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‘Network Analysis and Synthesis 112, Twelve 1-08 resistances are used as edges to form a ‘cube. The resistance between two diagonally oppo- site comers of the cube is () 5/60 ) 10 (iy 6/50 iv) 3/20 113, A two-terminal black box contains one of the Ry LC elements.The black box is connected to a 220-V ac supply. The current through the source is . When iv) ww) @ . «id i) Gi cid @ i) Cid Ci) cid ci 1. Ci) 0 0 0 co) w) 47, {iv) 48. (il) 51. 52. 53, 34. 55. 56. 37. 58. 59. 60. 61. (il) 62. (iv) 63. (iv) a capacitance of 0.1F is inserted In series between the source and the box then the current through the source is 2/.Theelementis () aresistance (i) aninductance (ii) a capacitance of 0.5 F (iv) not readily identifiable from the given data Answers we 93. 94, Gi) 95. (0) 96. (i) 97. (iv) 38. 99. (i) 100. (i) 101, 102. 103. 104. () 108. (i) 106. (i) 107. (iv) 108. (i) 109. (i) 110, Mm, m2. @ Network Topology (Graph Theory) Introduction The word topology refers to the science of place. In mathematics, topology is a branch of geometry in which figures are considered perfectly elastic. ‘Network topology sefers to the properties that relate ¢o the geometry of a network (circuit). These properties remain unchanged even if the circuit is bent into any other shape provided that no parts are cutand no new connections ave made. In electrical engineering, solution of network analysis problems involves finding the current through and voltage across different circuit elements. Different laws (like Ohm's Jaw, Kirchhoft’s laws, etc.) have ‘been postulated for simplifying the solution method. However, it is sometimes found that the algebraic equations written by different laws are not independent. On the other hand, the equations formed by netwark topology method are all independent. The network topology method has many other merits and can be listed as follows. 1. The graph theory or network topology deals with those properties of networks which do not change with the change in the shape of the networks. 2. Allthe equations (KCL and KVL) formed by graph theory concept are independent equations. 3. The graph theory concept eases the solution method for solving networks with a large number of nodes and branches. In this chapter, we will discuss the fundamentals of graph theory (network topology) and their applications for solving network-analysis problems. 3.1__GRAPH OF A NETWORK A linear graph (or simply a graph) is defined as a collection of points called nodes, and line segment called branches, the nodes being joined together by the branches. Pow Network Anatysis and Synthesis 6 d a Fig.3.1 (a) Gircuit Fig3.1 (b) Groph of the circuit While Drawing the Graph of a Given Network (i) All passive elements between the nodes are represented by lines. (ii) The independent current sources and voltage sources are represented by their internal impedances (‘e., current sources by an open circuit and voltage sources by a short circuit) if they are accompanied by a passive element, viz, a shunt admittance in a current source and a series impedance in a voltage source. (iii) If the sources are not accompanied by passive elements, an arbitrary impedance (say resistance R) or admittance is assumed to accompany the sources and finally, we find the results by letting the imped- ance & 9 0 or R ~9 % as the case may be for the current or voltage sources. 3.2 TERMINOLOGY In order to discuss the more involved methods of circuit analysis, we must define a few basic terms necessary for a cleat, concise description of important circuit features. Node A node isa point ina circuit where two or more cireuit elements join, Example a,b, c,d, e,fand g Essential Nodes A node that joins three or more elements, Example b,c, eandg Branc A branch is a path that connects two nodes. Fig.3.2 Circuitillustrating terminologies 1 Rey Rey Rp and I Example v,, Ri, Ry Riv Essential Branch Those paths that connect essential nodes without passing through an essential node. Example cash, cadve, co g, bee, exg, b-g (through R,), and b-g (through [) Loop Aloopisacomplete path, i, its startingata selected node, tracing aset of connected basic-circuitelements and retuming to the original starting node without passing through any intermediate node more than once. 105 ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) Example abedca, abegfea, cdebgfe, etc. Mesh A mesh is a special type of loop, i.., it does not contain any other loops within it. Example abedca, edegfe, gebg (through R,) and gebg (through J) ‘Oriented Graph A graph whose branches are oriented is called a directed or oriented graph. Rank of a Graph The rank of a graph is (n —1) where mis the number of nodes of vertices of the graph. Planar and Non-Planar Graph A graph is planar if it can be drawn in a plane such that no two branches intersect at a point which is not a nade. a Lag eS a Fig.3.3 (a) Planargraph Fig.3.3 (b) Nom-planargraph Fig.3.3 (¢) Subgraph A subgraph is a subset of the branches and nodes of a graph. The subgraph is said to be proper if it consists of strictly less than all the branches and nodes of the graph. Path A path is a particular sub graph where only two branches are incident at every node except the terminal nodes (i¢,, starting and finishing nodes), At the terminal nodes, only one branch is incident Inthe example in the Fig. 3.3 (c), branches 2, 3, and 4, together with all the four nodes, constitute a path. A graph is connected if there exists a path between any pair of vertices, Otherwise, the graph is disconnected. 3.3 CONCEPT OF A TREE Fora given connected graph of a network, a connected subgraph is known as a tree of the graph if the sub- ‘graph has all the nodes of the graph without containing any loop, Ry Fig.3-4 (a) Circuit Fig.3.4(b) Trees and links of the circuit of Fig. 3.4 (a) Fey Twigs The branches of a tree are called twigs or tree-branches. The number of branches or twigs, in any selected tree is always one less than the number of nodes, ie., twigs = (a — 1), where is the number of nodes of the graph For the graph shown in Fig. 3.3 (¢), twigs = (4 — 1) = 3 twigs. These are shown by solid lines in Fig.3. 4 (b). Links and co-tree Ifa graph for a network is known and a particular tree is specified, the remaining branches are referred as the links, The collection of links is called a co-tree, So, a co-tree is the complement of a tree. These are shown by dotted lines in Fig. 3.4 (b).. The branches of a co-tree may or may not be connected, whereas the branches of a tree are always connected. To Summarize Number of nodes ina graph = n Number of independent voltage 1 Number of tree-branches = n — 1 Number of links = Z = (Total number of branches) — (Number of tree-branches) -(@=-1) Total number of branches = 6 = L + (n ~ 1) Properties of a tree 1. Ina tree, there exists one and only one path between any pairs of nodes. Every connected graph has at least one tree. A tree contains all the nodes of the graph. There is no closed path ina tree and hence, a tree is The rank of a tree is (n —1). uitless. Example 3.1 For the network shown in Fig. 3.5, draw the graph and show some possible trees. Solution Before drawing the graph we first label the nodes and branches of the network as shown in Fig. 3.6 (a). Since the voltage source is accompanied by a series resistance and the current source by a parallel resistance, while drawing the graph they will be open- cireuited and short-circuited, respectively. ‘The graph of the network is shown in Fig. 3.6 (b) and some trees: arc shown in Fig. 3.6 (c) to Fig. 3.6 (c). Fig.3.5 CircuitofExomple3.1 8 4 “) o @ Fig. 3.6 (a) Fig.3.6(b) Grophof the circuit oF Fig. 3.5 Network Topology (Graph Theory) ‘The twigs are shown by solid lines and the links by dashed lines. Fig.3.6 (c) Fig.3.6 (d) Fig. 3.6(e) 3.4 INCIDENCE MATRIX [A,] The incidence matrix symbolically describes a network. It also facilitates the testing and identification of the independent variables, The incidence matrix is a matrix which represents a graph uniquely. For a given graph with “a’ nodes and ‘b” branches, the complete incidence matrix 4, is a rectangular matrix, of order n X 4, whose elements have the following values: Number of columns in [4] = Number of branches = 8 Number of rows in [4] = Number of nodes = A, = |, ifthe branch /is associated with the node i and oriented away from the node —1, if the branch j is associated with the node i and oriented towards the node j. 0, if the branch jis not associated with the node i This matrix tells us which branches are incident at which nodes and what the nodes are, ientations relative to the Example 3.2 Draw the graph of the network shown in Fig. 3.7 (a) and write the incidence matrix. 