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BCTR Teacher Training

Lesson: Maximizing Instructional Time

Lesson Overview
Using a video of a proficient teacher, Residents will become familiar with the
importance of maximizing instructional time by observing efficient routines,
procedures, and techniques throughout the lesson.
Teacher Planning and Preparation
Though this is an introductory lesson, I will assess Residents prior knowledge of
techniques and procedures that maximize instructional time through surveys and
discussion, and adjust this lesson accordingly (possible groupings according to
knowledge level, present new/different concepts or go into depth on other concepts)
Talk to a Resident before class about starting to text on cell phone right after they
get into groups.
Make copies of student handouts
Resident/Student Objectives
By the end of this lesson, Residents will have a thorough understanding of why Mr.
Robinson used time saving techniques and how he used them effectively in order to
effectively apply these techniques to their own teaching to become a proficient
Computer with internet access
Projector and screen
Speakers that project loudly enough for all Residents to hear
Maximizing Instructional Time Student Handout
Anticipatory Set/Context Setting
Teacher enters and sets a stop watch (not incredibly obviously, but not sneakily- just
enough to peak interest) while students are waiting for class to begin. While setting
timer, teacher welcomes class, states objectives, and says Alright, guys! Please
take out your notes (waits for students to take out notes). Great! Now, to do our first
activity, we are going to get into groups. Please get with a group of four (waits for
students to find a group of four). Okay, so since our objective today is about
maximizing instructional time(looks at Resident who teacher previously asked to
text) (Name) can you please focus during this part of class? Okay, where was I?
Right. Maximizing instructional time. (Hit the stopwatch). Write time on the board.
Say Ya know what? I just feel like that didnt go quite right. Im going to start the
lesson again. (smile) May I?
Students put desks back. Put notes away. Teacher starts stopwatch again, reviews
objective, says they have 5 seconds to take out their notes, then says they have 10
seconds to get themselves into a get into a group. Teacher is counting out loud.
Teacher starts the lesson and continues to talk while motioning to (name) to put his
phone away.
Ask students what strategies were used to maximize instructional time the second

time around. Do the math together. 1-2 minutes saved per transition lets say 3
transitions per class 5-6 minutes per class x 180 school days = approximately 15
hours worth of wasted class time. Thats a lot.
Talk as passing out notes sheet:
Today were going to watch some clips from a proficient teacher, Mr. Robinson. On notes
sheet, please brainstorm anything he does to maximize instructional time. Well pause after
every clip for a brief discussion.
Teacher shows the most important video clips below, stopping after each clip, and having
students jot down a note about the strategy they saw in that clip. Mini-discussions will be
held after each segment, using discussion questions and talking points.
4:15-6:15: Important Ideas to Note
Tapping student on shoulder without stopping class
Snap if you disagree
Discussion Questions and Talking Points:
What is the benefit of mastering non-verbal behavior redirections such as tapping a
students shoulder or desk? (Possible answers: keeps class momentum which is a
huge time saver, does not embarrass student, focus is on lesson not student)
How does snapping to disagree manage behavior? (Its quick, and it avoids a
discussion snow-ball effectunnecessary discussionthat can happen when
students start to talk.)
9:00-10:00: Important Ideas to Note
Take the next 10 seconds (specific time limit)
Clip it in your do now (specific directions + BONUS: a procedure for success with
homework completion)
Take out your notes face up (directions for next procedure)
Discussion Questions and Talking Points:
How does having students organized (do now section) affect maximizing time?
(Possible Answer: They know exactly where to put their resources, they are
prepared, etc.)
How does having detailed, specific instructions maximize time (notes face up)?
(Possible Answer: It avoids having to spend time answering a students question
Where are we? or What are we supposed to do? and leaves time for more
important questions.)
12:50-14:00: Important Ideas to Note
Once again, he waves girls head up while still teaching
Waits for 5 hands to go up

Discussion Questions and Talking Points:

What is the difference between making a class fast-paced and efficient and rushing
a class? Where is there an example of good wait time? (Possible answer: It seems
as if he has a procedure of waiting for at least 5 hands before he calls on someone.
This allows everyone to feel as if he or she has a voice, even if it takes them a little
time to figure out the answer.)
18:00- 18:45: Important Ideas to Note:
Were going to flip into groups- 3 minutes
Super-spicy fire questions (Enrichment questions that maximize the time of those
who are ahead)
Take 10 seconds to get into groups Gives an audible count down. (they do.
Theyve obviously been pre-grouped)
Discussion Questions and Talking Points:
How many times so far, in our viewing, has the teacher used a specific number to
direct students? (Depending on viewing, at least 4). How does this maximize his
Why are enrichment questions a way of maximizing time?
21:40- 22:30: Important Ideas to Note:
After timer goes off, he gives them a 5,4,3,2,1 to be sure they arent surprised by the
finished time.
Again, snap if you disagree
Discussion Questions and Talking Points:
Why is it important that when the time goes off he doesnt just start talking, but gives
them another, 5-second count-down? (Answer: To allow them to finish their work so
they can focus on his next direction)
Do you think the 5 seconds is off the top of his head, or a good amount of time for
this? Would 10 or 3 seconds be better? (Possible Answers- 5 seconds does not
seem like an ambiguous number, its even cutting it a little close. 10 seconds, as he
does for group formation, would have been too long and allowed them to lose
24:15: Important Ideas to Note
Were going to flip back into rows. (specific directions)
Youll have 5 minutes to work independently
Take 10 seconds to get back into rows10,9,8
Discussion Questions and Talking Points:
What are some behind-the-scenes procedures and preparations that he had to do in
order to maximize this instructional time? (Everyone knows their groups, knows how
to quickly get into groups, knows the procedure of snapping to disagree, etc.)

Besides the obvious increased amount of instructional time and exposure to

lessons, are there any other benefits to maximizing classroom time? (Possible
Answers: Mentally, it gives students a sense of urgency, a sense that this
information is important, the feeling that if they go to the bathroom or are absent
theyll miss something important, and respect for the teacher that he or she really
wants to deliver a very important message.)
Many new teachers stray away from multiple procedures because of the transition
time between them. How do the mini-lessons and multiple procedures actually
maximize the class time? (Possible Answer: If transitions are practiced and students
know how to complete them, they will stay engaged by avoiding boring, drawn-out

Think-Pair-Share: Ask Residents to explain what sort of things did I do, as the teacher of
this lesson, to maximize our instructional time today?
Have every Resident think of one concrete example to maximize instructional time. Whip
around the class, having every Resident share their answer.
Exit Ticket incorporating recent Art of a Sentence skill: How will you incorporate this into
your lesson tomorrow?

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