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Title of Experience/Artifact: Personal Training

Date Experience Completed: Fall 2014

During my fall semester of 2014, I began my level 1 internship where I
received two clients to train for the semester. I had my first meeting with my
clients and discussed what they would like to get out of our training sessions,
goals, likes and dislikes. After our first meeting I took them to do fit lab
testing which was my pre assessment for the fitness level of my client. After
having them take part in pre-testing, I entered their results into a data base
and was able to see where my client was at from a fitness level standpoint,
and then I made them a workout plan according to their results from the
fitness testing and met with my clients twice a week to train with them
individually. My workout plan consisted of the type of exercise, sets,
repetitions, amount of rest time and videos for each exercise. I have
attached an example of one my clients.
UW-Platteville Health Promotion Standard Alignment
I feel the artifact best aligns with STANDARD THREE, PROFESSIONAL
KNOWLEDGE. This entails the health promoter understands the central
concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of health promotion and creates
learning experiences that make specific aspects of health promotion
meaningful to the client.
When I was training my clients I was able to use knowledge of health and
concepts I have been taught in my classes. With these skills I was able to
review my clients lab test results and create a workout plan for them. With
my knowledge I was able to teach each exercise to my client as well as
improve their health. This training experience taught me how to make a
proper workout plan and teach a client what each exercise does for their
body and how often they should do it. I also learned how to use my
professional knowledge and help a client improve their health.

UW-Platteville Health Promotions Knowledge, Skill, Disposition

Statement Alignment

The KSD I felt aligned best with this work experience KSD4.b. MAINTAINS
The candidate values, understands, and can maintain accurate records and
assessment data, while maintaining accurate client information concerning
clients progress, pre and post-test assessments.
My training aligned with this KSD because I was able to keep accurate
records of what we did each day while we were training and be able to adjust
the workout depending on how the client felt after each workout. Along with
keeping track when wen we were not meeting.
Secondary KSDs:
What I learned about Health Promotion from this experience.
I learned how to meet with a client, discuss goals with a client, and create a
workout plan for a client after I reviewed pretest results. I learned how to
maintain accurate records of the progress the client was making through pre
and post testing. Also, I learned how to adjust a workout plan after training
with a client and finding out what works best for the client and be able to
change a workout accordingly through how the client felt after each workout.
What I learned about myself as a prospective Health Promotion
Specialist as a result of this experience/artifact:
I learned that I am able to adjust on the fly when obstacles come about while
training with a client, also that I can create effective workout plans for my
clients when Im with them and when they cant meet with me. Along with
that I learned that I am able to communicate effectively one on one with my
clients and provide the motivation that my clients are looking for.

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