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SPARTA VS ATHENS: A CLASS DEBATE TASK Of more than 300 Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta were the mest powerful. Yet these two city states were hugerivals and had very litte in common. This exercise will allow students to research, organize, and articulate specific arguments and evidence in a formal debate based on this question: ‘Which was more superior, Athens or Sparta? expect students to be able to work together as a group! This is a big group and I understand getting all your thoughts together is sometimes difficult, but working together in groups is a valuable skil that you will use throughout your life, Respect each other's jddeas and work together to make sure you have the most solid argument you can with as ‘much evidence as you ean to prove it Instructions: 1. Students will be assigned their side (Athens or Sparta) 2, Once in the large eroups students willbe assigned into “mini groups” a topic to researc. = Governmen/Poitcal Structure (1) Education @) ‘© Role of Women and Children (3) ‘= Economy (4) 4 Lifestyle/AchievementsValues/Beliets (5) 3, One in small groups, students will research their society according to their assipned tid. Students are encouraged to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents? society as well asthe strengths and weaknesses of their own. 4, Prior to debates, goups/pairs should use strongest arguments and evidence during debates, This shoulé be organizedin a FACT SHEET that each student must complete 5, During debates each student must explain at least ONE argument pertaining to hisyher topic and offer challenges or rebuttals to opposition. All students must be prepared to

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