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the 200 mm overhang at each end in order to minimize stess disturbances and nement caused by the support reaction forces, The beans were prestressed to either , 60 % , or 70 % of the guaranteed strand strength, and had conerote cover of either SC 4m @ in) or 75 mm (3 in), 6. | Bona eng ‘The days afer cating of the conte the prestessng force was released tothe bea gradually by releasing he pressure inthe jacks. AL release the concrete strength was Jetermined wsing sundard conreie eyinder compressive tess, The strains in the tenes were monitored during release by clecical resistance strain gauges. Simin of the ynerete was measured before and after ease by demec pont gauges. Using the strain gauge data and the deme pon ge data, the wansfer lengths wen determined. ‘The experimental program provided & toa of twelve reliable values of eansfer length forthe two CFCC sizes considered inthis study using diferent conc je cover and presressng level. Using the measured transfer length data, the {oll fing expression forthe transfer length in tems ofthe effective prestessng level, the cds sectional area ofthe CFCC stand, and the concrete compressive strength atthe time of transfer is proposed as: Sey wD we “The transfer lengths obtained by the proposed equation for CFCC strand are well 9 telow those of ater equations for sel stands, The steel tansfer lengths ae inthe order of 25104 tines the CFCC transfor lengths ‘The fexursl bond length was measured for beam series A and B hy flexural testing to limate sing variable shear span values. Using the stme parameters wed tefore for the transfer length, the flexural bond length is related to the increase ofthe steand sess from the prestess level tothe ultimate tensile strength of CFCC as follows Ly (62) “The proposed equation for CPCC sand lies wel below other steel equations. The sel flexural bond length are onthe order of 25 10 4 times the CFCC Nenu bond lengths. ‘The development lng of a presuessng stand isthe summation ofthe transfer length and the lexarl bond length. Therefore, based on the previous discussion, the proposed development length of a CFCC prestessing strand is: Labs. Gu Sod 4, woe ode ‘where the first partis the expression forthe transfer length and the second parti the V3 63) ‘expression forthe Nexural bond length. Steel development Jeng are on the order of 25 04 times the CFCC development eng > davign bovblorgthes 1.54 free LS 1BW 45684 __ Bolo > 1008 ~s dooomarmop

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