4 4 bs ° a b 5 ‘ a 6 1 t 6 4 q Fig.3.7 (a) Network Fig. 3.7 (b) Graph of the network Solution ‘The graph of the network is shown in Fig. 3.7 (b). The incidence matrix A, is given as, Branches 123456 0-1 0 07 Reduced A,= Nodes bl 0 1 0 I=1 0 incidence matrix A, Reference node d 3.4.1 Incidence Matrix and KCL For the graph shown in Fig. 3.8, Kirchhoff’s current law for the branch currents (i, is, ~~, 4) gives the equations Athti=0 ~ i tha 1 ~h-hth= mi tie @) 6) In matrix form, these equations can be represented as 3 @ 110001 4 -1 0 1 0-1 0 Fig.3.8 Grophilstrating O-l-1 100 incidence matrixand KCL oo O-1 1-1 Or, where, 4,is the complete incidence matrix of the graph. Reduced Incidence Matrix [A] |The matrix obtained from 4, by eliminating one of the rows is called the reduced incidence matrix. In other words, suppression of the datum node (reference node) from the incidence matrix results in a reduced incidence matrix, 3.4.2 Incidence Matrix and KVL For the graph shown in Fig, 3.8, the branch voltages (v4, vis “* Ys) can be represented in terms of the node voltages (ys Ysa Yn Ma) 8S Ye = (a= Meds Me Vay = (Var = Yards Var = (Var Maids Vas = (= Wan H Made Yaw (er — Yas) 09) Network Topology (Graph Theory) [i Thus, the Kirchhoff's voltage law in matrix form can be written as 1-1 0 Yo to Ys] | 0 -l Oo 0 1 => o-l 0 1 ‘, Ys 10 0-1 ¥, Or, Properties of complete incidence matrix (i) The sum of the entries in any column is zero. (ii) The determinant of the incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero. Gi) The rank of the incidence matrix of a connected graph is (r ~ 1). 3.4.3 Number of Possible Trees of a Graph The number of possible trees of a graph, = det {L4]x[4]"} where, 4 is the reduced incidence matrix obtained by climinating any one row of the complete incidence matrix A,, and [4]' is the transpose of the matrix [4]. Example 3.3 For the graph shown in Fig. 3.8, find the number of possible trees. 1 10 0 0 1 i f 1 o-1 0 Solution The complete incidence matrix is A. 10° o- 1A 110001 So, the reduced incidence matrixis A=|-1 0 1 0 -1 0 o-l-l 1 00 Thus, the number of possible trees of the graph of Fig. 3.8 1-1 0 110001 ' ; 3-1 =I wdaty-1 0 1 0 -1 Of 04 =-1 3) -I|=16 Oo -l -l 1 00 1-1 3 o-1 0 10 0 neni 3.5 _TIE-SET MATRIX AND LOOP CURRENTS Tie-Set A tie-set isa set of branches contained in a loop such that each loop contains one link or chord and ‘the remainder are tree branches. Consider the graph and the tree as shown in Fig. 3.9. This selected tree will result in three fundamental loops as we connect cach link, in tum to the tree. Cre Fig.3.9(a) Graph Fig. 3.9(b) Treeofthegraph Fig. 3.9(¢) Loop-1 2 3 5 {| 4 4 > Fig.3.9{d) Loop-2 —_Fig.3.9(e) Loop-3 Fundamental Loop | (FLL): Connecting link 1 to the tree Fundamental Loop 2 (FL2): Connecting link 5 to the tree Fundamental Loop 3 (FL3): Connecting link 6 to the tree These sets of branches (1, 2,3), (2, 4, 5) and (3, 4, 6) form three tie-sets. 3.5.1 Tie-Set Matrix or Loop Incidence Matrix or Circuit Matrix (B,) For a given graph having ‘n’ nodes and ‘B’ branches, the tie-set matrix is a rectangular matrix with *b’ col= umns and as many rows as there are Loops. Its elements have the following values: B, = |, ifthe branch jis in the loop and their orientations coincide (i.e., the loop current and branch eur= rent flows in the same direction) <1, if the branch jis in the loop / and their orientations do not coincide 0, if the branch j is not in the loop ¢ .4 For the graph shown in Fig. 3.30 (a), select a tr tie-sets and write the tie-set matrix. Solution The tree is shown in Fig. 3.10.(b) and three tie-sets are identified and \ shown in Fig. 3.10 (b). The tie-set matrix is written as follows. The entries in the 6 tie-set schedule are given as +1 or —1 depending on whether the branch current is in the same direction as the link current or not. If the branch current does not depend on the link current then the entry is zero Fig.3.10(a) Graph Network Topology (Graph Theory) Branches no (i) Links(j) 12.3 4 5 6 o. Tie-set Matrix, B,= 5 0 1-10 Fig.3.10(b) Formation of loops 3.5.2. Tie-Set Matrix and KVL For the graph shown in Fig. 3.9 (a) and three loops shown in Fig. 3.9 (c), (d) and (e), three fundamental mesh KVL equations can be written as follows: For Fundamental Loop 1 (FLI): va ~ via #¥q = 0 For Fundamental Loop 2 (FL2): —vis — vas — Vis = 0 For Fundamental Loop 3 (FL3): v3) + Vie * Vis ‘These equations in matrix form is written as Or, 3.5.3 Tie-Set Matrix and KCL For the graph shown in Fig. 3.9 (a) and three loops shown in Fig. 3.9 (c), (d) and (¢), the branch currents Asis funy. sis) Can be represented in terms of the loop currents (J), 4125 fs) as Junin = Utes lath i= (lathe fas In matrix form, these equations ean be wr in ing = hy 1 oo 1-10 iy {_J-1 0 1] i.) | O -1 1] 2 i,] {0 1 of’ if lo o1 or, , 12 Network Analysis and Synhesis 3.6 CUT-SET MATRIX AND NODE-PAIR POTENTIAL Cut-set A cut-set is a minimum set of elements that when cut, or removed, separates the graph into two groups of nodes. A cut-set is a minimum set of branches of a connected graph, such that the removal of these branches from the graph reduces the rank of the graph by one. In other words, for a given connected graph (G), a set of branches (C) is defined as a cut-set if and only if (i) the removal of all the branches of C results in an unconnected graph. (i) the removal of all but one of the branches of C leaves the graph still connected Example Consider the graph shown in Fig. 3.11 (a). The rank of the graph is 3. The removal of branches | and 3 reduces the graph into two connected subgraphs as shown in Fig. 3.11 (b). The rank of the graph of Fig. 3.11 (a) = (4 =I The rank of the graph of Fig. 3.11 (b) = addition of the ranks of the subgraphs = (1 + 1) = 2 So, branches [1, 3] may bea cut-set, (PN (\ . @) cy @ a (3) “ (4) ) Fig.3.11 (a) Groph Fig.3.11 (b)Subgraphs Fig.3.11 (6) Subgraphs with removal of 1 and 3 with removal of 1, 3and 5 Also, removal of the branches 1, 3 and 5 reduces the graph into two connected subgraphs as shown in Fig. 3.11 (c) and the rank becomes 2. So, [, 3, 5] may also be a cut-set. As a cut-set is the minimum set of branches and [1, 3] is a subset of [1, 3, 5], so, [1, 3] is the cut-set, and (1,3,5) ismot a cut-set. Fundamental Cut-Set A fundamental cut-set (FCS) is a cut-set ‘that cuts or contains one and only one tree branch, Therefore, for a given tree, the number of fundamental cut-sets will be equal to the number of twigs. The Procedure for Finding the Fundamental Cut-Sets 1, First, select a tree of the given graph, 2. Focus on a tree branch (b,). 3. Check whether removing this tree branch (b,) from the tree dis- connects the tree into two separate parts. 4. All the links which go from one part of this disconnected tree to the other, together with the tree branch (b,) forms a funda- FI9:3.12 Graph Mlustrating mental cut-set. fundamental cut-set 113) Network Topalogy (Groph Theory) Following this procedure, the fundamental cut-sets for the above graphs will be fecuteset ~ 1: (1, 2, 6] Fecut-set — 2: (2, 3, 5, 6] Fout-set ~3: [4, 5, 6] Properties of a Cut-Set 1. A cut-set divides the set of nodes into two subsets. 