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Anna Bowes
Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary
Lesson Plans for April 20-23, 2014

Grade: 1
Lesson Title:
Perspective Farms
Big Idea:
Artists create perspective in many ways.
Essential Questions:
Where do you see art everyday?
Why does the world need artists?
What can you do to add perspective to your artwork?

Major Unit Objectives:

Students will understand that..
Line direction and object size create perspective in artwork.
Students will be able to..
-Create a drawing of a farm using perspective.

Unit Plan:
*Although this was the planned lesson last week, students used class
to finish the previous lesson to design a castle.

Class discussion about perspective. Define perspective and

look at images of artwork that use perspective techniques.
Students will make a drawing of a farm using one point
perspective for the rows of vegetables and use size
differentiation to draw the vegetables.

Formative: Evaluation of student in-progress artwork.

VAK-1 5.1, 5.2

Anna Bowes
Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary
Lesson Plans for April 20-23, 2014

Grade: 2 & K
Lesson Title:
Origami monster Bookmarks

Big Idea:
Art relates to everyday life and other disciplines.

Essential Questions:
How does visual art supplement literature?
How can artists use design to help readers?

Major Unit Objectives:

Students will understand about the career of designers.
Students will create a monster bookmark.

Unit Plan:
Class discussion about bookmarks and design.
Students will use a template to create the base for their
bookmark. Students will follow directions to fold the paper and
create a corner pocket. A square of different color paper will be
used to create the inside of the mouth and students will use
scrap paper to create the teeth and eyes.


Formative: class discussion and observation of student


VA2&VAK 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4

Anna Bowes
Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary
Lesson Plans for April 20-23, 2014

Grade: 3 & 4
Lesson Title:
GT Art Test
Big Idea:
Drawing from observation is an important artistic skill.

Essential Questions:
-Why is it important for an artist to be able to draw what they see?
-When do artists need to draw from observation?

Major Unit Objectives:

Students will understand that..
-Artists of all kinds practice drawing from observation.
Students will be able to..
-Draw a still life from observation.

Unit Plan:
Students will have a still life set up to draw at their tables
to draw from observation. Teacher will provide brief tips and
tricks for drawing a still life. Students will draw the still life to
the best of their ability. Because this is a test, students will work
silently and will be encouraged to use the entire class time to
finish their drawing.

Formative: Discussion throughout class and observation of
student work.

VA4 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4

Anna Bowes
Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary
Lesson Plans for April 20-23, 2014

Grade: 5
Lesson Title:
3D Lizards
Lesson Title: 3D Lizards
Big Idea:
Artwork reflects history and cultures with the technology
available to them.
Essential Questions:
What can an artwork tell us about a culture or society?
How do history, culture, technology, and the visual arts influence
one another?
How do artists choose their subject matter?
Major Unit Objectives:
Students will understand that..
A work of art can be a source of information about the artist
A style of art can reflect the culture the artist came from.
Students will be able to..
Design the surface of their art to reflect oaxacan animal

Unit Plan:
Begin class viewing images of oaxacan animal sculptures from
Mexico. Students will observe the patterns and colors and
designs of the sculptures. Students will then choose the color for
their lizard out of the construction paper options and for the
paper in half long ways.The teacher will use the large paper
cutter to cut each paper diagonally while forwarded to create a
long tall triangle. Students will use construction paper crayons to
add patterns and designs to their paper and the style of oaxacan
Formative: Observation of students in-progress artwork at end
of class, and class/individual discussion.
VA5 4.1, 4.2

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