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Name: Hannah Stobaugh

Group: BAM!
Subject/Grade: Science/7
Length of Lesson: 1 hour
Technology used in this lesson: QR codes, Google Forms and
iCell 3D app
Username and Password(s): Google Forms have been shared
Stage 1 Desired Results
Standard(s): Link to CDE Website
Cells are the smallest unit of life that can function independently and
perform all the necessary functions of life
a. Gather, analyze, and interpret data and models on the different types of cells,
their structures, components and functions (DOK 1-2)
b. Employ tools to gather, view, analyze, and report results for the scientific
investigations of cells (DOK 1-2)

Learning Objectives: Students will gain a basic understanding of plant vs.

animal cells. Students will learn the parts of a cell while analyzing and reporting
results of their scientific investigation.

Essential Questions: What are the parts of a cell and what do they do? How
are plant cells different from animal cells? How are various cells unique, and what do
they have in common with other cells?

Vocabulary sheet is attached
Reviewed already: Cell, Cell membrane, Cell wall, Organelle Nucleus
and Nuclear envelope
New: Mitochondria, Nucleolus, Ribosome, Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic
Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Vacuole, Chloroplast and Lysosome
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
What will you accept as evidence that shows the students
understand the concepts?
Attach assessment rubric you will use to grade the task.
Assessment/Performance Task:
There will be a pre-activity and post activity Google form to assess
growth in student learning. Students will also fill out a worksheet as
they move through the activity.

Stage 3 Learning Plan

Step by step process to the lesson:

1- Divide into groups: Every student gets a packet with a
blank animal and blank plant cell on it. Students sit with
their table partners for the cells unit. Pairs are divided
into two groups, Plant Cells and Animal Cells. Each table
group gets a classroom iPad with the QR code reader app
and the iCell app already downloaded.
2- Pre-test: Students will use the QR code to access the
Google forms pre-test and work together to fill it out.
3- Work time: Students will work on filling out assigned cell
and information sheet using the iCell app and textbook.
4- Check-in: When students are done with their cells we will
come together and each group will share one thing that
they found interesting with the class
5- Pair Share: Table pairs will find another group that had
the opposite type of cell (if you were an animal cell you
will need to pair with a plant cell). Share what you found
and get the information that the other group found.
6- Post-test: With table pairs scan the second QR code and
complete the Google form.
iCell app
Google Forms
QR code scanner
Cell worksheet packet

Vocabulary Answers
Cell wall
A rigid wall that surrounds plant cells to help keep them in place
and keep formation. Plant Cells
Cell membrane
A thin flexible barrier that surrounds a cell. The cell membrane
controls which substances are allowed to pass in to and out of
the cell. Both Animal and plant cells
The brain of the cell, the nucleus is a large and oval in shape
that contains the cell's genetic material in the form of DNA and
controls the cell's activities. Both animal and plant cells
A tiny cell structure that carries out a specific function within
the cell.
Nuclear Envelope
A membrane that surrounds the nucleus. It acts like a smaller
version of the cell membrane. Both animal and plant cells
The small round structure in the nucleus that creates ribosomes.
Both animal and plant cells
A small grain-shaped organelle that produces protein. Both
animal and plant cell.
Gel-like fluid that fills the region between the cell membrane
and the nucleus. It moves constantly and supports organelles.
Both animal and plant cells
Rod-shaped organelles that convert energy in food molecules
into energy. Both animal and plant cells
Endoplasmic Reticulum
An organelle that looks like a maze in which proteins and other
materials are carried from one part of a cell to the other. Both
animal and plant cells

Golgi apparatus
It receives proteins and other newly formed materials from the
endoplasmic reticulum packages them and distributes them to
other parts of the cell. The post office of the cell. Both animal
and plant cell.
A sac-like organelle that stores water, food and other materials.
Both animal and plant cells.
An organelle in the cells of plants that captures sunlight and
changes it to an energy form that cells can use to make food.
Only plant cells
Contains substances that break down large food particles into
smaller ones. It also breaks down old cell parts and releases these
substances so that the cell can use them again. Only animal cells

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