2. Each fundamental cut-set contains one tree-branch, the remaining clements being links. 3. Each branch of the cut-set has one of its terminals incident at a node in one subset and its other terminal at a node in the other subsct. 4. A cut-set is oriented by selecting an orientation from one of the two parts to the other. Generally, the direction of a cut-set is chosen same as the direction of the tree branch. 3.6.1 Cut-Set Matrix (Q) Fora given graph, a cut-set matrix (Qo) is defined as a rectangular matrix whose rows correspond to cut-sets and columns correspond to the branches of the graph. Its clements have the following values: Q,= 1, if the branch j is in the cut-set dand the orientations coincide 1, if the branch jis in the cuteset ‘ and the orientations do not coincide 0, if the branch j is not in the eut-set i Example 3.5 For the graph shown in Fig. 3.12, write the fundamental cut-set matrix. Solution The fundamental cut-sets have been identified as Fecutset = 1: (1, 2, 6] Feut-set ~ 2: (2, 3.5, 6] Fecut-set ~ 3: [4, 5, 6] So, the cut-set matrix is written as fcut-sets 3.6.2 Cut-Set Matrix and KVL By cut-set schedule, the branch voltages can be expressed in terms of the tree-branch voltages. A cut-set consists of one and only one branch of the tree together with any links which must be cut to divide the network into two parts. A set of fundamental cut-sets includes those cut-sets which are obtained by apply- ing a cut-set division for each of the branches of the network tree. Consider the following graph shown in Fig. 3.13. Fig. 3.13 (a) Graph Fel] Network Analysisand Synthesis Applying cut-sets at nodes @, 6, ¢, d, which are the fundamental cut-sets (FCS), we can write the cut-set schedule as 5 6 7 8 FCSI> 100 0 FCS24 b o 10 0 FCS-34 ¢ o o1 0 FCS-4> 0004 Fig, 3.13 (6) Tree The tree-branch voltages are [¥;s. vies Vine Vinh the branch voltages are [Vy1, Vio Vi] and the relationship between tree-branch voltages and branch voltages are Vy = V5 + Vis = V4 Fp, Vin = Vs Vis= Vo Va Vig = Vor Vig = Va > Yi, Va= Va The above equations can be related by using the cut-set schedule as Ko) [ot Yr} | o Va 0 Yo] a Moff ot Mel |? va) {e ny] be Or, K=O" ¥, 3.6.3 Cut-Set Matrix and KCL For the graph of Fig. 3.13, writing Kirchhoff’s current laws for the nodes, the branch currents can be expressed as Nodea: ig, tit is = 0 Nodeb: in — fio tie = 0. Node ¢: tg + fy tik = 0 Node d: hy — tut hig = 0 Network Topology (Graph Theory) ce In matrix form they can be written as fa -1 0 0 100 off, 1-1 0 00 1 0 Offs}, 0 1 1 0001 of, 0 6-1-1000 1f;, i, in Or, Gc 1, = There is a cut-set matrix for a given tree. Ifa graph contains more than one tree, there will be as many numbers of eui-set matrices as the number of trees of the graph To summarize, KVL and KCL equations in three matrix forms are given below, 7 Matrix KCL KVL. ‘Incidence matrix (4,) AX), =0 Vy= Agxe, Tia-set matrix (B,) I= BIL, BXV,=0 ‘Cut-set matrin (Qe) OX 0 Y= Ox, 3.7__ FORMULATION OF NETWORK EQUILIBRIUM EQUATIONS The network equilibrium equations are a set of equations that completely and uniquely determine the state of a network at any instant of time. These equations are written in terms of suitably chosen current variables or voltage variables. . These equations will be unique if the number of independent variables are equal to the number of inde- pendent equations. ‘Number of Independent variables or equations = 6 — (n — 1); for loop methad of analysis, = (n — 1): for node method of analysis The equations for a network can be formed in either of the two methods as given below: 1. Through a set of voltage law equations in which the currents are the independent variables (Loop-basis method) 2. Through a set of current law equations in which the node-pair voltages are the independent variables (node-basis method) 3.7.1. Formulation of Network Equations on Loop Basis Steps 1. Draw the direeted graph of the network selecting the direction of assumed current flow to coincide for current sources. 2. Select a tree of the graph ‘Network Analysis and Synthesis 3. Place all voltage sources in the tree and all current sources in the co-tree. 4, Place all control-voltage branches for voltage-controlled dependent sources in the tree and all control- current branches for current-controlled dependent sources in the co-tree, if possible. S. Add one link to the tree, creating a fundamental loop, and write a KVL equation for this fundamental loop (FL). Repeat for each additional link until L (= 6 ~ » + 1) mesh equations are obtained in the form B,xV, = 0. The current sources in the costree, if present, will provide the constraint equations. 7. The KCL equations are obtained by representing the branch currents in terms of loop currents in the form J, = BX. For each branch, the relationship between the voltage and current is obtained from Ohm's law (V = Ri). Finally, the equilibrium equations are obtained in terms of loop currents by suitable substitution of the equations obtained in steps 5 to 8. 3.7.2. Formulation of Network Equations on Node Basis Steps 1. Drnw a directed graph of the circuit under considerations, selecting the directions of assumed current flow to coincide for current sources. 2. Select the tree of the graph so that current sources are in the co-tree and the voltage sources are within the tree, if possible. Also, if possible, select the tree so that at least two branches of the tree are incident at the reference node. 3. (2 ~ 1) fandamental cut-sets (FCS) and draw the FCS lines, 4. Write the (n — 1) FCS KCL equations in the form 4,X1, = 0 or QcXi, = 0. 5. Obtain each of the branch currents in terms of node voltages in the form V, = A,"XV, or, Vy= OLY, 6. For cach branch, the relationship between the voltage and current is obtained from Ohm's law (= RN. 7. Substitute the equations of the step 6 into the KVL equations of the step 5 and finally into the KCL equations of the step 4, thus obtaining the (n — 1) independent node voltage equations. 2 ee 3.8 GENERALIZED EQUATIONS IN MATRIX FORMS FOR CIRCUITS HAVING SOURCES A general branch consi is shown in Fig. 3.14, Here, the branch current is (/, + /,) and the branch voltage is (F, + ¥,) Without sourees, the KCL and KVL equations are ing ofa vollage source V, and a current sourced, Vg AX, XO BL) Ws N= BIXh G2} KCL Fig. 3.14 OXI, = 0 63) and Ves AsXN, Ga) B,xV,=0 G5) KVL = O2xV, G6) 17 Network Topology (Graph Theory) ‘With the sources, the KCL and KVL equations are modified as, Ah + Ad =0 G2) +d, =B I, (3.8) O.144+9.1,=0 G9) and WtKaAly, (3.10) BV,+ B,V,=0 GB.) WtV= Orr, 3.12) The branch voltage-current relations for the passive network elements are written in matrix form as WaBh 3.13) =¥%, Ga) where, Z,is the branch impedance matrix and Y, is the branch admittance matrix, both of the order be» b. On the basis of these equations, the general equations can be written in terms of three matrices as follows. and Node Equations From Eq. (3.7), = Ah = -— AY, V, = — AY AATV, — Vi) {by Eq. (3.10)} AY V, AGL = AEH) ne node is taken as the datum node and the potential of that node is zero. Conse= quently, the complete incidemt matrix becomes the reduced incidence matrix. Thus, the node equations become yY, =4Th, BA) where, Y= AY, A" is called the nodal admittance matrix of the order of (n ~ 1) X (n — 1). The above equa- tion represents a set of (t— 1) number of equations, known as riode equations Mesh Equations From Eq. (3.11), By Vo= — By Vn = ~ Bo Zy ly = — Boy (Ba be ~ 1) iby Eq. (3.8) Or, B,2,B I, = B,[2h— Vi} Or, where, Z= B, Z,B,' is the loop-impedance matrix of the order of (b — n + 1) (b — 1 + 1), The above equation represents a set of (b — n + 1) number of equations, known as mesh or loop equations. Cut-Set Equations From Eq, (3.8), O1=-O4 Or, O.Y.Q." Vi= Qe1Ye Vs ~ hd O.%, Vi O.