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Berenice Gonzalez

Due: April 2, 2014

Education 205-61
Theory and Practice
The Layers of Ayers
Teachers are explorers, as they explore the world and the lives of their students,
they cast lines to different ways of thinking(Ayers, 77). In other words, teachers never
stop learning; theyre always learning something new about each student. In addition,
teaching for the most part consists connecting with students in order to learn, understand,
and help them. An examination of the book To Teach: the journey of a teacher by William
Ayers explores many different un-pedagogical teaching strategies that can improve and
enhance childrens learning experience just like Mayher in his book Uncommon Sense.
Ayers explains the importance of how teachers could connect with students in order for
them to feel safe, welcome and have the most enjoyable learning experience. Just like
Ayers I find it very important not only to teach a lesson but to touch the lives of my
students. I want them to be excited to come into my classroom and learn everyday the
same way I hope to be excited to teach and learn more about my students.
The core beliefs about learning that will inform the creation of my future
classroom environment are: building bridges with each student, student centered learning,
adjusting lesson to students need (teaching outside the curriculum), open minds to
different cultures, and a community like environment inside the classroom. One unpedagogical feature that Ayers believes will help enhance childrens learning experience
and that I strongly agree with is his student-centered teaching method. All throughout his
book Ayers makes sure to include student centered teaching. I dont blame him because it
is a very powerful strategy that has helped me as a student. Student-centered teaching

shifts the focus of the subject from the teacher to the students. Unlike in an ordinarily
pedagogical classroom where the teacher would be upfront lecturing the entire time this
strategy allows students to become active throughout the lesson. Student centered
teaching allow students to solve problems, answer questions, and format questions of
there own. In addition it would allow students to have class discussions and discuss what
they thought was most important. Personally, I feel like this method works great because
the teacher includes me in the lesson and that forces me not only to learn something new
but also to remember and internalize the material. Building bridges and having a
community like environment might be the most important core believes I want to have in
my classroom.
Building bridges with students allows teachers to build a caring, respectful and
growth producing relationship with each student in the class regardless of their shape,
size, color, background, or religion. If a teacher takes the time out to build relationship
with their students, their students will feel like they are being heard and that there is
someone out their that cares about them. Depending on the area you work in you will
encounter all different children. If you work in an inner-city school district you may
encounter more children who may have been abused physically, mentally, or verbally, or
children who are extremely poor and underprivileged. Whereas, if you work in a higher
socio economic school district there may be children that may feel abandoned because
their parents may never be around. No matter where you work you will encounter all
different types of children and I must be open-minded and comfortable dealing with
different children. After being in Brother Rays class something I want to carry on and
bring into my classroom is our daily celebration. Every day we go around the classroom

celebrating someone, or something good that has happened. Just starting of the class this
way has really helped build a strong community in his classroom. Ive learned more
about the girls in my class in eight weeks than with my own friends. If students feel like
they are part of a community and are safe to share their personal lives they will be
encouraged and love going to school like I know all the girls in Brother Rays class do.

Students that are tricked into learning also have a high chance of retaining the
information. They have a higher chance of retaining the information because it goes into
them naturally instead of being force upon them. Now reflecting on my learning
experiences, I found that I have learned better when I did not realize I was learning in
interactive assignments. This not only applies for elementary and secondary levels but on
the college level too. I usually do a lot better in science and education classes because
they are usually the most interactive classes I take. In many of those classes I feel like I
have not learned a lesson at all but it reflects in my grades that I have.
Three elements that have to be in my classroom for it to be a place neither my
students nor I would want to leave are: Having a community like environment, easy
access to material and technology, comfortable learning areas. There has to be
community like environment in the classroom because that way students will help each
other, most importantly feel comfortable and enjoy being around each other for about 10
months of the year. Having respectful and caring students will make it so much more
enjoyable to go into work everyday. Although I know it may not be as perfect I hope my
students create strong friendships and know I am there to hear them throughout any
problem. Having access to technology would also allow students to branch out and learn

in ways that are second nature to them. By the time I am a teacher all my students will be
familiar to some sort of technology. Having material in a classroom will allow students to
be creative while doing an illustration for a book or making a learning timeline. I love
arts and crafts and allowing me to use that strength in a classroom made me enjoy what it
was we were doing much more.
My views of teaching and learning have not been affected by Ayers beliefs.
On the other hand, they were the same beliefs. Ayers reinforced what I said I wanted to
be like when I became a teacher. In particular I really enjoyed reading his section on
building bridges. Just like him I believe this should be one of the teachers main goal to
pursue with his or her students. I would recommend this book to everyone going into to
education field. However, I would not let them research Ayers life because they might
change their viewpoints towards the book. This book can shape how educators think and
view the profession. This could also motivate students to adapt some of his strategies and
destroy some wrong theories about teaching.

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