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Stage 3


Pre-assessment of knowledge, skills, understandings, and attitudes using With minimal instruction only
consisting of how to properly use materials, students will be given primary colors and asked to create a list
of colors provided on the board. Afterwards there will be a brief critique of their work and the colors
created and then directly related to the color theory presentation.
Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends on.

Their ability to apply the gained knowledge and techniques to create a concept
in which to be developed thoroughly and assessed through observation and
critiquing as a class.

Use color theory to create a color dominant original work of art inspired by
Romero Britto.
Create works of art incorporating color schemes while using techniques to
blend pastels.
Develop a color wheel containing all proper colors and in an organized manor.
Use various mediums to create works of art.
Compare different works of art and techniques to fully understand the spectrum
of each technique.
Students work individually but placed in groups to encourage competitiveness
to do their best.

By using warm up or sketchbook exercise, students will develop possible

concepts to later use in creating final works of art. Students will have materials
available to them in order to practice newly gained techniques.

Formative assessment
feedback by instructor
as students apply newly
learned techniques.
Instructor will observe
students as they work to
provide feedback on
ways to improve or
different approaches.
Additional instruction
may be needed.

Color theory and using
the correct colors to
make new colors versus
mixing colors that make a
brown color.
Understanding color
theory and what makes
color a proper principle of

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