%(G7V,-V) {by Eq. (3-12)} a ‘Network Analysis and Synthesis Or, where, ¥. = @. %@." is the cué-set admittance matrix of the order of (n — 1) X (nm — 1) and the set of (n — 1) equations represented by the above equation is known as cut-set equations. Solution of Equilibrium Equations ‘There are two methods of solving equilibrium equatior Elimination Method By eliminating variables until an equation with a single variable is achieved, and then by the method of substitution. Determinant Method By the method known as Cramer’s rule. Solved Problems we Problem 3.1 Draw the graph of the network shown in Fig. 3.15 (a) Fig. 3.15 (a) Solution The graph of the network is shown below. 142 2 (7) «sy , @) 5 Fig.315 (b) Problem 3.2 From Fig. 3.16, make the graph and find one tree. How many mesh currents are required for solving the network? Find the number of possibfe trees, (3 Fig.3.16 ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) ay Solution The graph of the network is shown below. One tree of the graph is shown. @ Fig.3.17 (a) Graph of thenetwork Fig.3.17 (b) Tree ofthe graph ‘The complete incidence matrix is obtained as * The reduced incidence matrix becomes Branches ‘Nodes I 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 0 o 0 0 0 o Oo -1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A= |3 0 -1 -1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 o =I 1 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 6 o 0 0 o -l 1 0 0 ‘Network Analysisand Synthesis Hence the number of possible trees is | Sooo eco, oO ecooezoooH eocotesocoe eT T-a-meccce Frocecoccoe -ccoococoge —“Sscoso zoeeso esose- coer ecoe- te eco-qgees eo-oco e-Tece e-jFece -yZeeceo =12 0 0 0 =n -1 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 3 2 4 0 0 0 2 1 oO 0 0 o Problem 3.3 Branch current and loop current relations are expressed in matrix form as, Draw the oriented graph. Solution We know that, [/,] = [By] [/:]. So, the tic-set matrix, here, is seein Loop or Link Branches Currents, 1 304 5 6 7 8 1 1 o 0 0 1 =I 0 2 o re ee 0 3 Cr 0 4 -1 -1 0 0 0 oo 1 So, the graph consists of four loops and eight branches. Loop! consists of branches 1, 5 and 7. The ori- entations are given following the sign +1 or shown below. 1. Following the procedure, the complete oriented graph is ” “) 8 Fig.3.18 Problem 3.4 The fundamental cut-set matrix is given as coce co-oNn Twigs Links socom Hoesen e--e4 3 0 0 I 0 Draw the oriented graph of the network. Solution The graph has seven branches and three fundamental cut-sets: Cut-set-l: (1, 5] Cut-set-2: (2,5, 7] Cuteset3: (3.6, 7] Cut-set-4: (4, 6] Ft Network Analysis and Synthesis So, the oriented graph is as shown in Fig. 3.19 (a), (b), (¢). ©) co) C & m—_S/ (4) — “a, a (a) (2) ) Fig. 3.19 (a) Fig.3.19 (b) Fig.3.19(c) Problem 3.5 Write the complete incidence matrix for the graph shown in Fig. 3.20 (a). 5 Fig. 3.20 (a) Solution We first label the nodes as shown in Fig. 3.20 (b) Fig.3.20 (b) The complete incidence matrix is given as 1 2 3 4 3 6 1 Aol 1 0 1 0 0 0 A= B 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 c o =! =I 0 -1 0 0 D 0 0 1-1 0 0-1 E 0 0 0 0 1 ' 0 Network Topology (Graph Theory) cs Problem 3.6 Write down the incidence matrix and cut-set matrices for the network shown, Solution The graph and a suitable tree for the network are shown in Fig.3.21 (b). Fig.3.21 (a) Fig.3.21 (b) ‘The complete incidence matrix is given as 1 2 3 4 5 6 cc 1 0 0 4 B 1 0 0 1 0 1 c 0 1 0-1 1 0 D 0 0-1 o =i =I The fundamental cut-sets are identified as Fecutset-1: (1, 4, 6] Fcutset-2: (3, 5, 6] Feutset-3: (1, 2, 3] ‘The fundamental cutset matrix is given as 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cc -L 0 Oo 1 0 1 o= G& 0 0 -1 0 =) -1 G -lo = 1 0 0 0 Problem 3.7 For the network shown in Fig. 3.22 (a), give fundamental cut-set matrix and hence find KCL equations. “@) Fig.3.22 (a) Ft] [Network Analysis and Synthesis Solution ‘The graph and one tree are shown for the network. The fundamental cutsets are identified as foutset-l: (1, 2] feutset-2: [2, 3,4] ‘The fundamental cut-set matrix is given as ' 2 4 GQ 1 1 0 0 GQ 0 = I 1 Fig. 3.22 (b) The KCL equations in terms of eut-set matrix is given as (OVO = - (2) td Here, 20 foltntor-[ 1 oot 0 oon 1 10 of of fi LoT Ilo 1 apo (3) Thus, the KCL equations are 3 pep -1 4}, yo Problem 3.8 For the network shown in Fig. 3.23 (a), draw the ori- ay ented graph, select a suitable tree and obtain the fundamental cut-set matrix. Determine the node equations and find v. on ro7 Solution The oriented graph of the network is shown Fig. 3.23 (b). ¢ We have to find v, we take the branch (2) in the twig andapos- ay ©) an sible tree is selected, The fundamental cutsets are identified as Feut-set-l: (1,2, 3] fecuteset-2: [3, 4] Fig. 3.23 (a) 125 Network Topology (Groh Theory) The fundamental cut-sct matrix is given as 12 3004 @= G -l 1 1 0 G& 0 0 =I 1 ‘The node equations are given as Fig.3.23 (0) (QI NOI) = (2) = (PA ~ 0) Here, eMto) ) ahs 00-1 Ifo oO-rdd Cob Te HD) 1 9S) Thus, the KCL equations are v mae v Here, 4 v. Putting this in the KCL equations and solving we get, v = 5 V Problem 3.9 For the resistive network, write a cut-set schedule and equifiorium equations on voltage basis. Hence obtain values of branch voltages and branch currents, 20 5a 5a siov Fig. 3.24 gr 26 [Network Analysis and Synthesis Solution ‘The graph of the network is shown in Fig. 3.28. A suitable tree is shown. 8 (a) Fig. 3.25 The fundamental cut-sets are idemtfied as feout-set-t: (1,2, 6] fecut Feut-set-3: (1,4, 5] The fundamental cutset matrix is given as 1 2 3 4 3 6 GQ -1 1 0 0 0 1 O= G 0 o 1 0 =I 1 G 1 0 oOo 1 =I 0 The node equations are given as (MI WA= (2) * tI] - Us} = LO) DGILM] {since 4s = O here} Here, oo. “1100 01 ' ; fel] oo1r0 +1 4 1001-10 1 ot 10 a9 oS ~02 =|05 08 02 05 02 03 sntnnayenenon LEN 0 0 0 of 1100 011g o o ols 182 fel. J-}o 9 1 ot =| 0 1 eee oo} 0 o Oo 60 6 0 Thus, the KCL equations are 09 05 -02]K.] [ise =|0s os 02 |/v,|=| 0 os 02 03 }r,} [0 Solving by Cramer's rule, we get the tree-branch voltages as Vn = V43V; Va= 14.3 V; = 300 Problem 3.10 Using topological method, obtain node equations and node voltages in the s domain for the network shown In Fig. 3.26 (a), when L, = L,= 1H, C, = 1, G, = G, = 10, Vy (t) = 2u (t) and igtt) = 2 5(0), where, u(t) is the unie step function and 5(t) is the unit impulse function. Fig. 3.26 (a) Solution The graph of the network is shown in Fig. 3.26 (b). 1 @) 2 0) 6 Fig.3.26 (b) net mr tes The incidence matrix is given as 1 2 3 4 5 bo 1 I oO 2 0 0-1 1 1 -1 Oo =! =I ‘The reduced Incidence matrix is The branch admittance matrix is oo-71 Now, Network Topology (Graph Theory) chs ‘Thus, node equations are eee Solving by Cramer's rule, we get the voltages as 2(2s°+5+1) o(s+1)(s? +2s+1) 2(st+s?+1) Problem 3.11 Forthe network of Fig. 3.27, draw the graph and write atie-set schedule. Using the tie-set schedule obtain the loop equations and find the currents in all branches. o2a 050 av Fig.3.27 Sofution The graph and one tree are shown in Fig. 3.28. 