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Nov. 17 2014

60 Min

Oral Stories


Passing Oral Stories on

Ms. Hartmann



General Learning Outcomes:

2.1.3 investigate the cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, an Acadian and a prairie
community in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for inquiry:
Specific Learning Outcomes:

What are the cultural

characteristics of the
communities (e.g., special
symbols, landmarks,
languages spoken, shared
stories or traditions,
monuments, schools,
churches)? (CC, LPP, TCC)

How are the communities

strengthened by their stories,
traditions and events of the
past? (CC, TCC)

How do these communities

connect with one another
(e.g., cultural exchanges,
languages, traditions, music)?

Learning Objectives:
Students Will:

Key Questions:

A) Identify how communities are strengthened

A) How are communities strengthened?

B) Recognize similarities and differences in stories

B) What are some similarities and differences in stories?

C) Name several cultural characteristics?

C) What are some cultural characteristics?

of behavior:

Students are:
Engaged and wanting to participate.
Listening intently to the stories
Students will create a story board (Appendix C) for the second story presented


Storytellers Encore: More
Canadian Stories to Tell to

Smart board

21 X story board sheets

of prior

Invite students to the carpet ask them what my expectations are

Transition to

1, 2, 3 eyes on me and listening


How are the communities strengthened by

their stories, traditions and events of the past? I will ask how designing a flag of
them would strengthen a community and how stories would do the same thing.
1. Overview of outcome
2. Acadian tale
3. Have a brain break
4. Inuit Legend
5. Draw pictures for the Inuit legend.
Start on Slide #8 By viewing the outcome of

Learning Activity
Teacher Notes:
Learning Activity
Teacher Notes:
Learning Activity
Teacher Notes:
Consolidation of
Feedback From
Feedback To
Transition To Next


Acadian Folk tale Appendix A

Do you want to buy a cow
Tell the story using a story board (smart Board)
Ask the students to stand and turn to the person next to them and throat
sing for one minute
Ask questions to check for comprehension


Inuit Legend Appendix B

Ravens Great adventure
Tell the story with no pictures
Show what a totem looks like
Over view the story


Students will create a story board for the story Ravens Great Adventure


Check in with students for guidance

TIME 5 Min
Students are able to retell the story with their pictures they draw similar to the story they
Story boards that show accurately the story they heard
Praise when they are on the right track or suggestion to get them on track
Tell the students we will be starting a story from an Acadian community .

Sponge Activity

Finish flags or reading/work on writing

Reflection on the planning
Curriculum framed the lesson with the grade 2 social curriculum. It indicates that 3 communities are to be looked at
including an Acadian, an Inuit, and a Prairie community. Having Native American Studies background I wanted to do
something unique with oral stories but also connect to all 3 communities.
Determining the students knowledge was difficult as I found they were not connecting information they should have
known. That is another reason I wanted to go in a different direction and actually orally tell the stories as the
students love to listen to stories. So initially the program of studies guided what had to be included but I also
wanted to try different ways of teaching and oral story telling is fun and engaging. Also fits in well with the social
curriculum. I was always nervous to share my plans with my TA as she is on top of the curriculum. This lesson was
very different then I would see my TA teaching, but my TA was really supportive of my lessons.
Even though this lesson was bit nerve wreaking because of having to remember stories orally, I expected it to go
smoothly while hoping I would not have to stop to address students behavior too much as I tend to forget where I
am at and have to repeat to continue the stories. In my mind it went without too many hitches but also I
continually hope it does not turn into a complete disaster as other lessons have.

Reflection on the lesson

The lesson did go well but I had a lot of troubles with closure as students were working on their story boards and it
went to the end and I never brought closure however the intro, activities, transitions went quite well. Because of
the classroom set up transitions were quite easy to accomplish as students needed to be at the carpet for
instruction because the seating is not in a way you can teach effectively from the front while students are in work
spaces. The sequencing worked well most of the students really grasped the idea of how to draw a story board. I
told a story with a story board to show how it was done and then told another story for the students to draw.
Successes in connecting with the learning outcomes were that I used audio, visuals, and provided an example with
the activity. However, challenges were the students were very focused on the activity and excited but seemed to
miss the point.
Keeping a positive learning environment can be a challenge at times. One student really likes to speak his mind and
thinks things goes his way or else. He can change the environment in the class in wink of an eye and will make sure
everyone is affected. I learned quickly to be firm and to the point right back at him and if that did not work remove
him from the group but still on the carpet as he copes better by himself. Dealing with that and all the little
disruptions the lesson went quite long and the students were starting to get antsy. The success is being able to
keep it in check and resolve issues before they disrupt the class.

