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DENISE FLEMING'S T-PAPER HANDMADE PAPER Please reag ait inetrUCtions petore YOU begin TO MAKE PULP FROM T-PAPER. You'll + 1 94 cup water" Need: + 15 squares of 2-py toilet paper or 30 squares of 1-ply toilet paper torn into medium sized pieces” » Large jar with lid - Jar needs to be large enough so there is room to agitate T-paper and water * These numbers are approximate ~ 2-3 squares of ‘Tepaper to 1/4 cup water (The important thing is that there is enough water so that the pulp flows) MAKING PULP + Place watar and Taper in jar + Screw ld on tightly * Shake rapidly for 30-45 seconds + Add herbs, dried flowers, git, confetti ec, at this point - Stake ‘For shaped paper pour pulp inside cookie cutter sitting on mold/screent + For akeet peper pour onto mold & deckle* * Flip off — Press — Dry (Refer to papermaking insructions) * Makes two 8 3i4” hearts or one thin sheet of paper B va" x8 12"

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