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I bring all materials
I usually bring all
to class. My
materials to class.
materials are well
I am ready to work
organized. I take
when the bell
out my warm-ups
rings. I take out
and am ready to
my warm-ups
work when the bell
I stay in Spanish
I always use
mindset the entireSpanish to respond to
class period. I
the teacher and
classmates during
conversations in structured activities. I
Spanish. I respondmake all routine
in Spanish with the
requests in Spanish like
teacher and
Puedo ir al bao?
and Cmo se dice?
My hand is always
My hand is often
raised and I
raised to
attempt longer,
participate during
more difficult
class activities.
I am willing to
I consistently
answer open-ended respond in single
questions. I
complete Spanish
elaborate on
sentences. I am
answers beyond a
willing to elaborate
single sentence. I
when prompted. I
try to communicate try to
more complex ideas communicate my
and attempt
own ideas in
creativity or humor. Spanish.

I frequently forget
to bring required
materials to class.
(and/or) I need to be
prompted to take
out my warm-ups
when the bell rings.


I am always on task
during pair and
group activities the
entire time.

I complete most
group and pair
activities in
allotted time.


I actively listen
when the teacher
and students speak.
I am consistently
able to follow
complex directions
and respond to
questions after
listening to tapes,
CDs, video or
teacher lectures in

I actively listen
when the teacher
speaks in Spanish.
I can accurately
follow most
directions and
attempt to respond
to questions after
listening to tapes,
CDs, video or
teacher lectures in

I need to be
reminded to stay on
task during group or
pair activities OR I
carelessly rush
through activities.
I sometimes listen
when the teacher
speaks. I am
sometimes are able
to follow directions
given in Spanish,
but often have to
check to see what
other students are
doing. I am only to
grasp main ideas
after listening

Preparation for

Effort to

Frequency of

Quality of

Me llamo Nick Beecher

Period: 7
Primer trimestre 2014


I only use Spanish in

structured class,
group and pair
activities. I initiate
most other
conversations or
make requests in
My hand is seldom
raised to participate
in class, and I only
try the easy ones.
I usually respond
with single words or
memorized phrases
OR I respond so
infrequently that its
difficult for the
teacher to judge my

I frequently have to
ask to borrow
materials. I am
rarely ready to
begin when the bell
rings because I am
chatting with my
I almost exclusively
use English when
talking with the
teacher and
classmates. I speak
as little Spanish as
possible during
class, pair and
group activities.
I listen but do not
volunteer to answer
questions or read
very often.
My responses are
or inappropriate to
the situation. OR I
refuse to answer
questions by
shrugging or
saying, No s. OR
I respond to
Spanish with
I give minimum
effort during pair
and group activities
and are often off
I tune out when
the teacher begins
speaking in
Spanish. I rely on
other students to
tell me what to do
in English. I am
unable to respond
to questions after
listening activities.

Esta nota vale como 10% de tu nota final en participacin. Puedes decidir tu nota, pero yo reservo
el derecho de cambiar la nota si pienso que no ests honesto/a.

This is incuded as a 25 point homework grade, based on the grammar you use to explain
your answers. You are not graded on your opinions. Write your answers on a separate page.

S, yo pregunto en la clase de espaol mucho. S, yo hablo en espaol con mis compaeros

derantue una prctica. Yo soy respetuoso siempre porque yo levanto mi mano para contesto, tomar
apuntes, y entrego la tarea a tiempo. Yo siempre traigo mi materiales. S, yo trabajo bien en
grupos. S, yo ayudo mis compaeros.
Yo pronuncio mejor, por hacer una prctica oral solo. Aprendo mejor de Simn Dice. Yo
Escribo mejor de proyectos. Escucho mejor de presentadores en clase. Los cuentos en espaol son
fciles por m.
Mi cuaderno est ordenado. Mi tarea est completa todos los das. Yo uso mayo esfuerzo
en mis proyectos. Yo entrego a tiempo. Yo edito mis proyectos mucho. Yo no voy al saln de Sra
Bancos durante el almuerzo o aviso. Yo pido ayuda de mis amigos. Yo no re-tomo un examen
porque yo saco una A en todos mis examenes. Yo practico espaol en restaurantes y Mexico. (Yo
voy a Mexico en deciembre!)
Yo participo, hablo, y escribo mejor este ao. Yo no comprendo palabras positivas y
palabras negativas. Yo necesito practicar palabras positivas y negativas. La clase de espaol es
fcil. Yo estoy bien y feliz en la clase de espaol.
Yo quiero estudiar palabras positivas y negativas ms para el resto de ao. Yo quiero
aprender ms comidas en la clase de espaol.

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