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Rima : Pa pa pa pada zaman dahulu terdapat seorang pengembala biri-biri.

Setiap hari dia

menjaga biri-birinya di tepi bukit.
Yourheza : Saya gembala biri-biri. Semua dijaga rapi-rapi. Sudah dibawa makan mari. Boleh
berehat senang hati
Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : Kami biri2 Jarjiit. Hari2 makan rumput je. Jalan bersama atas bukit.
Nikmati indahnya dunia
Maghfiroh : Saya kambing yg paling sehat
Ade : Dia kata saya terlembekkk
Irna : Saya kambing yg paling cantik saya suka! saya suka!!
Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : Mari mari dengar cerita kami. Kisah pengembala dan biri2

Rima : Pengembala menjaga biri-biri setiap hari. Lama-kelamaan dia bosan dengan
pekerjaannya. Tapi, pada suatu hari ....
Yourheza : Tolong tolong ada serigala disini. Tolong tolong selamatkan biri2
Junaidi & Rochim : Serigala? Serigala? Mana? Mana?
Junaidi : Mari kita tolong
Yourheza : Ha ha ha .. Biri-Biri ada, serigala pun tak ada.

Maria : Jangan lakukan ! Jangan lakukan !!

Yourheza : Tolong tolong ada serigala disini. Tolong tolong selamatkan biri2
Junaidi : Serigala? Serigala? Mana? Mana?
Rochim : Mari kita tolong
Yourheza : Ha .. Ha .. Ha ..

Serigala : Grrr! Awoo! Akulah serigala yang lapar! Aku mahu biri-biri! Nyam, nyam! Aum!
Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : Auwwwww auwwww
Yourheza : Tolong tolong ada serigala disini. Tolong tolong habis biri2 saya
Junaidi : Serigala? Serigala? Kami tak percaya lagi.

Rochim : Dia selalu mainkan kami. Biarkanlah dia. Kita sambung kerja kita

Junaidi : ada apa ini ?

Yourheza : Biri2 sya dh hilang Habis dimakan serigala Kamu semua la takdak datang.
Tinggal saya seorang saja
Rochim : Itulah org sudah kata. Jangan biasa memperdaya. Nanti orang dah tak percaya.
Junaidi : Bila terkena padan muke
Semua : Tamatlah sudah alkisah kami. Terima kasih dan jumpa lagi.

Rima : in ancient times there were a shepherd of sheep. Every day she takes care of sheep on
the hillside.
Yourheza : I am shepherd sheep. All taken care of thoroughly. Already eating in here. Can
rest happily in here.
Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : We sheep Jarjiit. Days of eating only grass course. Along the road
up the hill. Enjoy the beauty of the world
Maghfiroh : I am healtly sheep
Ade : She said I am flaccid, (mbeeeekkkkk)
Irna :I am beautiful sheep, I like I like !!
Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : Let's let's hear our story. The story of the shepherd and sheep

Rima : Shepherd of the sheep every day. One day he was bored with his job. But, on a day ....
Yourheza : help help there is a wolf in here. help help save my sheep
Junaidi & Rochim : Wolf? Wolf? Where? Where?
Junaidi : Let us help
Junaidi : Where is wolf ?

Yourheza : hahahahahaaahhahah there are sheep, wolf did not exist

Junaidi : You lie hah...?
Yourheza : Dont be angy. I am just kidding
Rima : farmers going home with feel angry. And Then
Yourheza : Its fun. I do one more again thats okay right ?
Yourheza : help help there is a wolf in here. Help me. help
Maria : Dont do it ! Dont do it !!
Junaidi : Wolf? Wolf? Where? Where?
Rochim : Let us help
Junaidi : You lie again hah......?
Yourheza : Hahahahahahaha .......I was played.
Junaidi : If you lie again, we wont come ......?
Yourheza : okay-okay i didnt do it again.

Ihsan : I am hungry wolf! I want to sheep! Yum, yum!

Maghfiroh, Ade & Irna : Auwwwww auwwww ...
Yourheza : help help there is a wolf in here. Help help my sheeps is gone away
Junaidi : Wolf? Wolf? We do not believe again.
Rochim : He always played us. Leave her alone. We continue our work.

Junaidi : what is this?

Yourheza : My sheeps have lost away. Wolf devoured. Because you all dont come. I lived a
course alone.
Rochim : That people have said. Do not deceive ordinary.
Junaidi : Later, people do not want to believe. When exposed and Nuke
Semua : This is our story Thank you and see again

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