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UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA ‘S831 ie hen L1886 Fetus re Fomor Tetrcac nds Bronom) Ten Spt &Feronconaon Fake. Sosa Fogem pea 00) Menor hyomatic,Tetnk Komputer Are ‘Manojemnen fRogeam sojana si Strom ntormon: doer Komputer, Teknik format, Teknik Geko, Tek ‘Mesh, Teen Indust, Akuntorel, Mangjemien, Asltettur, Teknik Siol, Pskologl Sastre Ingors Hex Noose micro moron Teknik Bektro, Sostra Inggis. Psko}ogH, Tekrik Sip Program Doktor (Slim Sonor, Teknologntormas / nu Komputer SOAL Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis | Tanggal =i /o1 /2010 Fokultas : Teknologi Industri Waktu +70 menit Jenjang / Jurusan : $1/ Teknik Informatika Dosen Tingkat / Kelas: IV/41A01-41A15 Sifat Ujian —: Tutup Buku Semester /Tahun : PTA 2009 / 2010 Jumi.Soal :40 PG ehh Petunjuk: 1. Berdoalah sebelum dan sesudah saudara mengikuti ujian ini. 2. Berhati-hatilah dalam membaca sool dan memilih jawaban. Jawab di lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan. 3. Dilarang menyontek, bekerja sama, dan membuka kamus. 4. Lembaran soal dikembalikan kepada pengawas ujian, tidak boleh dibawa pulang oleh mahasiswa. — CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER! 1. The position of the inside address in the letter is, a. Below the salutation . above the date b. Above the salutation <—— . above the letterhead 2. The correct date of business letter in American style is a. 05 January,2009 ¢. January-05-2009 b. January 05%,2009<— 4. 05" January.2009 3. The position of reference line is a, Above the enclosure ¢. below the salutation b. Below the letterhead<— 4. below the body of the letter 4. This part of business letter contains the message or information which the writer wants to communicate. a. Salutation c. complementary close b. Body of the leter <— d. inside address 5. Body of the letter is divided into three paragraphs, EXCEPT. a. Referenceé— c. message b. Opening d. closing 6. What is NOT included in the inside address is a. Position of the writer ¢. name of the city b. Name of the company 4. simplified address of the company 7. Which of the following expressions function as a salutation? a, Best wishes, ¢. Dear Madam,<—— b. Faithfully Yours, d. Sincerely, 8, This part of business letter appears below the name and the address of the recipient (to whom the letter is written). a. Inside address ¢. salutation <——— 'b, Complementary close d. reference 9, Which of the following is the correct salutation in British style? a. Dear Sir: ¢. Dear Sir.<— b. Dear Sir; d. Dear Sir. 10. If there is Enclosure along with the leter, the enclosure is mentioned __ a. On the bottom right hand comer b. On the top left hand corner ©. On the top right hand 4. On the bottom left hand corneré— 11. The business letter sent by Mr. Lee by the General Manager. a. Is reading cu read b. Reads 4. is read 12, After sending the business letter, Mr. Tono is to join a business. a, Offered «, offer b. Offers 4. offering 13, The book written by Mr. Tono was__yesterday. 2 a. Sell out . selling out b. Selled out d. sold out 14, In letter writing, what is usually found soon after Yours faithfully? a. Date of the letter ¢. signatureé— b. Salutation reply 15. At which part can we find the sender of business letter? a. Body of the letter . inside address b. Letter head<— . salutation 16. Atha paragraph an we find the main pin of hte? a, Opening ¢. closing b. Message of the letterg 4. complementary close 117. This part of business letter functions to show the degree of your respect to the recipient of your letter. a. Head of the letter . salutation >. Date of the letter 4. inside address€— 18,____ is given to indicate when and where the letter was written and thus it comprises ‘the postal address of the writer and the date on which the letter was written. a. Inside address c. heading <—_ b. Body of the letter 4d. salutation 19. Sir, Dear Sir, Dear Sirs, Dear Miss, Dear Mrs., Dear Mr., are the examples of a. Heading c. inside address b. Body of the letter 4. salutationgé— 20. A business letter is generally divided into the following parts, EXCEPT: a. The heading < . inside address b. Signature enclosure CHOOSE THE WRONG ANSWER! 21. If you don't register before the last day of regular registration, you would pay a late fee. A B c D 22, Basal body temperature refer to the lowest temperature of a healthy individual during A B Cc waking hours. D 23. If your friends came to visit, would they stay in a hotel or in your house? A B c D 24, Our friends might stop to see us in their way to California. A B CD 25. Before the report js finalized, the information in their notes and our must be proofed, A B c D 26. The sheepdog is chased after the sheep which is heading over the hill. A B c D 27. Many birds will, in the normal course of its migrations, fly more than three thousand A B miles to reach their winter homes, c D 28. Kayla and Safira forget to give presentations of their projects yesterday. AB c oD 29. Every moming Fairuz begin leaning to walk. A Bc oD 30. Giraffe's eyes allow them seeing in all directions without twisting their heads. A B c D 3. Ghina has given contribution tothe development of Islam much times. AB D 32. We have been hoping going to Mecca for many years. A BC D 33. {really miss be with my close fiends in my sony, AB c 34. Janet wants a typewriter whose self-corrects. A BOC D 35. Jane is the woman whom is going to China next year, A B c D 36. There are some important point that we need to highlight in the next meeting. A B ¢c D 37. Pete had already saw that factory before he got the reviews about it. A B c D 38. People respected George Washington because be was a honest man. AB c D 39. These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time. A B c D 40. After she had bought herself a new automobile, she sold his bicycle. AB cD GOOD LUCK & DO YOUR BEST!!!

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