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1Classroom Management Plan

I believe students should be provided with the best environment and
curriculum possible for learning. In order to accomplish this, I am determined
to learn and adapt to all the needs of my students and parents. Having a
variety of learning methods will help support and surround every childs
unique learning style. Throughout each school year, I want to include as
many hands-on and creative activities as possible.
My classroom is going to be a community full of leaders that will help
each other through challenges. In addition, reaching out to the community is
important in building the classroom culture I strive for. I want to build a great
reciprocal relationship between the community and my classroom where we
give back as a class through projects and they provide us with authentic
learning experiences.

Preventive Techniques
*Getting to know my students;
- This is incredibly important to my classroom management plan. In getting
Know my students I will learn their backgrounds, talents, challenges, and
*Maintaining a positive classroom environment
-Having high expectations for each students will help to create a positive
Environment. In addition my behavior is most important. Coming into the
Classroom each day with a positive attitude will help to model the behavior I
Want in our classroom.
*Be particularly prepared and organized
*Minimize transition time
*Use a communication style that establishing non-threatening,
comfortable environment
*The "Jigsaw" Technique
The "jigsaw" cooperative learning strategy helps students create their own
learning. Each member of a group works to master a segment of information;

when group members come back together, they "piece together" a clear
picture of the topic at hand.
*Clearly establish expectations for conduct
*Collaborate with parents and teachers around me
*Teach empathy, tolerance, manners, and respect for each other
*Building community
-Team building is important to having the community I strive for. Getting
Student on each others sides will create a safe environment and students
can t
Then learn.
-having the class learn each childs interest will help to build connections and
-learning respect for others and friendship qualities will help support
tolerance and will give the students skills to be the best students/friend/child
they can be.
*Establish an environment in which achieving specified learning
goals takes priority over other concerns
*Character building every Monday
-every Monday we will have a character building lesson. This will start the
week off right and reiterate the importance of being a great citizen.
*Cooperative learning
- giving the students opportunity to learn together is key. Collaboration gives
students the chance to work together and gain more ideas from each other.
*Engaging curriculum
-having engagement will keep students on task because thy will be
interested and challenged the throughout each activity which will help to
eliminate problem behavior.
*class jobs
-giving students class jobs will give a sense of responsibility and they will
feel a part of the classroom even more.
-line leader
-mail carrier
-floor clean up
-chairs manager
-star of the week
-book shelf helper
-assistant to the teacher
-student buddies (If one is absent than the other can gather papers for
-calendar helper
*classroom rules
-the rules will be made together as a class which will aid the students in
following them better since they were a part of the process.

*teaching procedures
-procedures, procedure, procedures! Especially for younger grades I will
spend the first part of the year implementing them and re-teaching them. In
addition we will revisit each procedure as needed throughout the year.
Procedures taught: lines, walking in halls, behaviors in the classroom,
behaviors at recess, fire drills, intruder drills, behaviors in whole group, small
group and individual work, and most importantly attention getters!
*classroom arrangement
-my class will be developmentally appropriate for the age. I will have mobile
classroom where my students can explore and manipulate objects. There will
be a rug for whole group instructions. There will be assigned seating during
rug time to eliminate problem behaviors. Besides rug time there is no
assigned seating. There will be rotations made for centers and when there is
free time they will know the procedures o how many kids should be at a
-Allow room and easy access for proximity control
-Think through class procedures and learning activities and arrange the room
in the best possible way
*Neat work prompt
A prompt for pupils who are capable of neat work, but might need a reminder
*Quiet game
The students will play a game that will help to support me during a transition time that may be
unexpected. During this, the students will be quiet and one person will choose another quiet
person to take their place and this will continue until I am ready for the next instruction.
*Positive behavior stamps
Students will receive stamps based on positive behavior. Once they receive enough stamps they
can go to the treasure box
*Class Volume Control
Talk about appropriate voice levels in different situations (lunch, recess,
centers, whole group etc.)
*Goal Setting
*Model Procedures
Modeling classroom rules involves demonstrating the specific behaviors and
language patterns of an expectation.
*seating arrangments
*Allow for choice and responsibility for students
*Word Walls
This will display high frequency words so it can limit questioning during
*Relevant lessons
This will help to keep the students on task and excited to learn
*Be Flexible
*Motivate Students
*Provide a safe and comfortable Learning Environment
*Build students self esteem

