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Early Childhood

Physical Developmenal Milestones

Children should be able to ride a trycicle sooter, run, hop, skip jump,climb, dribble, catch,
kick through.
Able to Balance play games like duck duck goose, bounce and catch balls, climb, throw
balls, bean bags, dance, write, paint, hold markers, crayons ,pencils.

Language Developmental Milestones

A typical 3 year old knows about 1,000 words." (
Children vary in their devlopment of speech and language skills 4 to 5 year olds can,
"Pay attention to short stories and answers simple questions about it, hear and
understands most of what is said at home or school, Uses sentences that give many
details, tells stories, that stay on topic, communicates, easly, by other chilren, uses
rhyming words, names, some letters, and numbers and uses adult grammer."

Cognitive Developmental Milestones

Children can recite all alphabets, letters, numbers, retell stories, count to 10.
Children can do patterns simple and complex. They understand simple addition and

subtraction, and can draw color, cut, beading, paint, buil with blocks, legos, magnitiles,
maniplative, puzzles, use computer, play bingo games, spell their name and can express
themselves and understand when communcated to.
Atypical Development
Age three to four, cannot throw a ball over head cannot jump in place, cannot ride a
trycicle, cannot grasp crayon between thumb and fingers, difficulty scribling, still clings
or cryes, ignores other children, resist dressing, sleeping, using toilet, lashes out when
angry or upset. Does not us sentences more than three words. Does not use sentences
more than three words, does not use me and you appropriately, unable to draw a straight
A four to five year old that is fearful behavior, timid behavior, agressive behavior, cannot
sepereate from parent, seems unhappy sad most of the time, dosent engage in varitey of
activites, cannot hop skip jump. Dosent use purlas when speaking.
Stratagies famlies can use to enhance thier child's development
Encourage children when they acomplish a task.
breakdown task in to small parts
Observing reinforcing and teaching
Change no into yes, buy changing the environment, daily schedule, and routines, when
their are road blocks in a childs learning and development.
Social Emotional Milestones
Preschool children are able to interact other people and to understand and to control thier
emotions. The child should know the skills to share toys and take turns.

Moral Reasonings and Self Regulation Milestones

Typically the young child will define the rightness or wrongness of act. For example,
when a child know it's clean up time and their are not cleaning, the next child would
remind them to clean up.

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