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Bomber marks Bomber, Barksdale ‘a fixture in our lives’ By Michele Pickard Suse natn Sarkaole The Times and that bomber have b Barksdole Ar Force Base and re x ning mayhem on targets om “rough the ups end downs of Vietnam 0 Aghansian As the 852 tnved so oid Barksdale. And what's Been good for Barksdale has been ‘he feed for Shreveport Sossior Em ployng more than 9,000 sine duty, eserve ond cian miplevees, the base i he fie legen mp ara nomic impact u’ $890 ‘Samual sald Don Pierson, ox cutive director of the Bossier iy Chomber of Commerce. The History B-52: Plane and Barksdale are the lifeblood of Bossier Father and son share love | of military, connection to B-52 ‘= B-52 Celebrating 60 years The Legend The Buff gets buff treatment from writers and Tennent : In B-52 lingo, making a ‘milk run’ isn’t going to the grocery store

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