*Being creative and imaginative when creating lessons

* Cater to different learning styles
*differentiate instruction
Either less or more challenging work while meeting the same learning
*make statements that provide students with general guidelines for
the types of behaviors that are required and the types that are
* Few rules are easier to remember than many rules
*Each rule in a small set of rules is more important than each rule in
a large set of rules
*Star of the week
*Take home literacy bags
This will help build community
*Show and Teach Bag
This will help to team build
*Class Books
*Wear a color coordinated necklace to help regulate noise level
Red means voices off and its my turn to talk, green means its ok to talk, and
yellow means whispering is ok
*flashcards during transitions
Students will either do math facts or word wall study as a ticket to go to
lunch/recess/line up etc.
* Schedule placed on the wall
*Have clear Routines
*High Expectations
*Tattle vs reporting posters
*Tattle Monsters
Tattle monsters will listen to your tattle but teachers and other students will
*kiss your brain
When students are participating and giving helpful contributions they can get
a kiss out of a jar
*Visual directions
* Take pictures of the class doing the correct things and use these
pictures as a visual reminder
*fill your/others bucket
*compliment jar
*Morning Check In
*Over plan your lessons to ensure you fill the period with learning
*Come to class prepared
*Show confidence in your teaching
*Learn student names as quickly as possible
*avoid turning back to the class
*Do not get students hooked on praise

*Praise the work and behavior not the students themselves

Supportive Techniques
*guiding techniques
-giving students positive cues to correct behaviors will help to get them on
track without drawing attention to the negative behavior (In doing this they
wont even feel they are being corrected)
*Do not place labels (good or bad)
*circulate around the room
-knowing what your students are doing and being present will help to
eliminate problem behaviors because you are a part of their learning
continuously and they know that you are always present so they wont have
much of a need to misbehave (they will know they will be caught)
*Clapping patterns to regain attention
*Singing chants to regain attention
*Transition songs
These are songs to help the kids to know what they are supposed to be doing
and where they should go
*Limit bathroom and drink breaks
Have a select time that the students are able to do these things so I can
make sure they are not escaping from work.
*Turning on and off lights to transition or regain attention
*Positive behavior stamps
*use a quieter voice so the students will match yours
*Make sure classroom is comfortable and safe
*Have student write about their behavior and how they can make
better choices
*Verbalize descriptions of behaviors and never value judgments
about individuals
*Verbalize feelings but remain in control
* Glitter water bottle
Anger management technique where the students shakes to bottle and when
all the sparkles fall to the bottom they will not be mad anymore
*Speak only to people when they are ready to listen
-being near or around the students will keep them on track to staying on
task. This will help to guide them, prevent behaviors and correct them
without having to say anything
*time on task techniques
*Monitor groups of students to check progress

*Move around the room so students have to pay attention more

*Give students non-verbal cues
*Engage in low profile intervention of disruptions
*when students get off topic:
-Refocus attention by restating relevant point.
-Direct questions to group that is back on the subject
-Ask how topic relates to current topic being discussed.
-Use visual aids, begin to write on board, turn on overhead projector.
*body language
-having classroom presence will let the students know that you re their
teacher and they are there to learn. It can also help indicate to them that you
are approachable and safe person that they can come to.
A weekly activity allows the exchange of compliments and criticism among
the students in your class. This activity can help resolve conflicts and teach
children how to properly handle conflict.
*Use logical consequences
- The crime should fit the punishment. In addition I think the student should
be a part of planning what the consequences are.
*Keep learning going
-you should always have a plan b in case you finish early or something isnt
going as planned
* Use positive teacher language
-notice the positives going on in your class to help direct their attention to
what they should be doing
*Respond Consistently
-as a teacher you need to be consistent in your actions, schedules, and
responses. In doing this the students wont think they can get away with a
behavior. Wait time is also key!
*Have a distracted student sit in a chair
* Individual discussion during transitions
*saying individual name to spark attention
*Verbalize the behavior you want to see by noticing students that
are participating in that manner
*Be Patient
*Be aware of the causes of the behavior
*Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, physical proximity to
students, and the way you carry yourself will communicate that you
are in calm control of the class and mean to be taken seriously.
*Be free to roam
*Avoid turning back to class

