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Assignment 5 Detailed Design

Submission Date 20.12.2014

Luka Mandi (
Dinko Jakovljevi (

a) Identify actors and use cases for the system described above and show them
on a UML use case diagram.

1. Use case

b) Give a brief description of each use case as a sequence of interactions

between the system and the participating actors. (Error scenarios are not
Name: Search
Initiator: Customer
Goal: search for number in system
1. Customer needs to be connected to Internet
2. Customer visit Phone company web page
3. System displays webpage to customer
4. Customer searches phone number

Name: Update account

Initiator: registered customer
Goal: update information on customer account
1. Connect to Internet
2. Browse for Phone company web page
3. System displays webpage to customer
4. Register to system
5. System stores customer data
6. System asks for login
7. Customer enters username and password
8. System aunthenticate customer
9. Customer updates account

Name: Extend email info

Initiator: registered customer
Goal: Extend information on customers
1. Connect to Internet
2. Browse for Phone company web page
3. System displays webpage to customer
4. Register to system
5. System stores customer data
6. System asks for login
7. Customer enters username and password
8. System aunthenticate customer

9. Search for customer

10. Customer extends information of customers

Name: Check phone bills

Initiator: registered customer
Goal: check list of your phone bills
1. Connect to Internet
2. Browse for Phone company web page
3. System displays webpage to customer
4. Register to system
5. System stores customer data
6. System asks for login
7. Customer enters username and password
8. System aunthenticate customer
9. Customer checks list of phone bills

Name: Update directory

Initiator: Company staff
Goal: update registered customer directory
1. Log into company internal network
2. System verify Company staff
3. System gives access to workspace
4. Company staff updates customer directory

c) Propose a physical architecture for the system.

2. Arhitektura sustava
Korisnik pomou preglednika trai web telefonski imenik. Server osigurava pristup stranici te
interakciju korisnika sa web imenikom. Sustav tvrtke sastoji se od 3 glavna dijela. Interface
(suelje stranice) vidljivo korisniku. Korisnik moe pretraivati sustav kako bi pronaao potrebne
informacije (adresa,broj,rauni itd). Data collection(pohrana podataka) je ustvari drugi dio,baza
podataka sa svim zabiljeenim podatacima korisnika.Bazu podataka mogu aurirati zaposlenici
tvrtke kroz radnu stanicu koja je povezana sa internim sustavom.

d) Identify classes for realizing the central functionality of the system. Include
principal methods and attributes. Show relationships on a UML class

3. Class diagram
Dijagram klasa sastoji se od dvije glavne klase iz kojih proizlaze ostale klase. To su Web
telefonski imenik i Interni sustav. Upravo zbog sigurnosti podataka imamo odvojena sustava
koja izmeu sebe imaju interakciju. Internom sustavu imaju pristup samo zaposlenici tvrtke
koju pomou sustava vre potrebna auriranja i nadogradnje. Web sustavu mogu pristupiti svi
koji imaju internet vezu.

e) Draw UML sequence diagrams to illustrate the interactions within the

system during execution of the most important use cases (specify 3 use

4. Sekvencijalni dijagram za Pretraivanje

Prvi sekvencijalni dijagram opisuje postupak pretraivanja web telefonskog imenika za
registrirane korisnike i korisnike koji samo pretrauju stranicu.

5. Sekvencijalni dijagram za auriranje baze

Drugi sekvencijalni dijagram opisuje postupak prijave zaposlenika u interni sustav,potvrdu
pristupa sa radne stanice te nakon toga auriranje baze web telefonskog imenika.

6. Sekvencijalni dijagram interakcije korisnika sa web imenikom

Trei sekvencijalni dijagram opisuje postupak prijave korisnika u web sustav te auriranje
korisnikog rauna (npr. promjena adrese). Interni sustav vraa potvrdu registriranog korisnika i
nakon prijave korisnik nastavlja sa prvotnom namjenom te mijenja adresu,sustav se aurira te
korisnik dalje ima mogunost nastaviti sa pretraivanjem.

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