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TOPICS: Developing Students Knowledge (K3) of 2013 Curriculum

Developing Students Knowledge (K3) of 2013 Curriculum from the
Results of Scaffolding in English Teaching
Diah Gusrayani
S3 English Department

# First Annotation
1. Author
2. Date
3. Title
4. Pages
5. Publisher

: Wendy Cumming-Potvin (Murdoch University)

: 2007
: Scaffolding, Multiliteracies, and Reading Circles
: 24 pages
: Canadian Journal of Education 30, 2

Cumming-Potvin, 2007. Scaffolding, Multiliteracies, and Reading Circles: Using a

social-constructivist perspective of learning, the researcher investigated a grade-7 boy,
Nicholas, who was identified as challenged by the literacy curriculum. From classobservation, interviews, work samples, note taking and video-taping, in-depth
descriptions of participants literacy practices were noticed. A spiralling cycle of four steps
are conducted (planning, acting, observing and reflecting) involving Mrs. Parker as the
teacher, 12 male and 9 female students. Discourse analysis is also employed to examine
transcripts and on both textual and contextual levels. The analysis utilizes a multiliteracies
framework and the four resourcing model to interpret Nicholas progress during reading
cycles. Scaffolding, diverse texts and meaningful tasks are applied as continuous
treatments involving Nicholas parents (mother), the teacher and the researcher. Nicholas
multiliteracies in home and at school are carefully noted and analysed. Speech patterns
were deconstructed in terms of microelements such as the use of grammar, syntax, and
rhetorical devices. The scaffolding provided covers: reading picture books, short stories,
and extracts from the novel to the students; demonstrating various strategies for effective
reading with the four resources reading model; self- audiotaping; giving challenging
questions; organizing a listening post. The teacher also provided an online component,
involving a class Reading Web Page for children and parents, to access literacy materials
at home and/or school. Scaffolding is also provided at home. Nicholas mother provided
him a dictionary, helped him with the reading of the text, and played active support
assistance and support for her sons literacy practices. The results shown that
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multiliteracies and interweaving scaffolding and diverse texts in meaningful tasks can
encourage agency in student learning across contexts. The zone proximal development is
varied in relation to interpersonal relationships, interaction between participants, features
of proposed tasks, and contexts of learning.
# Second Annotation
1. Author
2. Date
3. Title
4. Pages
5. Publisher



: Michael F. Mascolo (Merrimack College)

: 1 August, 2006
: Change Processes in Development: The Concept of Coactive
: 12
: Elsevier









A coactive systems model of development provides a framework for

examining other ways in which person-environment relations may scaffold development.

Three broad categories (and subtypes) of coactive scaffolding proposed here are:
ecological scaffolding, social scaffolding and self-scaffolding. Social scaffolding refers to
the processes by which co-regulated exchanges with other persons direct development in
novel directions. Ecological scaffolding refers to the ways in which ones relation to or
position within the broader physical and social ecology moves action toward novel forms.
In this sense, nature also supports human development. Ecological scaffolding comprises
three types of scaffolding: naturalistic, positional and task/object. Naturalistic scaffolding
involves the use of naturally occurring environmental features in their unaltered state to
aid in acting. Meanwhile positional scaffolding refers to the ways in which an individuals
physical position or orientation in relation to a task, object or social context functions to
organize, direct, or make an action easier to perform. Task/object scaffolding refers to the
ways in which the task itself or the objects of action structure the construction of novel
ways of acting and thinking. Self- scaffolding refers to the way in which products of the
individuals own actions create conditions that direct and support the production of novel
forms of action and meaning. Self-scaffolding comprised into: cognitive self-scaffolding,
bridging and annalogical mappings.
#Third Annotation
1. Author
2. Date
4. Pages

: Geralyn M. Jacobs
: Winter, 2001
: Providing the Scaffold: A Model for Early Childhood/Primary
Page | 2