Reflection on next steps

Even after all of the lessons taught and the students are currently doing the assessment for the 3 communities;
some still have no recollection of learning any of it. I know I need to be clearer of the expectations like that of the
story board they created and need to add some kind of component that would help the students to better connect
to the learning outcomes.
In future lessons I need to work on creating criteria for all assessments being used and I realize any work students
do is an assessment. This will be my Goal for PSII is to form criteria for concreate evidence for students work.

Appendix A

Long time ago Ti-jean and his wife lived in a cozy little house and owned one cow but they were poor and
had hardly any food. One morning Ti-Jean woke up and asked his wife what was for breakfast and she
replied Nothing, we have run out of food. Just then Ti-Jean thought of an idea well we shall sell our
The next day Ti-Jean went out with his cow and along the road he saw the mayor. What a fine looking
cow you have there is he for sale? asked the Mayor. Yes he is Said Ti-Jean. How much? $50 dollars
The Mayor pleased handed Ti-Jean the money. Now can you just drop the cow off at my farm as I am
running late? asked the mayor. Oh, yes I can And Ti-jean headed to the Mayors farm. Just then the
Priest was coming along the path and said to Ti-Jean Wow, what a nice cow! Yes, I am selling him for
$50 Ti-Jean told the priest. And the priest gave him the money. I am needed at the church to perform a
wedding, could you drop the cow off at my place? The priest asked Ti-Jean. Yes I can do that Ti-Jean told
the Priest. As Ti-jean continued on his way he saw the doctor coming his way. What a mighty fine cow
you have there Thanks said Ti-Jean. Are you selling it? asked the doctor yes for $50 Ti-Jean said.
Very well then The doctor gave him the $50 and asked him to take the cow to his place. Ti-Jean agreed
and continued on his way.
When Ti-Jean got home with the $150 and still with the cow, his wife was confused. Ti-Jean told her what
happened and his wife scolded him are you crazy you have cheated the mayor, the priest and the doctor!
Call the lawyer The Lawyer comes to the home and tells Ti-Jean that when these men arrive just sing this
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Just as the plan was set there was a knock at the door. It was the Mayor. He was mad. Where is my Ti
cow? And Ti-Jean looked at the Mayor and sang
dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum

Ti dum tee diddle de dum

Cant you see Mayor he is crazy Said the lawyer
The Mayor saw this and told Ti-Jean to keep both the cow and the money and hoped he would get better.
Then the Priest came, angry as the Mayor. Either give me my cow or the $50 back and Ti-Jean looked at
him and sang:
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
I am sorry to see you are sick and the priest told Ti-Jean to keep both the cow and money and that he
would pray for him.
Finally the doctor knocked and told Ti-Jean to give him his cow. Well Ti-Jean looked at the doctor and
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
He is sick doctor said the lawyer. The doctor examined Ti-Jean and said Yes, indeed he is sick, sick in
the head. Keep the cow and money, you need it more then I
After the doctor left the lawyer looked at Ti-Jean and said Now you have to pay me and Ti-Jean just
looked at him and sang:
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum Tee dum tee diddle de dum
Ti dum tee diddle de dum
Appendix B
The Inuit like to create strange and beautiful carvings that resemble animals, people, and supernatural
characters then paint them in bright colours.
One of the carvings was a raven; however it was missing his beak.
The raven in the north is no ordinary bird. He is a shape-shifter meaning he can change into anything he
wishes. Not only could he fly and walk but he could swim.
One day Raven changed himself into an old man with a long white beard and was feeling over hungry and
wondered about this, and then he spotted some people fishing on the villages beach.
In a flash he thought of a scheme, He swam into the water and began to steal the bait of the fishermans
rods and each time this happened the fishermen could feel a tug and reeled the line to find nothing.
However when Houskana, an expert fisherman came to fish; when Raven went for his bait Houskana
reeled in his line so fast, Raven was caught by his jaw. Raven tried to swim away pulling the line back and
grabbed onto the rocks at the bottom. He asked the racks to help but they just ignored him. Then Raven
in great pain said to his Jaw break off, O Jaw for I am too tired His Jaw obeyed and broke off and was
reeled up by Houskana. When the fishermen saw the jaw they thought it was an evil spirit and ran to the
chiefs house.
Raven followed the men home and as they were examining the jaw Raven covered him-self with a blanket
said oh this wonder to behold and as he threw back his blanket he replaced his jaw.
Raven did this so fast that no one saw what happened. Raven then transformed back to his bird form and
left threw the smoke hole.
It was then the men realized it was Raven all along!

And the totem is a reminder of Raven and how the old man lost his jaw.

Example Story Boards from students

Appendix C
Story Board

Ravens Great Adventure


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