Intervention techniques
*teach conflict resolution
- (1) The nature of conflict; (2) concepts and skills of conflict resolution; (3)
alternative dispute resolution processes; and (4) applications for conflict
resolution in education
* Consistently takes action to suppress the misbehavior of exactly those
students who instigated the problem
*When two discipline problems arise concurrently, deal with the most serious
* decisively handle instances of off-task behavior before the behaviors either
get out of hand or are modeled by others
*When handling misbehavior make sure all students learn what is
unacceptable about that behavior
*Deal with misbehavior without disrupting the learning activity
*one-on-one conversations with students
-having a one on one conversation may help to unravel the why behind the
behavior. If this is solved it can help you to prevent it in the future.
-consequences should be made as a class and or the crime should fit the
*Catch attention seekers doing good things
*draw attention to other classmates when attention seekers disrupt
*sit out during recess
-if the students cannot handle him/herself during class they may need to
reflect on it during recess or finish an assignment that they refused to do in
-personal contracts are important because they can have their own personal
plan which they can reflect on with not only the teacher but with their
parents as well.
*phone calls/letters home
-letters and phone calls home can help connect you to their home life.
Sometimes students feel what their behavior is in school will not go home
with them. You and their parents need to be a team and this is one way to
create this connection
*Document Problem behavior
*Define what the challenging behavior is
*Set Limits
*Either respond decisively or ignore it all together
*Distinguish between off-task behaviors and off-task behavior
*Control the time and place for dealing with off-task behavior

*Provide students with dignified ways to terminate off-task


*Beginning of the year Questionnaire
*Start up calls
Getting to know parents and students before the year begins
*Monthly calendar
*Have office hours
Set one night a week where parents can come in and talk or speak over the
phone to you for a longer period of time about concerns or questions-change
this time periodically so it can meet parent schedules
*Teacher Calls
In the case of parents who don't respond to written communication,
periodically call them so they will know you are aware of them and care
about their input. If they do not speak English enlist the help of their "web"
caller or a member of the school staff who speaks their language.
*Bulletin Board Feature
Use a specific bulletin board to highlight individual students, their families,
and cultural heritage on a one or two week rotating basis. Encourage the
parents to help the student plan the board. Send each family a note about it
with suggestions (that they aren't limited to) and a sign up schedule.
*Homework Packets
Consider all family situations in homework assignments. Give weekly or
monthly packets so a family can be flexible in designating time to work on it.
Include activities that can be accomplished with parental input such as
family histories, surveys, and projects.
*Parent Book Shelf
Have books, even if only a few, available to parents on a specifically
designated shelf in your room Include books on parenting, homework and
study skills, and whatever the need is in the class.
*Managing student work
-the student will have portfolios for work I want to keep as an authentic
-in addition students will have a folder that goes home in the begging of the
week which will include homework, newsletters, art project to take home and
other important information that parents need.