5. Publisher

: Early Childhood Education Journal, Vol 29, No.2

Jacobs, 2001. Providing the Scaffold: A Model for Early Childhood /Primary Teacher
Preparation. This article offers scaffolding as a model to be taking into account for the
early childhood and primary teacher preparation. Teachers who are able to effectively
create and teach in multicultural, inclusive, hands-on, engaging, active environments
especially for young children must equipped themselves with the foundation of the
scaffold in theory and developmentally appropriate practice. First, they have to possess
strategies and skills, in order to help them to plan inviting learning environments that
encourage active learning and exploration. Second, teacher has to be equipped with
inclusion and multicultural concept of the class so that they arse ready to challenge it to
become a potential for class development. Teacher preparation programs should provide
future teachers with experiences, both in the field and in the classroom, so that they will
be no longer unfamiliar with the condition they are going to face. Scaffolding for teachers
to be are also necessary, such as providing and facilitating prepared teachers the
knowledge of child development and national standards, enhancing the role of technology,
and modelling appropriate practices. When students have a clear understanding of child
development, they are better prepared to work effectively with children in their individual
zones of proximal development. Training in the latest technological advances will help
students to be able to use technology for their own purposes and to help their future
students make the best use of it. In modelling appropriate practices, the teachers should
be introduced with learning centres and modelling authentic assessment. As a major part
for scaffolding to prepared teachers, they should be equipped with experiences in field, so
that they can learn various strategies and techniques. An in-depth practicum in the third
year of teacher preparation can provide students with needed opportunities to practice
writing and carrying out lesson plans and developing their observation and assessment
skills. For the final touch of the scaffolding, prepared teachers should be provided a time
for reflection. They should be given the space to do reflection both the theory and practice
they have learned and experienced.
#Fourth Annotation
1. Author

:Jenny Hammond (University of Technology, Sydney)

Pauline Gibbons (University of Technology, Sydney)
2. Date
: April 2005
3. Title
: Putting scaffolding to work: The contribution of
scaffolding in articulating ESL education
Page | 3

4. Pages
5. Publisher

: 25
: Prospect Vol. 20. No.I

Hammond and Gibbons. 2006. Putting scaffolding to work: the contribution of scaffolding
in articulating ESL education. It is only when support is required that new learning will
take place, since the learner is then likely to be working within the ZPD. Scaffolding work
this way: students are ;provided with similar tasks later in new contexts. Classroom
learning to be most effective, teaching and learning tasks should be ahead of students
abilities to complete alone, but within their ability to complete when scaffolding is
provided. Effective scaffolding should also results in handover with students being able to
transfer skills and understanding to new tasks in new learning contexts, thereby
becoming increasingly independent learners. Effective teaching is not simply the
transmission of information from one individual to another, but is a collaborative and
negotiated social process where knowledge is constructed between, rather than within,
individuals. Hammond and Gibbons come up with the idea of micro and macro
scaffolding. Macro-scaffolding is consciously planned by the teacher, therefore is called
designed in scaffolding. Whereas micro scaffolding relies in the interactional forms of
students and teacher which, by their nature, is not pre-scripted or pre-planned. The
realisations of designed-in scaffolding can be found in the ways in which classroom goals
are identified, how classrooms are organised and in the selection and sequencing of tasks.
In specific discussion, macro scaffolding deals with the presence or absence of: students
prior knowledge and experience, selection of tasks, sequencing of tasks, participant
structures, semiotic systems, meditational texts, metacognitive and metalinguistic
awareness. The realisations of interactional scaffolding reveals in the absence or presence
of: linking to prior knowledge/pointing forward, recapping/meta comment, appropriating,
recasting, cued elicitation, and increasing prospectiveness.
# Fifth Annotation
1. Author
: Aida Walqui
2. Date
: 2006
3. Title
: Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A
Conceptual Framework
4. Pages
: 22
5. Publisher
: The International Journal of Bilingual Education and
Walqui. 2006. Scaffolding Instruction for English Language Learners: A Conceptual
Framework. Walqui presents a model of scaffolding that emphasises the interactive social
nature of learning and the contingent, collaborative nature of support and development.
Drawing on sociocultural theory, the author examines specific types of scaffolding to
promote linguistic and academic development. The model conceives of scaffolding both as
process and structure, weaving together several levels of pedagogical support, from macro
level planning of curricula to micro level moment-to-moment scaffolding and the
contingent variation of support responsive to interactions. In his view, scaffolding can be
thought of as three related pedagogical scales. First, the meaning of providing a support
structure to enable certain activities and skills to develop. Second, the actual carrying out
of particular activities in the class. And third, there is the assistance provided in moment
to moment interaction.

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