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Youth Ministry Year Plan Proposal

Christ Our King Lutheran Church

By Youth Director Andi Lynch

For the coming 2014 year our youth ministry team has come up
with a yearlong ministry plan that is consistent to our purpose here at
Christ Our King Lutheran Church. We currently have 69 families with
adolescents as members at our church and this includes 102 teens that
we as a church are responsible to help guide and grow in faith.
As a church it is important to keep track of your members to see
how they are growing and to make sure that you do not loose some
along the way. Christ Our King currently is using the database called
Servant Keeper and we as a youth staff want to continue to use this
program to keep track of our youth. We want to track lots of useful
information so we can better understand our youth and their families.
We want to keep track of information such as how many members are
in a family, siblings, names, ages, school, grade they are in, birthday,
baptismal birthday, allergies, medication, special needs, special
talents, spiritual gifts, emergency contact information, and normal
contact information. Currently our church secretary Vicky has been
doing a great job keeping the database current, we would like to help
her by having parents and youth updating the database at least twice

a year. Before Sunday school starts I would like to have a program on

a laptop so that teens and parents can electronically update the
database in order to sign up for classes and Sunday school. At the end
of the year I want to hold an end of the year party so that we can
update the database one more time.
Youth ministry is an important ministry for the continuation of the
church. It is important for youth to have a sense of belonging and to
say active in the church in their teen years because so many youth fall
away from the church after they graduate from high school. If you look
at our churchs organization chart youth ministry fits level with all of
the other ministries on the church council. As a youth ministry team
we love the way our church puts an emphasis on the importance of all
the ministries and has all of the leaders from each ministry in the
church council. Each ministry helps the whole body of Christ work
together and no one ministry is more important than the other.
The purpose of Christ Our Kings Youth Ministry is to provide
youth and their families with a safe place that is dedicated to provide
resources and helping them grow and develop in faith together through
active worship, service, and fellowship. We hope to accomplish all of
this by first finding what the need is for the families that have youth
and the youth themselves. As a youth staff we want to give out
assessment surveys and have some questionnaires though different
focus groups that we have here at our church. The first step would be

to get permission from the parents, pastor, and church council, and
then we could give out the survey. On the survey parents and youth
will receive lists of topics asking how comfortable they feel about the
topic from the numbers 1 (being not at all) to 5 (saying I feel strong
about this). With this survey we hope to address where our families
and youth are on the topics of Doctrine, Faith, the Bible, comfort with
the church, how the church can help them, and how they can serve.
The surveys will also have a place where people can write down a
different topic in that we did not have a chance to mention. We hope
to give out an initial survey when we have the parents and youth fill
out the information for the database, we will also be doing smaller
surveys, or questionnaires during big events we have here at the
church. We plan on sharing the results with the church council,
parents, and congregation and we are sharing by having church
announcements before service, presenting the information to the
church council in meetings, and having a special family night where
families can come enjoy some activities and receive the information.
Our leadership team came together and has integrated a vision
for the youth ministry. Our vision is that Christ Our King is a welcoming
community that brings teens and their families to Christ and continues
to help them grow in the faith of Christ Jesus. We will provide
resources for families to be the primary faith growers of their children.
Teens will be empowered and welcome through many different means:

through lock-ins, bible study, group events and many other means
geared toward teens. Teens will be involved and grow through
participation in the worship services, and participate in services in the
community and through fellowship with one another. We have taken
our vision and have created 6 different goals that we hope to
accomplish during the year. Our goals include1) that teens by the
end of the year will be able to have a connection with at least one
leader and state that leader and a time when they were helped by
them. 2) By the end of the year teens will understand what their
personal faith means to them and they are actively reading the Bible
one day a week. 3) Families will have completed one of the tasks on a
take away that they have received through out the year. 4) By 6
months teens will be able to say their gifts and talents and will have
served at least once in another ministry in the church. 5) Teens will be
able to state what biblical serving means to them and will have served
in the community at least once by the end of the year. 6) Teens
complete a general bible quiz before and after the year and will receive
a higher grade at the end of the year.
In order to fulfill the needs of the teens and their families we as a
leadership team have come up with different events through out the
year that will help fulfill our vision and help grow the people in our
ministry. To cater our ministry toward families we have decided to
have an average of 3 events a week. With only having 3 events a

week this will help the family save some money because they are not
constantly driving to the church, and it also gives a chance for the
family to spend time together. For this year we have planned Sunday
morning bible classes (47 events), Sunday night Bible/life application
study (47 events), Wednesday evening youth nights (45 events),
parent nights once a month on Wednesday night (12 events), one
mega event (National Youth Gathering), two super events (1 lock in
and Spring Hill Camp), fellowship celebrations (Christmas Party, etc
(6)), and lastly once a month youth board meetings (12) for a grand
total of 172 events.
We have crunched the prices and numbers for our budget and
have come up with a good estimate at what all of our events will cost.
All of our events have been sculpted to the vision of our ministry and
for the continuous growth and faith development of our youth and their
families. Our Sunday morning classes will cost $800, Sunday Night
$1,000, Wednesday youth and parent nights $1,300, Mega event
$5,000, Super events $2,000 and board meetings $200. The total
amount of money in which we would like to spend on our events is
$11,500. For administration and office supplies we are asking $500,
promotions $800, postage $400, Web and electronic costs $200, travel
$3,000, books and materials $200, conferences $4,000, volunteer
training $200, appreciation $200, ETC. $250. The total amount of

money in which we would like to spend for supplies is $9,750 for a

grand total of $21,250.
It is important to evaluate how events have gone and if our
youth ministry is reaching their goals. So in order to assess how our
ministry is doing we came up with these assessment steps. After each
event there will be a random parent, teen, and leader selected to take
a quick survey to see how that event went and to see if it had
completed its purpose. At the end of the year party we plan to hand
out our big survey to assess how the program went for the entire year,
this survey will be given to all parents, teens, and teachers so that they
can give us their input.
Youth ministry is important for the kingdom of God, it is not just
keeping teens out of trouble but it is empowering, teaching, and
guiding teens to be active followers of God. Youth ministry is guiding
and showing teens how to take hold of their faith and act on it in all
environments that they find themselves in. We are teaching them how
to become powerful young men and women that will one day start a
family of their own and become the primary faith growers of their

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