6) (2) op (a) Fig. 3.28 ‘The tie-set matrix Network Analysis and Synthesis Branch impedance matrix is Seoooo- scoocds eocc-ce ec-cco ekoece Boocoo Thus, 0 0 0 -102 0 -1 | 1 1 0 0 os 6 0 0s [214147 | So, the loop equations are 131 Network Topology (Graph Theory) Solving the three equations, A =BIA, is 33A, i= 692A Problem 3.12 Figure 3.29 (a) shows adc network. (a) Draw @ graph of the network. Which efements are not included in the graph and why? (b) Write a loop incidence matrix and use it to obtain loop equations. (@) Find branch currents, Fig.3.29 (a) Solution (a) The graph is shown below. i 8 @ @) Fig. 3.29 (b) jistor in parallel with the voltage source and the 2-A current source have not been included in the because of the reason that passive elements in parallel with a voltage source are not included in a ‘graph and the current source in parallel with a passive element is open-circuited while drawing a graph, (b) The tie-set matrix for the tree chosen is Branch impedance matrix is 20000 02000 oo000 ooo20 00002 20000/1 0 0200 0/0 1 -1 aza[) ? of joe oo of o 4 0002 0/-1 0 0000 21 -1 10 Now, 2 0 0 0 a2-By, 200-2 2} | ft o o -1 1} | fa) fol s 020 0 -2 O91 -1 0-1 oJ Ls} 1-5, 0 0 0 0 So, the loop equations are Solving these equations, i, = 0.3A, i (c) Putting these values, the branch voltages are Vi =2 i =06V, = 2 A= -22V,K Thus, the branch currents are 22 Sala So, the current supplied by the battery = (1.7 + 1.4 + 2.3 - 2)=3.6A Problem 3.13 Forthenetwork shown in Fig. 3.30, draw the oriented graph and obtain the tie-set matrix. Use this matrix to calculate i. 1m an Sin i ia TY av 3a 10 Fig.3.30 133) ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) Solution The oriented graph and any one tree are shown. ‘The tie-set matrix is given as 1 oo 10 B=]0 -1 1-1 00 = 1 | 1 oo ‘The branch impedance matrix Fig.3.31 1ooood 020000 oo02000 “lo 00100 000030 oooool soo oe4 oT- ene ye a4 -os + so seeeee eocens eoense sences encess messes ceeess So —— e7- — 7 x en 1 0 -BY,=-| Now, Et Network Analysis and Synthesis So, the loop equations become 6 -2 -3]f4] [2 —2 5 ifs, j=ft 3-1 siz, {o Solving for f, 2-2 - 1 5 ol lo -1 6 2 2 $s =I Ks -1 5 he O91A Problem 3.14 Determine the currents in all branches of the network shown in Fig. 3.32 using the node analysis method. Use the graph theory method. 10 an Fig. 3.32 Solution Here, the 1-( resistance in parallel with the 2-V voltage source can be ignored, Also, there is no pas- sive element in parallel with the 1-A current source, We assume a resistance 2 in parallel with the 1-A current sourve and finally let A — =. Therefore, the graph of the network is shown in Fig. 3.33. 1 1m 2 an 1 a) 2 1A Ons @ev ey as 3 @ © Fig. 3.33, The complete incidence matrix is 1 1 0 0 ‘Network Topofogy (Graph Theory) os Reduced incidence matrix is Branch admittance matrix is VAG AY,Y,-AL=| de [2 PEE WWI V+W=1 ‘Thus, node equations are With R >, the equations become Solving equations, we get Network Analysis and Synthesis Hence, the currents in different branches are shown in Fig. 3.34. ve yin 20 2a Fig. 3.34 Problem 3.15 Consider the network shown in Fig. 3.35. Using Joop method of analysis, determine currents in all the branches indicating their directions. Use graph theory method. Solution ‘The graph of the network is shown below. Also the tree is selected as shown, For the selected tree, the tie-set matrix is given as (1) Fig.3.35 2-1 4-33, So, the loop equations become -1 3 343i, These equations reduce 0, -3i, = i Fi,=2 Thus, the branch currents are shown with their directions. Fig.3.37 3A av@) in 20 1a Qs Fig.3.38 Network Topology (Graph Theory) cs Problem 3.16 For the circuit shown fn Fig, 3.39 construct a tree 2A In which 10.2 and 20.20 are in tree branches. Using node analysis, solve forV, and V., Solution Here, we have one current source without parallel resistance gqy/ and one voltage source without series resistance, Therefore, we connect a parallel resistance R, in parallel with the 2A. current source and a series resistance 2: in series with the 20-V voltage source. Finally, we will let R, 9% and R > 0. Now, we construct the graph of the network as shown below. A tree, in which 10.0 and 200 are in tree branches, is selected. ‘The complete incidence matrix is Fig.3.39 -1 1000 1 aoc i 1 0 0 “0 0 -1 0 =I -1 1oo-r1 0 6) tr ooo 4 v, The reduced Incidence matrix is A=] 0 -1 1 1 0 0 “ Me 0 0-10 -1-1 a Xs 020 0 0 0 Oo oa 0 0 0 0 Fig. 3.41 (a) 0 0 00 0 0 0 (6) ‘The branch admittance matrix is y,_| 9 © © 002 0 0 Veo, oo 0 040 * & 1 ro) (o oo 0 0 of R Fig. 3.41 (b) Pest] (Network Analysis and Synthesis -02 Ol 0 0 0 =} 0 -O1 005 002 0 0 0 0 -005 0 ~~ -— ER a 02 01 0 09 6 =—fy + 9 & sA¥,AT=| 0-01 005 002 0 0 ore 1 1 o 10 0 0 005 0 -~ -—lo 0-1 & aly on (03) -01 1 R R =| -01 017 0.05 1 1a -— 005 | 0.05+—+— x ( R 7) Now, 1 [89 0 02 01 0 0 0 = gz 3 -l 100 0 y “4 WF -Al=| 0-01 008 002 9 Of | /-Jo-1 11 0 Of Fl o 0 0 005 0 0 0-10 =r =I} 2 Thus, node equations are h Ry -> =, the equations become 030,017, =14 ~O.1V,+0.17F, -005V,.=0 -o0sr,2{o0sep ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) ce¥ Solving equations, we get 14 =01 0 0 017-005 20 1 y (2-2) 00s or] 14[0.17(0.05R, +1)~0.00252, }+0005(20+22, ) “703 01 0 | oafoun(o0se,+1)-0.0028R, |-001(0.05R, +1) 0.1 0.17 0.05 |— 1 0 005 |0.05+— ( i) With R, = 0, ¥,=——— Similarly, with R; = 0, we get, V,=4147V ¥,=20V h=(V,-F,)=(6049-41.47)=19.02V and V,=(V, -V,)=(41420)=2147V Problem 3.17 The circuitof Fig. 3.42 contains a voltage-controlled volt- Y age source. For this circuit, draw the oriented graph. By selecting aproper tree obtain the tle-set matrix and hence calculate the voltage, V,. 50 Solution Since the controlled voltage source is not accompanied by 30 any passive element, we will consider a resistance R, in series with the 5 6m 40 controlled voltage source, and finally let R > 0. 4 ist The graph of the network is shown with one tree. 1 1-1 000 The tie-set matrix is B=|0 0 - -1 1 0 o-1 9 tor The branch impedance matrix Fig.3.42 so00000 os0000 oos000 o0o0s00 000040 o000OR mesic $0000 0 0500 111 00 oe oo og 5 5-5 000 wBZ2]0 9 1-11 OW 0 ogg gf 9 5-34 0 - o-5 0 5 R, 0-1 0 101F Goo 4 0 oR o0000R 10 0 ss 0007) 44 1s -3 3 1BZB=|0 0 5-54 0/5 1 afie #3 0-5 0 50 ~ $5 (104K, rn (1048) oo. 0 0 Lora oo of 1] f- Now. ~B ot -rdof yf} -1f) 1 o- 0 101 v, ° \ -V =I So, the loop equations become 1 Vv, -s -s]4] f= With R, 9 O and V, = 44, the equations reduce to, |-5 14-5} 1, |=| 1 Solving for fs, 15-1 3 H5 1-3 L HS 0 toy ys =3 3) 19 |-5 Id =) 5 -9 10) 14 -V 24d, anor 41 Network Topology (Graph Theory) Problem 3.18 in the following clreult of Fig. 3.44, determine the volt- (5) ages V,and Vyusing cut-set analysis. Select the circuit elements (1), (2) and vy, 2h ie] (3) inthe tree. =} ain te + Solution ‘The graph and tree are shown in Fig, 3.45 Hence, there is My no series impedance with voltage source and parallel admittance with fw (3)] ~ current source. We consider two resistances Ry and R; in serics with Fig.3.44 the voltage souree and in parallel with the eurrent source, respectively. Finally, we will let R, 9 0, R; — Three fundamental cut-sets are fecutsetel: (1.4.5, 6] feutset-2: (2.4, 6] Foutset-3: (3.5, 6} ‘The fundamental cut-set matrix is given as 1 203 4 5 6 Gc 1 0 0 -1 4 @= cc o 1 0 0-1 Gg 0 09 tf oO Ft ‘The node equations are given as Here, oo000 0 1000 0 oO 0 boo-7-4 1 ‘ > ' 1 (ole oo) po 20 of to Fat] Network Analysis ond Synthesis Yoo 0 roo-+a—-+ iy? 1oee e o o100 0 [elu]v.}o | 9 ! ot 0 0020 0 0 0002 0 9 0000 BW 0 roo = 1 tp} far -[oJJe-Jo 10 1 0 -f?}-} 4 oot o 1 tf) fa 0 1 Thus, the KCL equations are ftom) toa) om of Ky (Yer Ya) Ya) PMIb, Hoge fon) me exif When R, 0, &:—» %, the equations reduce to the form as given below. Solving the last two equations, V, = SV; Va = —3S V Therefore, Vy = Vo Problem 3.19 For the network shown in Fig. 3.46, write the tle-set matrix and determine the Joop currents and branch currents, Solution The graph and a suitable tree for the network are shown in Fig. 3.47. (Network Tapotogy (Graph Theory) The tie-set matrix is given as 100 1-1 0 B=|0 10 0 1-1 oo1-10 1 The branch impedance matrix is given as 0000] 0000 $000 01000 ooso 0 0 6 3 546 0000 roo 1-1 off 9 8 8277S Gg 6 w -s 0 aageloro o 1 af oo 0 0 flo wo 0 3 5 oo1-1 0 1 o 0 § -10 0 5 000050 000005 100 soo 1-5 of | 8} P20 -5 -10 BZB7=]0 100 0 5 -5 ns ee oo s-10 0 sf! ©“) [0 = 15 -1 1 0 o- 1 ‘Thus, the loop equations are given as 20 -5 -10 -10 <5 Fah) Network Analysis and Synthesis Solving by Cramer's rule, we get the loop currents as 2750 =——=1.047, 2625 1aa7a 1280 2628 2250 = gag TORSTA Also, the branch currents are given as, f, = B," fy In} fro 0 100 Is ees pee bes APG iW 1 o -fos76 i“ ~ ~ "10857 a) i} be 1 4 o- 1 od,q=(1.047-0857)=0.19.4 vl,,=(-1.047+0.476)=-0571A, odyg=(-0476 +0.857)=0.381A Problem 3.20 Determine thecurrenth, In thecircult of Fig. 348 using nodal analysis method and graph theory concepts. Solution By source transformation technique, we convert the 19-V and 25-V voltage sources into current sources. 