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Stage 3


Pre-assessment of knowledge, skills, understandings, and attitudes using With minimal instruction only
consisting of how to properly use materials, students will be asked to draw a simple cube (versus a box).
Afterwards there will be a brief discussion on what it means to draw something with two dimensions versus
Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends on.

Their ability to apply the gained knowledge and techniques to create a concept
in which to be developed thoroughly and assessed through observation and
minimally brief critiquing of the class.

Use printmaking skills to create a work of art inspired by James Gulliver

Create a work of art using techniques and design inspired by Andy Warhol and
his contribution to pop art.
Draw three dimensionally on a two dimensional plane from an actual object.
Use various mediums to create works of art: drawing and printmaking.
Compare different works of art and techniques to fully understand the spectrum
of each technique.
Students work individually but placed in groups to encourage competitiveness
to do their best.

By using warm up or sketchbook exercise, students will be able to begin

processing what it means to draw three dimensionally. Students will develop
ideas for the final drawing before proceeding to the actual finished piece.

Formative assessment
feedback by instructor
as students apply newly
learned techniques.
Instructor will observe
students as they work to
provide feedback on
ways to improve or
different approaches.
Additional instruction
may be needed.

Drawing on a two
dimensional plane makes
drawing three
dimensional objects too
Printmaking is only for
pop art inspired works of

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