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Thesis: The Green America Better Paper Project is dedicated to social

and environmental responsibility and informs the public using

economic strategies combined with consumer education and
organizing, supply chain collaborations, and life-cycle assessments.

Introduction Wastefulness of junk mail

At the start of this quarter, we were told to think of a social
justice problem that means something to you and dedicate a paper to
shedding light on how the people combat the problem using different
forms of literature. As the first two weeks passed I thought of many
different social justice problems such as the war on drugs linked to the
absurd incarceration rate and over crowed jails due to minor drug
offenses, homelessness in Santa Barbara, and feeding the poor. All of
these topics interest me and need to be address but I wanted to think
outside of the box and choose a topic that is rarely addressed that
sincerely bugs me! Every time I receive a piece of mail, I get a stack of
unwanted junk mail. You may be asking yourself, How is junk mail a
social injustice? After reading this paper youll have a better
understanding as to how this intrusive form of advertising has a
devastating impact on the environment. The next time you recycle the
junk mail that accumulates in your mailbox, youll have a disturbing
feeling of the wasteful nature of attached to them. According to, a website devoted to stopping this wasteful social

injustice, its estimated that 100 million trees are cut down each year
to create 4.5 million tons of junk mail.
Upon further research on this topic, I began to realize the
organizations that combat this problem are solely focused on
deforestation. offers mind-blowing statistics but lacks
the financial backing to truly stop this problem. However I did find one
organization that lightly discusses the problems of junk mail and is
devoted to slowing the rate of deforestation by creating recycled paper
for many uses. The Green America Better Paper Project, which is
located in Denver, Colorado, is directed by Frank Locantore who has
over ____ years experience combating deforestation by selling recycled
paper. His efforts to slow and hopefully stop deforestation have been
backed by many prestigious organizations such as World Wildlife
Federation and ____. The Better Paper Project uses consumer education
such as carefully placed logos and an effective website to educate
consumers of paper of the dangers of deforestation.
Considering our class is on the study of writing I gauged my
questions accordingly. I defined many terms as they pertain to our
class for him such as genera and conventions.

On average, I receive around two pounds of junk mail per day.

Intrusive nature, stats, tie in with better paper project and thesis

P1 - If junk mail is necessary use BPP paper

What is the BBP and who runs it?

P2 Introduce Frank Locantore

What are his ties with the org

P3 How does Locantore and BPP use writing artifacts to spread


Wrap up BPP awareness techniques, tie back in with junk mail
and how

wasteful it is

Working is an idea but may be general, provides usufeul info but isnt
an argument or debateable
Thesis can be argued and backed up

[Interview]. (n.d.).

Better Paper Project. (n.d.). Interviews and Articles. Retrieved February

19, 2015, from
Better Paper Project. (2011, April 5). Recycled Paper For Magazines:
Retrieved February 19, 2015, from
Edwards, M. (2015, January 1). Deforestation. Retrieved February 19,
2015, from
Environmental Paper Network. (2015, January 1). Global Paper Vision.
Retrieved February 19, 2015, from
What is Green Dimes? - Junk Mail. (2006, January 1). Retrieved
February 19, 2015,

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