50 19V 20 40 4a Drs) 7 25V Fig. 3.48 Since the 30-V voltage source, the 4-A current source, and the controlled current source are not accompanied by the passive elements, we consider three resistors R,, R; and R, and finally let, R; > 0, Ry =, and Ry + 0. The graph of the network is shown. The complete incidence matrix is 1-1 0 0 0 0 ee) o 0 -1 -1 1 1 1ooo4- The reduced incidence matrix is 1-1 0 000 4e]0 1 1 100 Oo oO -l-l1d The branch admittance matrix is G00 00 0 \ o%o 00 0 0 0G 0 0 0 Y= ‘ | ooo Khoo 00 006 0 0 0 0 0 0 G, 0 0 Q 1-1 0 00 0]y ¢ “AY=]0 101 °2100 0 0 0 oo-1-111 o 0 0 o 0 0 By ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) a) Fig. 3.51 o 0 o 0 g-&!o 0 0 oO o 0 0 ; 1 o oft eo 8 1 - \ « of [® 2 1-K G A, ° Network Analysis and Synthesis 6 -yo 0 0 0 o AYA =! 0 K & Yoo oo 1-Ka ¥ (+4) -& 00-7 - 306, =| 35 | 15.75-15i, | (+4) -% | -306, 1-1 0 000 AYV,-AL=-AL=-|0 1 1 100 tw made, V, = 0} 1d Thus, node equations are Kh (eI) 4 °K (a+%) With R, > 0, Gy > =, Ry > x, G,—2 0, the equations become OS 306, =| 55 15),-15.75 1 1 (« ot), = Gh #306, 1 7\) lp es ly ty, Ly = gelerd}e 5ha55 I 3 ly, 3p, 2 (154-153 3h Gh =(15i,-1575) 1. Network Topology refers to the properties that relate tothe geometry of the network (circuit).These proper- ties remain unchanged even if the circuit is bent into any other shape provided that no parts are cut and no new connections are made. 2. A graph is defined as a collection of points called nodes, and line segments called branches, the nodes bbeing joined together by the branches. A subgraph is subset of the branches and nodes of a graph. 3. For a given connected graph of a network, a con inected subgraph is known asa tree of the graph if the ‘subgraph has all the nodes of the graph without con. taining any loop. 4, The branches of tree are called twigs. If a graph for a inetworkisknown and particular tree is specified, the 1. Explain ‘network topology’. Network Topology The word topalaay refers to the sc tence of place. In mathematics, topology is a branch of geometry in which figures are considered perfectly elastic Network topology refers to the properties that relate to the geometry of the network (circuit). These properties remain unchanged evenif the circuit is bent into any ather shape provided hat nopartsarecutand no new connections are made. 7 [Network Topology (Graph Theory) rs¥ @ 55 => 1,-5V,=115 (i 175 = 16V,-150, (id) remaining branches are referred as the links. The col lection ofinksis called a co-tree. 5. Number of nodes in a graph = 1 Number of independent voltages Number of tree-branches = n~ 1 Number offinks = (= (Total number of branches) ~ (Number of tree-branches) =b-(n-1) Total number of branches — b=L+(n ~ ) 6, Network analysis by the tapological method involves waiting KCL and KVL equations with the help of any ‘one of the three matrices ke, incidence matrix, tie-set matrix and cut-set matrix, Short-Answer Questions [WY 2. State the advantages offered by the graph theory as appliedto electric cect problems. 1. Graph theory or network topology deals with those properties of networks which do not change with the change in the shape of the networks. 2, All the equations (KCL and KVL) formed by graph- theory concept are independent equations. 3. The graph-theory concept eases the solution ‘method for solving networks with a large number of nodes and branches. Fe oconmymnne 3. Define the following terms: (i) Graph of a network (i Oriented graph ) Rank of graph )) Planarand nor-planar graph (8) Subgraph (vip Path (i) Graphofanetwork Alineargraph (orsimplya graph) is definedas a collection of pointsealled nodes, and line segments called branches, the nades being joined together by the branches. aca bY. te o a a Fig.3.52 (a) Circuit Fig.3.52 (b) Groph of the Circuit Gi) Oriented graph A graph . ‘whose branches are of OY \a ented iscalled a directed oF oriented graph. The “| 2 orientationisindicatedby i ‘an arrow head in each of ‘the branches represent- ‘ ing the direction of cu Fig. 3.63 rent flow inthe branch, (iH) Rank of a graph The rank of a graph is (n =1) where nis the number of nodes or vertices of the graph. iv) Planar and nonplanar graph A graph is planer it can be drawn in a plane such that no two: branches intersect ata point which is not anode. 9.3.54 (a) Planar groph 9.3.54 (b) non-planar Graph (v) Subgraph A subgraph is a subset of the branches and nodes of a graph. For example, for the graph shown in Fig. 3.53, some sub- graphs are shawn below, in Fig, 2.55. ‘The subgraph is said to be proper if it con- 5 of strictly less than all the branches and nodes of the graph. ‘ 1 2) @ 6) 3 2 3 (5) 6) (4y 4 4 ‘Subgraph 1 Subgraph 2 Fig. 3.55 (wi) Path A path is a particular subgraph where only two branches are incident at every node except the intemal nodes (ie, starting and 6 finishing nodes). tthe |G intemal nodes, only — ® af one branch is incident. In the example in \/ Fig, 3.56, branches 2, y and 4, together with all the four nodes, con Fig. 3.56 stitute a path. A graph is connected if there ‘exists a path between any pair of vertices, Oth- erwise, the graph is disconnected. 4, Show thatthe number of links fora graph havingn, nodes and b branchesis b — +1. Let, = Number of nodes in a graph :. number of independent voltages = -<-Mumber of tree-branches =~ 1 --number of links, = (total number of branches) — {number of tree- branches) 1 5. Enlist the properties ofa tree. 1. Inatree,there exists one and only one path between any pairs of nodes, 2, Every connected graph has atleast ane tree. 3. Atvee contains all the nodes of the graph. 4. There is no closed path ina tree and hence, tree is, circuitless. 5. The rankofa treeis (7 ~1). 6. List the properties of an incidence matrix. 1. The sum of the entries in any column is zero, 2. The determinant of the incidence matrix ofa closed loopis zero. 3. The rankofincidence matrixofa connected graph is (a=. 7. Show that the determinant of the complete inc dence matrixofa closed loop is zer0. a4 obs eae eR Sac 6 XN ; Poy , / ° a a Fig. 3.57 (a) Network Fig. 3.57 (b) Groph of network ‘The complete incidence matrix ofthe graph A, is given, asFig. 357 A,=Nodes 1-1 0 Fincidence Reference © matris A, node d However, for the closed loop consisting of the branches 1, 2and 4, the complete incidence matrix is given as 124 ato bo - @io The determinant value of this matrix comes ta be zero, “Therefore, we can conclude that the complete inci- dence matrix ofa closed loop is zero. 8, Mention some properties of a cut-set. 1. Acut-set divides the set of nodes into two subsets. 2. Each fundamental cut-set contains one tree-branch, ‘the remaining elements being links. 3. Each branch of the eut-set has one ofits terminals incident ata node in one subset and its other termi- nalat a node in the other subset, 1 ‘Network Topology (Graph Theory) ae 4. A cutset is oriented by selecting an orientation from one of the two parts to the other. General the direction of a cut-setis chosento be same asthe direction of the tree branch 9. Show that for network graph with P separate parts, n nodes and 6 branches, the number of chords Cis givenas¢=b—n +P. We know that if a connected graph of a network has 1 ‘nodes and b branches then number of tree branches of twigs,b, = (9-1) number of inks or chards, (6 b)=b- (n= Now instead of a connected graph, if we have a net- work graph with P separate parts then the number of chords is calculated as explained below. Let, ma... be the number of nodes of the first, second, third... p" part ofthe graph, respectively, so that the total number of nodes of the graph is. ‘Again, number of wigs farthe first part by = (my ~ 1) Number of twigs for the second part, b: = {n ~ 1) Number of twigs for the third part by = (n, ~ 1) ,-0 Number of twigs forthe p” part, b. = Hence. total number of twigsis, Hoy = + (0, = NV (ay ely = HY S(t ate to +) “1 P= Kn -P) =: number of chords, C= (b ~ b,) = b= (nF) bone 10. Prove that in a linear graph, every cut-set has aneven number of branches incamman with every loop. A.cut-set Is a minimum number of branches of 2 