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Presentation on science

1. Which gas is used in leguminous plant ?
2. Which bacteria converts nitrogen into soluble
form ?
3. What is symbiotic relationship between alga
and fungus ?
4. What is pseudoposdia ?
5. Give some examples of parasites ?
6. Name the ultimate energy source of energy
7. Name two parasitic plant
8. What is the outer covering of a cell known as ?
9. What is jelly like substance in cell called ?
10. Nucleas in a cell is also called as ?

1. Nitrate N1
2. Rhizobeum
3. Fungus = shelter to alga, alga = food by
4. False legs of amoeba
5. Hookworms,pinworms,tapeworms
6. Sun
7. Dodder cascutta
8. Cell wall
9. Cytoplasm
10. DNA

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