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Sample Lesson Plan- including PBL

Course: Adult Upgrading Math I

Date: TBD

Element (BOPPPS)



short simple activity

- gain learners' attention
- establish relevance
- make connections / activate prior learning
- ask provocative questions, share unusual facts, opinions, or stories

How many of you have ever been camping?

What are some considerations for the type of tent you need?
What are some popular shapes for a tent?
Which ones remind you of any of the shapes we have been studying?
Based on what you have learned about measuring shapes, which designs might make the
best tents?

Objective: Learners will...

-correctly calculate unit conversions, and use basic operations
-correctly calculate surface area for a variety of 3D shapes
-correctly calculate maximum / minimum & optimal area values
-accurately draw and label a 3D shape
-clearly articulate reasoning about choice of solution

specific statement related to learning outcomes

-keep goals Clear, Achievable, Measurable

present quiz on basic math skills necessary for problem completion according to

questions to determine current understanding levels (i.e.-oral Q&A, quiz

/ test, brainstorming)
-modify or delay lesson as necessary
-use this opportunity to form groups of diverse skill and knowledge levels

Participatory Learning:

presentation of problem and guidelines for assessment (including rubric)


(see tent-making problem)

-Assign small groups and rearrange the classroom as necessary
-Provide collaboration materials (whiteboard, markers etc.)
-Present problem and handout resource sheets
-Handout & discuss rubric and answer any questions
-Allow time for preliminary problem analysis in small groups
-Visit each group , listen & ask questions
-Which tents are the most popular? Why do you think that is?
-Why is that tent so expensive to make?
-How are you going to decide on your new design?
-What are the steps you need to take before you can complete your proposal?
-Facilitate effective group work

-Facilitator rotates time with each group to pose questions and facilitate
group discussion (check group dynamics, promote critical thinking,
conduct formative assessments)
-Learners analyze scenario, hypothesize, distribute work load,
collaboratively synthesize researched information

Sample Lesson Plan- including PBL

Course: Adult Upgrading Math I

Date: TBD

Element (BOPPPS)



learnings communicated in relation to objectives

- test knowledge (written/oral test or summary)
- test higher-order thinking (learners present solution to problem and
explain reasoning)

-Groups hand in proposals and present design and reasoning to class

-Distribute evaluation forms for individual self evaluation, group member participation,
and feedback on other group presentations
on key learnings
-Summarize key learnings and have class vote for best design
-Potential Key Learnings (from presentations & feedback forms):
-maximum / minimum areas are not always optimal / practical
-there may be multiple practical and efficient solutions
-Discuss other applications for this exercise
- where else might you use this type of analysis?
-how might I use what I learned in this exercise to help me design a pool in my
backyard? What will I need to know?
-how might I need to change the exercise for an irregular shape (like this)? Post a
diagram of several irregular tent shapes.
-In the next lesson we look at Volume and Capacity and we will design the ultimate pop
can. Based on what you know, what are some things we will have to consider?

lesson concluded and tied to future lessons

-review content
-debrief key learnings
-discuss transfer applications
-preview next lesson

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