con- nected graph that when cut, or removed from the graph, separatesthe graph into two groupsof nodes. A cut-set is said tobe a fundamental cut-setifit contains only one tree branch. We consider the graph as shownin Fig. 358. The fundamental cut-sets are Feut-set —1:(1, 2.6] Feut-set ~2:(2,3,5,6] Freut-set ~3:(4, 5,6) Network Analysisand Synthests Fig.3.58 Groph illustrating Fundamental cut-set Therefore. a fundamental cut-set contains only one tree branch and the other branches being the links of the graph. nthe otherhand,a loop always consists ofone linkand the other branches being the tree branches of the graph. Itis shown in Fig. 359, The loops are Loop 1:(1,2.3) Loop2:(3.4,5} Loop 3:11, 2.4.6] 1. For the network shown in Fig. 3.60, draw the graph and a possible tree. Show the links and write the tle- Set matrix. Write the equations of the branch currents in terms of loop currents, Fig.3.60 2. Find out the currents through and voltage across all branches of the network shown in fig. 3.61 with the help of its tie-set schedule. pF | sv® r2v@ Fig.3.61 3, Find a tree from the graph ef the network shown in Fig. 3.62 Make the tie-set matrix and write the equa- Fig.3.59. Graphillustrating Loops ‘As every fundamental cut-set must contain one tree: branch and at least one link, and every loop also must ‘contain one link and at least one tree branch, we can ssay that every fundamental cut-set has two branches. in common with every loop. In the similar way, considering a cut:-set for an uncon- nected graph, which contains more than one tree branch, we can show that every fundamental cut-set thas an even number of branches in common with every loop. Exercises tions containing branch currents and loop currents. All the values are in ohms. Fig. 3.62 4, Draw the graph of the circuit shown in Fig. 3.63 and select a suitable tree to write tie-set matrix, 00 10 100 200 Fig. 3.63 1A\4, = 0.54) [Network Topology (Graph Theory) ih S. For the given network of A 80 150 Fig. 3.64 draw the graph Rime DD ae sets and the eut-set matrix * an wine oan ate ue ov) WS un le Rio voltages in terms of tree 8 C branch voltages. Fig.3.67 6. For the given network of Figh3.64 Fig. 365 draw the graph and a tree. Write the cut-sets and the cut-set matrixof the tree. Write the equationsof 9. Select the (i) fundamental link branch voltages in terms of tree branch voltages. All loops, and the values are in ohms, cut-sets correspanding to A a tree of the network graph which is shown by solid lines in Fig, 368, Hence write 3 the KCL and KVL equations for the network in mateix form, rm 10. Draw the graph of the net- 30. (7A4A) Fig. 3.68 > EAL NN work in Fig. 3.69. Select a 8 y ¢ tree with tree branches of elements (1) and (2) and Fig. 3.65 write the equilibrium equa- Sn en 7. The linear oriented & tion taking tree branch Te giana voltages as variables Fig 2.66 considesng : Fig.3.69 ‘a tree, mark all the 511, The Incidence matrix of fndenontal cubadts 1 network graph Is given below. Draw the oriented ‘and form the cut-set graph. matric Fig. 3.66 10001001 8. Forthe network shown in Fig. 3.67, determine A O100-1 16 0 (2) teset matrix, oo10 0-1 1 =r ( loepimpedancematiand 4 00010040 (e) loop currents. Questions [WY 1. Give the topological description of networks (b) State the advantages offered by graph theory as 2. (a) Define the following terms: applied to electric circuit problerns. @) Graph ofanetwork 3, What is meant by a graph? How does a graph help i jrcuit analysis? (i) Oriented graph ircuit analysis : 4. (2) Define a tree ofa graph of a network. Mention some (ii) Rankofagraph. basic properties of a ‘ree’, How can you calculate (iv) Planar and non-planar graph the number of possible trees of a given graph? Ww) Subgraph tb) Define the followings: () Path () Twigs (i) Co-tree {il Links or chores 152 Network Analysis and Synthess 5. Show that the number of links for @ graph having 9 odesand b brancesisb — n +1. 6. Show that fora network graph with P separate parts, n nodesand b branches, the number of chords Cis given asC=b-n+P. 7. Explain with illustrative examples the meaning of the following terms: {a) Incidence matrix {(b) Tie-set matrix (c) Cutset matrix 8. (a) Explain what is meant by incidence matrix of a ‘graph and indicate how the values of the incidence matrix elements are obtained, (b) List the properties ef an incidence matrix, (@) How can you determine the number of possible trees of a graph with this matrix? 9, Show that the determinant of the complete incidence matrix of a closed loop is zero, 10. (@) Explain the term ‘tie-set’ and ‘tie-set matrix’ of a network with an illustrative example, (b) Show that the m: equation, = 8% where, Bis the tie-set matrix and f, and J, rep- resent the branch current and loop cur- rent matrix respectively. (c) Wate a tie-set schedule and formulate the equilib- rium equation an loop current basis, 11. fa) Define a cut-set in a network graph. How can you find out a fundamental eut-set? Mention some properties ofacut-set, (0) Define cut-set mati with an illustrative example ‘and show that the matrix equation I, = 0, where Qis the cut-set matrixand l represents the branch current matrix of the graph. (c) Briefly discuss the relation between branch volt- age matrix and node voltage matrix in terms of eutsets, 12, Prove that in a linear graph, every cut-set has an even number of branchesin common with every loop. 13, (a) Write notes on network equilibrium equation. (bo) Establish that the independent loop equations of network can be formulated from the tie-set matrie of ts graph, with illustrative examples. {) Establish the formulation of node equations of a network from the cut-set matrix. 14, Using the topological properties of a network graph, describe the step-by-step procedure of analyzing a network by the node voltage method. 15, Using the topological properties of a network graph, describe the step-by-step procedue of analyzing a network by the loop current method. Multiple-Choice Questions we 1, The number of ‘branches are ks for a graph having 'n’ nodes and @ bons (i) n-b +1 (i) ben tw) b+n 2. The tree branches ofa graph are called (0 chords i) Hinks ) twigs (iv) corte 3. The tie-set matrix gives the relation between (branch currents and link cuments )) branch voltages and link currents i) branch currents and link voltages (iv) none of these 4. The graph of a network has six branches with three tree branches. The minimum number of equations required far the solution of the network is o2 (i) a 5. For a connected planar graph of v vertices and e edges, the number of meshes is (e-v+1) @le+v4+n (id (e@+v—1) 6. The number of chords of a tree of a connected graph Gof vvertices and e edges is v=) a e=ven (e=v=n 7. The table meant for the oriented graph represents a/an Fig. 3.70 8 10. n Linkorloopeurrent «Branch —» 10203 i “1-1 0 i oo +t () tie-set matrix (ii) incidence matrix i) cut-set matrix (iv) none of the above ‘The reduced incidence matrix of a circuit is given by 123 456 afl -1 -1 -1 00 A4=50 1 0 0-11 Oo 0 1 0 10 The set of branches forming a tree are ( 1,2and3 (i) 2.3and5 (ii) 1,2and4 (iv) 1,2and6. Relative to.a given fixed tree of a network, 1. link currents form an independent set 2. branch currents form an independent set 3. link voltages form an independent set 4. branch voltages form an independent set ofthese statements, () 1,2,3.and4 are correct i) 1, 2andBarecorrect (ii) 2,3 and 4arecorrect (iv) 1,3 end Aare correct Fora given network, the incidence matrixis given as 12345 67 100 10-17 -1-1 1 00 00 o 10-11 00 The series branches in the graph are ( 3and4 (i) 6and7 (i) 2and3 (iv) noneofthe above Fora given network, the incidence matrixis given 2s 1234567 100 10-11 -1-11 00 00 o 10-1 00 vrs cannany LEM The parallel branches in the graph are ( tand2 (i) 2and3 (ii) 6 and (iv) none of the above 12, Foragiven network, the incidence matrix is given as 1234 5 6 roo 1-4 0 o10-+- 1-1 oo1oo041 ‘The series branches in the graph are ( 3and4 