causes mold to not grow onto the human skin
throughout the night while sleeping
Children can grow a stronger immune system when they are
affected with a sickness while growing up

Nervous System

Central Nervous Systemm (CNS) includes the brain, spinal cord,

and retina of the eyes.
Nerves are enclosed long fibers called axons.
Neutrons send precise signals as electronically waves to other
There are 100 billion neutrons in the human brain
Signals are transmitting at 100 meters per second

Cardiovascular System

Heart is made up with 4 chambers- Left/Right atrium, and Left/Right

There are four valves that blood goes in or out of in the heart
Electricity going through your heart causes the muscle cells to
Heart attacks causes scars in the normal heart tissues
Previous heart attacks can lead to more constant heart attacks or
heart failure

Circulatory System
Heart Beats around 3 billion times in a life
About 8 million blood cells die every second
It takes 20 seconds for blood cells to go around your
Blood carries oxygen that is supplied throughout your
entire body

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