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Lab 1

Justin Lab
Mrs. Barnes
English 112
23 March 2015
Annotated Bibliography
"North Korea's Kim expected to visit Moscow in May, Russian official says." CNN Wire 19 Mar.
2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. A Russian official who wished to
remain anonymous told CNN that North Korea has accepted the invitation to the WWII
anniversary celebrations. In the article the russian official clarifies North Korea would be
sending its leadership as in Kim Jong Un. Madison Park and Alla Eshchenko of CNN
explain how Russia and North Korea have been making better relations. Dr. Leonard
Petrov states that if Kim were to go, he would look lonely among the other world leaders.
He also said that North Korea is a convenient friend for Moscow and that Russia needs
friends, politically, economically, and strategically. Both Russia and North Korea are
facing sanctions from the U.S. and are internally isolated. Last year Russia forgave
ninety percent of North Koreas eleven billion dollar debt and by this happening the
relationship between North Korea and Russia are rebooting. Portions of the article are
statements from interviews, but most of the article is a news report.
Powell, Bill. "Is Kim Jong Un the Last Bad Bond Guy? Add a crackdown on Christians helping
North Koreans to Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un's most horrible hits." Newsweek 6 Mar.
2015. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015. Powell gives examples of
real people helping smuggle North Koreans across the border and helping them start a
new life. He also shares how the first impressions of Kim Jong Un were pleasant. Kim
went to a prep school in Switzerland for multiple years and some of the photos the world

Lab 2

first saw were Kim playing basketball in a Dennis Rodman jersey. Throughout the article
it explains how Kim went from being seen as a new start for north korea to a harsh
dictator in a year. This Happened because Kim had his uncle Jang killed and this was the
first act of violence the world had seen out of the new North Korean leader . The author
remains neutral throughout the article and only presents factual information.
Sang-Hun, Choe. "Two Koreas in Doomsday Threats After Vote at U.N." New York Times 8
Mar. 2013: A3(L). Global Issues in Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015. In the article the author
discusses the verbal attacks that went back and forth at the U.N. and that threats of
nuclear war were made by both countries. North Korean generals claimed to have the
technical ability to press a button and destroy Washington D.C. The article goes on
about how these threats were very serious and that the world should be focussing on the
issue at hand. North Koreas claims werent known whether or not to be true but the
threat alone was dangerous enough to get the attention of every country around the world.
The author also explains how the North Korean population thinks of america. He talks
about how they know us as the imperialists in the nest of evil.
"Why Putin's hosting Kim Jong Un." CNN Wire 20 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web.
25 Mar. 2015. Putin is more than likely only hosting Kim Jong Un to show america that
they are still powerful and that Moscow has an important role in asia. Skeptics said in
interviews that little has materialized of a North Korean Russian alliance but it is a
possibility. Both countries are internally isolated so trade between the two is a strategic
move. Also an alliance with russia for North Korea could pay off for them greatly. Putin
also likes to grow his ego rather than strengthen foreign affairs, but since putin was under
the radar for eleven days this might be a coverup for that.
"S.Korea conducts naval training exercise to mark Cheonan sinking incident." Cihan News

Lab 3

Agency [CNA] 25 Mar. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015. The author
discusses how North Korea blames the U.S. for sinking a South Korean warship when
they were blamed for the torpedo attack. The author goes on how North Korea says the
U.S. did it to make them appear as the enemy. While North Korea may deny the attacks
and that there is no way to prove it was them, it is likely that it was North Korea because
of how close the two countries are. The sinking of the ship killed forty-six soldiers of the
one hundred and six on board. The attack isnt only an act of violence but a threat to
South Koreans. While the fifth anniversary of the sinking of this ship has happened its
still relevant to the present.
"Worlds Greatest Wealth Inequality, Kim Jong-un Has $5 Billion Cash, While People Starve."
AUNTV. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2015.
"One Image Shows Why We Need North Koreas Kim Jong-Un in Power."The Margin RSS.
N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2015

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