Go 3ands (ii) 3ande (iv) none ofthe above 13. Foragiven network the incidence matrixis given as 234 5 6 Gi) danas (iv) none of the above 14, Which one of the following represents the total number of trees in the graph given in Fig. 3.71? © 2 © @ @ Fig.3.71 fw 8 os 5 i) 6 15. In the graph and the tree shown in Fig, 3.72 the fun- damental cut-set for the branch 2is 4 @ 215 2 2,6,7,8 ) 21.345 i) 2.3.4 Fenn 16, Inthe graph shown in Fig. 373, one possible tree is. 19, Thenumberof chordsin the graph of the given circuit formed by the branches 4, 5,6, 7. Then one possible willbe fundamental ut sets Fig.3.74 Fig.3.73 3 i) 4 i) 5 iv) 6 ( (i 1.2.56 1 : dee he ‘ . ae . Cons network grap (i (123.78 shown in Fig 3.75. Which one of 17. Which one ofthe following statements is correct? the following is NOT a “tree” of Areein a nerworkis a connected graph conta this graph? ig.395 0 allthe nodes only (i) allthe branches only ~ Gi) allthe branches and nodes (i) allthe nodes but no cose path 123456 NT 1-1-1 -1 00 we 4=|0 1 0 0-11 21. In the following graph, the number of trees (9) and the oo bo te number of cut sets (Q) are o By superposition theorem, the current when both the sources are acting simultaneously is va [s('+9")= 33 630 Network Analysis and Synthesis 10, Explain the following terms: a) Three-phase balanced supply ©) Three-phase unbalanced supply bb) Three-phase balanced load d) Three-phase unbalanced load @) Phase-sequence of three-phase systems 11.(a) Explain the consequences of phase reversal of a three-phase unbalanced delta-connected load. (©) Explain the consequences of phase reversal of a3 Phase, 4-wire unbalanced system, Ina two phase system, phase voltages differ by 0 ) 90° ) 120° (iv) 180° 2. Ina 3-phase system, the emis (30° apart 40° apart (ii) 90° apart (iv) 120°apart 3. When phase sequence at the 3-phase loadis reversed (phase currents are changed in magnitude (i) phase currents change in phase angle but notin magnitude (ii) total power consumed is changed {iv)_ phase powers are changed . Electri¢ power is almost exclusively generated, trans mitted and distributed by a 3-phase system because it (i) uses less material fora given capacity (i. ismore efficient (ii) costsess than a single-phase apparatus (iv) alloftheabove 5. Three equal impedances are connected in star across a balanced 3-phase supply, if connected in delta ‘across the same supply, state if (i) phase current will be doubled line eurrent will become one-third phase current will be tripled (iv). powerconsumed will increase three fold ‘6 If positive phase sequence of a 3-phase load is a-b-c, the negative sequence would be @ bac (eba —Gilacd — Gy) allthe three 7. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel opera- tion, which of the 3-phase connections given below are possible? () deta-delta to detta-star (i) delta-delta to star-delta \Gi)_star-star to delta-delta (60). dekta-star to star-delta (@) Explain the consequences of disconnecting the neutral ina 3-phase 4-wire unbalanced system. 12, Why is an unbalanced load not normally used on a 3-phase, 3-wite system? Are any line/phase voltages ‘equal in such situations? 113. Discuss thephenomencn of neutral shift.In which type ‘ofload does iteccur and why? Derivean expression for ealeulating the neutra| shift voltage. Multiple-Choice Questions we &, Which one of the following are the necessary cond tions for an entire 3-phase system to be balanced? 1. The line voltages are equalin magnitude. 2. The phase difference between successive line volt agesis equal 3. Theimpedances in each of the phases are identical Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: 12and3 (i) Vand3 li) Yand2 (iv) 2and 3 three-phase load is balanced when (i) magnitudes of three impedances are equal ) the three impedances are pure resistances ) all the three loads are equal in magnitude and phase angle (iv) the magnitudes of currents dravin by the three loads are equal 10, If the Riphase of a 3-phase star-connected alterna- tor becomes reversely connected by mistake, it will affect () Enand En (i) Eyand Ey i) Epand Eos Uv) Enum ad Ese 11, E, En, are three phase voltages while ££, are the line voltages of a balanced three:phase system having a-b-c phase sequence. In relation to Ey Ey would (i) lag by 30° ) lead by 30° Gi) have the same phase {iv)_ have one definite phase relationship 12, Ina 3-phase balanced star-connected load, the new- tral currentis equal to @ 2210 i) 9, Onn (iv) unpredictable Resonance Introduction Any system having at least a pair of complex conjugate poles has a natural frequency of oscillation. If the frequency of the system driving force coincides with the natural frequency of oscillation, the system | resonates and the system response becomes maximum. This phenomenon is known as ‘tesonance'and the frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is known as ‘resonant frequency’. In electrical systems, resonance occurs when the system contains at least one inductor and one 0, 29 2 and #0 w Impedance Due to Inductor Z, = ; Fig. 11.1 Series RLC Jul; clearly, asa, Z, > © andi >. resonantcircult Therefore, circuits containing inductors and capacitors have responses that are frequeny dependent, We analyze in the following steps. 635) Resonance Current Response Here, the supply voltage, v, phasor equivalents of v, and i.are V and I, respectively. y., sin «at and the current is ¢ = i, sin(wr + @). The Using phasors, (Lb (iy + [fs 0asw 0; and + }0asw >, This indicates that there must be a maximum value of the current |f| for some particular value of w. This oceurs when the denominator is a minimum, i., when (13) Thus, resonance occurs when the magnitudes of the inductive and capacitive reactanees are equal This frequency is termed the resonant frequency, wy af the series RLC circuit. 0, = Vic From the equation (11.1), the phase angle of the current is given by, aay From the equation (11.4), it is clear that the phase angle for the current also depends on frequency. We have two observations: * Asw0,6—> tan (35). and in this case the current leads the voltage with the phase relationship being like that of an RC eireuit, © Asa 32,65 —tan (=) . and in this case the current lags the voltage with the phase relationship 4 being like that of an RL. circuit, + Ata = an, ¢ = 0, and in this case the current and the /au=Ma/R-——] voltage are in phase, the circuit behaving like a purely z resistive citeuit ae a The current response and phasor diagrams are shown in Fig. 11.2. 4 Phasor Diagrams The currentand voltage phasor diagrams for Fig. 11.2. Frequency response ofa an RLC series circuit are shown in Fig. 11.3. series—resonant circuit Mas Network Analysis and Synthesis y [vey X : @ v 5 i Me ver! Ms (b) © Fig.11.3 Phasordiagrams (af fe At resonant frequency, the inductive and capacitive reactances are equal so that the current and voltage are in phase. For any frequency lower than the resonant frequency, the inductive reactance is less than the capacitive rectanee and hence, the eircuit behaves as a capacitive circuit. Similarly, for any frequency higher than the resonant frequency, the inductive rectance is greater than the capacitive reetance and hence, the circuit behaves as an inductive circuit. Bandwidth We define the half-power bandwidth of the RLC circuit as the range of frequencies (or the width ofthe frequency band) for which the power dissipated in & is greater than or equal to half the maximum power, = L We know that the average power is P=|#[ R- where Wee (Ls) Maximum power will be Pau, = Fy Thus, the half-power points occur when p= = At resonance, the ciruit is purely resistive, so that J, =—=. (11.6) ‘Therefore, at half-power points, ||=—%-= 12 (11.7) erefore, er points, Eth f y, v 2 afon-L) bee +) To solve for the frequencies, squaring both sides and equating the denominators, afore) 220 = (ore sowed) (11.22) (11.23) (11.24) (11.25) (11.26) (11.27) (11.28) (11.29)

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