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Professional Growth System

Student Learning Objective (SLO)
Name: Amy Gleason
School: Chevy Chase Elementary
Grade/Subject/Course: 6th Grade Team (Sci, SS)

Initial Conference Date:

Final Conference Date:
Interval: 2013-

Identify SLO: Area of Growth, Student Selection, Target

Area of Growth
What is the academic goal or area of
growth for students?

By the end of the year, students will

be able to effectively identify, use,
and apply scientific content and
vocabulary in classroom discussions,
on assignments, and on assessments
through regular opportunities to
interact with complex, contentfocused text.

Student Selection
Describe the student group(s) selected. Include
group or subgroup
number or percentage of students targeted
current grade level or performance levels of students

6 of 101 grade 6 students have been identified

based on prior assessment data and current
grades. These students have not demonstrated the
ability to effectively identify, use, and apply
scientific content and vocabulary in classroom
discussions, on assignments, and on assessments.
These students are: Isabella, Marieke, Deborah,
Yaszmyine, Tionna, and Henry

Describe and explain the expectations for student growth for students included in this SLO.

Students are expected to read and comprehend a broad range of complex, contentfocused text and apply the scientific content and vocabulary in classroom
discussions, on assignments, and on assessments. The targeted students will be
expected to meet one or more of the following goals:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of text and classroom discussion through an
improvement in assessment scores (tests, quizzes, performance tasks,
entrance cards, exit cards)
2. Appropriately use scientific terminology in classroom discussions (assessed
with MYP rubric and teacher observation)

Evidence of Need
Data & Baseline Evidence Review
What data supports your
What course standards/indicators, concepts
identification of this need as a
or skills are being addressed by this SLO?
priority to address? If you need to
collect baseline data, what will you The following Common Core Science standards re
being addressed by this SLO:
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.1 Cite specific
As a part of the SIP, the school is
textual evidence to support analysis of
focusing on developing literacy
science and technical texts.
through regular opportunities to
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 Determine the

interact with complex contentfocused text. Baseline data was

collected from last years 5th grade
MSA and current grades on
assessments, assignments, and 1st
quarter report cards.

meaning of symbols, key terms, and other

domain-specific words and phrases as they
are used in a specific scientific or technical
context relevant to grades 68 texts and

Explain why this is a significant need to address and why you chose this student
The identified area of growth is connected to the CCES School Improvement Plan:
Developing literacy through regular opportunities to interact with complex
content-focused text and the Common Core Standards for science: CCSS.ELALiteracy.RST.6-8.1 and CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 in which all students are
expected to read, analyze, understand, and accurately use scientific text and
terminology in their writing and discussion.

Plan Your Actions Instructional Focus, Resources, Evidence of Progress

Instructional Focus
Describe the key instructional strategies selected to support students in reaching this
growth target.

Provide students with multiple and varied opportunities to read and use scientific
text and terminology. This will be done by:
o Providing a variety of graphic organizers to help organize text and focus
specifically on the terminology from the text
o Provide a variety of text and text formats (textbook, trade book, websites,
videos, songs, etc.) so that students can have multiple exposures to text
and multiple pathways to access the text
o Discuss different ways to study and learn the vocabulary related to the unit
(ways of studying best suited for student learning)
Describe the professional development or support you will use to help reach this
growth target.
Planning time to create and prepare materials
Training on methods to support literacy in the content area
Time with other staff members to generate other strategies that may further
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FINAL DRAFT 20132014 School Year

support student success

Evidence of Progress
Describe how you will monitor progress and collect data. List any benchmark
assessments or other tools you will use to gather student evidence.

Initial conference with student including discussing strengths and areas of

Informal check-ins with students on an consistent basis
Formal conference with students at interim and end-of-quarter to reflect and
analyze progress, and reflect on growth.
Data collected will vary based on individual student needs. This data may
include but is not limited to: assessment grades, graphic organizers, class
work, and homework completion.

Analysis & Reflection

Analysis & Reflection
Analyze the student data you gathered throughout the SLO interval. Did you meet your
target? Explain what worked, what didnt, and what you would do differently in the future.
Include any complexity factors that may have impacted your results.
Overall, I feel that I did meet my goal. From the first quarter to the end of fourth quarter there
was a steady increase in all but one students overall grade. All students ended first quarter
with a C. At the end of 4th quarter, 2 of the 6 students had an A, 3 of the 6 had a B, and 1 of
the 6 had a C. However, the student who had a C received a B in the previous 2 quarters. In
addition, there was steady improvement in both summative and formative grades as well.
Formative scores began as a C in all 6 students. 2 of the 6 students ended 4 th quarter with a
C, however for both, there was improvement in the previous 2 quarters. 3 of the 6 students
received a B 4th quarter and showed steady improvement throughout the year. 1 of the 4
students ended 4th quarter with an A. Summative scores for 4 of the 6 students began with a
D or lower average for their summative grade, all 4 students finished fourth quarter with a B
average. 1 student began with summative grade a C and finished with an A. The final student
maintained a C throughout. For the 5 students that showed improvement in their final
summative grades, there was an increase in at least 2 of the 3 quarters (from 2 nd to 4th) often
by an entire letter grade.
These academic scores reflect the increased scientific understanding of my students. They
were able to show improvement in formative, summative, and their overall grade because
they were able to understand and apply the language of science in classwork, discussions,
homework, and on assessments both formative and summative.
I found coming at science vocabulary and concepts from a variety of different ways to be
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effective. Through the course of the year I tried to apply different modes of learning. Students
drew vocabulary, acted words out, used graphic organizers, sang songs, created flip charts,
acted as an expert on topics, played simulation games, watched videos, study guides, review
games, and allowed students to create their own presentations on topics as well as choice in
homework assignments. In addition to presenting the same concepts in a variety of ways, I
also provided tiered reading on several activities as well as worked one-on-one when
necessary. One student I even worked with in MP3 club two days a week for two sessions of
the club.
One of the students that I worked with was given an IEP in the latter part of the year.
Additional supports and modifications contributed to her overall improvement. The student
who improved in 2nd and 3rd quarter but dropped in 4th quarter was impacted by an increase in
socialization and behavior issues.

Teacher: Printed Name

Principal: Printed Name



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FINAL DRAFT 20132014 School Year

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