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Costume Notes

Unnamed Secret Agent (Jonathan Gardener)

The agents costume is based around dark colours but has a
sophisticated look to it as it is a suit that would normally
be worn in an office working environment. The dark colours
could give off a dark, unknown suspicious background and
persona to the character, which is the aim, as the character
is meant to be left anonymous. Accessories to his costume
include a white G-Shock GA-100 watch in which he uses to check
the time whilst he is in the elevator, which tells the
audience that he may be in a rush.
The Guards

(Aron Maher &

guards costumes also consist of dark colours, as they are
meant to connote danger, which fits their character. Just like
the main character, their outfits are what would be worn in a
working office environment. They look smart and the dark
colours tell the audience they could be extremely dangerous
and not to be messed with. So therefore, when the main
character spots them, the audience get a sense of violence
that is about to occur as they battle to the death.

The Target (Aaron Kingham)

Marcus Stamp

The targets costume also consists of dark colour, but however

his costume is of a less formal look. Where the main
characters and the guards are wearing office environment
suits, the target is wearing casual dark clothing, including
tracksuit bottoms, a black-hooded jumper and black shoes. The
casual clothing separates him from his minors, causing him to
stand out as the audience may wonder why his costume is
different. Also, this shows power as the guards costumes make
it look as though they are working for him. The black hooded
jumper gives a dark, unknown and negative persona, telling the
audience immediately that he is the main antagonist.

Marcus Stamp

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