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Energy & the Roller Coaster

Question: How is motion on a roller

coaster related to energy?


At which place do you think the

marble moves fastest?


At which place do you think the

marble moves fastest?

Fastest 6,3,2,4,5,1 Slowest

As height decreases, speed increases.
As height increases, speed decreases.
The fastest speed is at the lowest part of the roller

Kinetic & Potential Energy

Kinetic energy is the energy an object has when it

is in motion. This kind of energy depends on speed.
Potential energy is stored energy. This energy
depends on how high an object is relative to a

The Flow of energy between

potential & Kinetic along the roller

Before the marble starts, it has mostly

potential energy and no kinetic energy.
The marbles potential energy becomes
kinetic energy as it rolls downhill.

The Flow of energy between

potential & Kinetic along the roller

At the bottom (3), the marble has almost all

kinetic energy an not much potential energy.
The marbles kinetic energy becomes potential
energy again when it rolls uphill.

The Flow of energy between

Potential & Kinetic along the roller

At the top of the hill, the marble once again has mostly
potential energy and not much kinetic energy.
Then, the marble rolls back downhill, and once again its
potential energy becomes kinetic energy.
The marble has the most potential energy at the start
of the track.

The Flow of energy between

potential & Kinetic along the roller

The marble is going very fast at the bottom

of the hill.
This is the point where the marble has the
greatest amount of kinetic energy and the
least amount of potential energy.

Energy conservation

When the marble speeds up, it gains kinetic energy

from falling down a hill. Kinetic energy is energy of
The kinetic energy is converted from the potential
energy (the stored energy) the marble had at the
top of the hill.

Energy conservation

As the marble travels, it trades potential

and kinetic energy back and forth.
This conversion of energy from one form to
another is explained by the law of
conservation of energy.

The law of conservation of energy

Energy can be converted from one form to

another but not created or lost.

The law of conservation of energy.

As one form of energy decreases (potential

energy is related to height) the other form
of energy increases (kinetic energy is
related to speed).

The law of conservation of energy.

Theres a balance in the energy

transformation, not that energy is
This is the law of conservation of energy.

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