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Effective Instruction Is:

Strategic- explains to students

What to do
Lesson Plan Template- Michele Morelli
How to do it
why it is used
Reading Selection: Billy Bully: A School-Yard Counting Tale.ByWhen
Shows students what to do
Focal Strategy: Kid Writing, Interactive read-aloud
Helps them do it
Provides opportunity for independent practice

Introduction of the strategy: Today Id like to work with my student on a kid-writing activity. Each week Ive presented
letter-sound flash cards and some sight-word flash cards to my student; she flies through these each time with
excitement and I believe this is a positive way to begin the lesson. After weve completed this, I will read a story aloud to
my student. Billy Bully is a great story about the way you should treat your friends and classmates, and I believe this
would be a good lesson to teach to her. I will make sure to introduce the cover and title first, and ask her to tell me what
she believes the story will be about. As I go through the story, I will make sure to use metacognition so she can see what
a literate reader does as theyre reading a story. Following the story, I will pose a few questions to her: What did Billy do
to lose all of his friends? How did he get them back? After weve discussed this, I will pull out a large sheet of paper with
kid-friendly lines at the bottom for her to write. I will ask her to come up with a sentence about the kind things she shares
with her friends (for instance, she could say I share my toys with my friends.). I will help her sound out each word,
allowing her to engage in inventive spelling. After she is done, I will do the underwriting with her. I will make sure to
point out the word share because weve been working on consonant blends, and sh was one weve been working
with often. She may then draw a picture above her sentence. After weve completed this, I will move back to consonant
blend bingo until our time is up.
Modeling the process:
In regards to the flashcards, she should be comfortable with them by now. If she seizes up, I will model a few letters so
she remembers what to do. For instance, I may choose the flashcard with the letter B on it. I will say, This is the letter
B, and it makes a buh-buh-buh sound. During the read aloud, I will be modelling my thought processes aloud so she
can see how a literate reader thinks during reading. In regards to the kid-writing exercise, I will model a few concepts of
print with her (where the sentence should start, capital letters, punctuation, etc.). If she has trouble starting her
sentence, I will make my own sentence (somewhat similar to hers) and model it for her. After were done, we will work on
the consonant blend bingo. She should remember how to play by now, but if not I will go over the directions again.

Guiding the process:

I will be helping my student the entire way. Being that we went over the flashcards the past few weeks, I should not have
to guide her through the same process this week (though I will, of course, if need be). During the read aloud, I will be
guiding her through the thought processes that literate readers have. In regards to the kid-writing, I will make sure to
give the student ample time to process the question, come up with a sentence or idea, and transcribe it. I will also be
guiding her during the underwriting, showing her the real spelling of her words (but I will make sure to stress how close
she was, and how great of a job she has done).

Independent practice:
For independent practice, I will ask my student to write three sight-vocab words from the board in the classroom.
If time permits, I will have my students try to read Billy Bully with my help.

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