-students will have weekly assignments that are due at the end of each week
and recorded
-reading books will be sent home daily and sent back signed off that they
-anecdotal notes will be taken of students behavior, time and task
*Communication of assignments and requirements
-there will be a homework folder sent home at the beginning of the week.
They will return this at the end of the week with signed papers from parents
and homework complete.
-in addition there will be book bags sent home which need to be completed
with parents and signed.
-this information will be sent in the beginning of the year at back to school
night, and the letter to the parents.
*Ways to monitor progress....assessment
- Portfolios, authentic assessment, summative, formative, and performance
-I will use sensory attention signals such as sounds and turning off the light
indicating a transition period. In addition I will use explicit instruction to
notify the students of the exact behavior I am looking for when
*beginning of the day routine
*Communication of daily schedule
-this will be done at the beginning of the day so the students know exactly
what to expect.
*End of the day routine
-the end of the day routine will take about ten to fifteen minutes before the
bell, depending on the grade. I will use this time to pass out folders and talk
about upcoming events. In addition the students will pack up and come back
for whole group before being excused.
*Absent students
- I will have one student in charge pf gathering papers we have done
throughout that day and place it in a folder for them is the best procedure.
This way you dont have to remember what to get and it will save you time
as a teacher.
*drinks, bathroom, lining up, sharpening pencils
-students will be excused in small groups for drinks and only during
transitions such as; recess, between lessons, etc.
-students will be excused individually and as needed for bathroom breaks
(keeping in mind who tries to escape from doing work will depend on if I
agree to let them leave)
*Communication with Parents/Guardians
*Phone calls

-checking in with parents is essential. You can let them know about their sick
child, behavior problems, good work and upcoming events that can involve
-newsletters will keep the parents up to date on what their child is learning
such as; site words, math concepts, art projects and writing goals.
-this can also provide them with upcoming events such as birthdays and field
*Classroom web page
- having this web-page is another connection to home life. This will give
parents and easy way to contact you and keep them up to date on what is
going on in the classroom and what extension activities they can do at home.
*SEP conference ideas
-having a childs portfolio and anecdotal notes will give the parents
information on how the child is improving in the classroom. Having evidence
of authentic/formative assessments is a great resource to show parents.
-in addition I will have a paper present that has a list of goals we want the
students to accomplish by the end of the year. I will go through this paper
describing what they are doing well and what needs to be worked on.
-during these conferences I will also have suggestion of things the parents
can do at home with their child to improve in these areas
-for my higher students I will give the parents activities the students can do
at home that can challenge them so they can grow as well.
*Use a disclosure statement
-Used to clearly communicate expectations to students and parents
-Refer back to the guidelines throughout the term
*Disclosure will include:
Basic Course Outline
Grading Procedures
Include procedures for making up missed work, extra credit,
homework expected, etc.
Attendance Policies (should be consistent with school policy)
Other class rules, policies, procedures
Safety considerations as necessary
Accommodation for disabilities statement
Signature of student and parent/guardian
*Brag phone calls
*Teach and Review Positive Behavior Expectations
-Brief lessons on positive behavior expectations are taught at least
-Students are actively involved in lessons
-Students have opportunities to practice behavior expectations
-reminders of expectations are given throughout the day
*Teach and Review Classroom Procedures and Cues
-Procedures for transitions are taught

-Rules associated with locations and materials are taught

-Physical environment is arranged to prevent congestion, minimize
distractions, allow easy traffic flow
-All class attention-getting signal is used effectively
*Continuum of consequences enforced consistently and fairly
-Redirection to expected behaviors is used
-Positive practice is used to correct behavior (Try it the right way, &
Role playing)
-Corrections are done in private, if possible
-Minor non-disruptive behavior is ignored
-Increased support is provided to students as needed
-Students will be taught simple problem solving strategy for conflicts
-Classroom consequence system is implemented with effectiveness
*High Rates of Opportunities to Respond
-Whole group oral responses/choral responding is used
-Whole group written responses are used
-Whole group action responses are used
-Small group and partner responses are used
-Small groups share responses with the whole group

Classroom managment. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2015, from
Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI Training) | CPI. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2015, from
Text: 2011,Building Classroom Discipline, Charles C.M., 10 Edition, Pearson
ISBN: 978-0-13-138113-1
Text: 2013, Teasing, Tattling, Defiance and Morepositive approaches to 10 common
classroom behaviors, Margaret Berry Wilson, Northwest Foundation for Children
ISBN: 978-1-892989-54-3
Text: 1996, Conflict Resolution in the Schools: A Manual for Educators. Girard, Kathryn;
Koch, Susan J.
ISBN: ISBN-0-7879-0235-7

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