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EDUC 224

Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

STEP 1 Download this document to your hard drive or portable storage device. You will
revise this SAME document TWO additional times during the course. For the first
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as beginning. For the second
assignment, you will only complete the areas labeled as middle. For the final assignment,
you will only complete the areas labeled as end.
STEP 2 Copy and Paste each bullet point to your answer pane. Rate each bullet point as
to how you are feeling at this point in the course. The rating will either be Confident,
Somewhat Confident, or Not Confident/Dont Understand.
STEP 3 Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.
STEP 4 Submit your assignment. Please make sure that you save this document as you
will revise this SAME document two additional times during the course.
EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Vision for Curriculum
Together we will work toward: Type your answer in the text box.
Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer


Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
I am confident in finding patterns and making connections with scientific concepts. I enjoy
working with the unknown and trying to create my own understanding by linking it to things I
have already experienced or learned in the classroom.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
I am not confident about allowing natural curiosity and questions to drive the curriculum. Im the
type of person who likes to have specific assignments with specific answers. It is difficult for me
to trust that all things will get covered by allowing the students to drive the curriculum.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Curriculum Vision
Vision for Curriculum
Together we will work toward: Type your answer in the text box.
Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations
Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum
Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding
Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations

I am somewhat confident in this idea. When I was in school, there was an idea that there was a right
answer and a wrong answer. There was little thats in between. It is hard to get out of the mind frame that
things are deeper than what is sometimes taught, and there are different ways of understanding it. Being at
Ivy Tech, especially in the Education Department, Ive had a little more practice with developing that

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum

I feel somewhat confident about this. In high school, I did feel like I could question the teacher. But it
wasnt the drive of the curriculum. We didnt set the stage for what we were learning. Now that Ive been
in college for a few years, I understand that there are many different viewpoints of the class (including the
teachers) and being able to question people is actually encouraged. Although it may drive the curriculum
a little bit, it still isnt the foundation for the class.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

I do not feel confident with this. I never really had a class that encouraged experiments, or proper
investigation to find our own answers. Only sometimes when Ive had a class with a lab did we do that
stuff on our own, but it still wasnt as helpful as I think it could have been. Things were presented to us,
and we either wrote it down and memorized it, or we didnt. There was no investigation to find our own

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer

I am not at all comfortable with this idea. Ive always had the answers given to me after doing an
assignment. Or if I ask the teacher a question, he or she gives me an answer. This is how Ive been

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

learning for 15 years. Its very difficult to think that in this class, I might not get every answer to every
question or homework assignment I turn in. The teacher was always responsible for giving the correct
answers without the students doing the work to find it.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations

I am still somewhat confident in this, but a lot more than I was in the beginning. Instead of being so sure
that there is a right or wrong answer, I now know that there is a lot more to be researched about a topic
than just what I think I know. I am getting better at not taking ideas for their surface value and digging
deeper to find my own meaning for it.

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum

I feel more confident about this than it did, but still not completely confident. Before doing certain
activities in class, I didnt see how it was possible to let the students drive the curriculum. After seeing
examples though, it is a little clearer now how this is possible. I feel more confident in letting my future
students question me, and using those questions to build my lessons.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

I feel a lot more confident about this than I did in the beginning of the class. Reading my old response,
Ive come to realize the things I said I havent gotten to do, such as experiments and answering my own
questions, I have been doing this in this class. Ive gotten quite a bit of practice doing this. I think Ive
gotten more comfortable with continuing to ask questions about what I think I know and doing the
research to find it out.

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer

Im still not really comfortable with this, but Im at least a little more confident than I was in the
beginning of class. Having some practice with the procedure of finding the right answer rather than
actually having the right answer has led me to understand that the right answer isnt always as
important. I still believe though that there are some subjects in school that are right answer based, such
as math, that Im having a hard time connecting with this method of learning/teaching, considering a right
answer is there.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class

Developing an awareness that there are layers of meaning to an idea/concept; openness to finding
patterns and connections and exploring the multiple possibilities and interpretations

I definitely feel confident in this. I am completely aware now that all topics go below surface level, and
there are so many different ways of acknowledging and practicing this. This class gave me the practice I
needed to give me this understanding.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Tapping into natural curiosity and questions about the world to drive the curriculum

I feel a lot more confident about this than I did in the beginning, but I still think I need more practice with
this before I feel 100%. I think it would help if I participated in another lesson (whether from the student
standpoint or the teacher standpoint) that was like the Solid, Liquids, and Gases activity we did. We made
the KWL chart and from the questions we asked, that changed the next lesson we had. That activity
helped open my eyes to the idea a lot, and I think another one would be beneficial.

Asking questions throughout an investigative process to continually deepen our understanding

I definitely feel confident about this, especially after this final inquiry. Before, I was just taking
information as it is. If someone says it, then it must be true. But after doing so many inquiries, and
participating in this last one, Ive learned that its important to exhaust all options, and question
everything as much as you can.

Being comfortable with not knowing or not having the correct answer

I think Im as comfortable with this as Im going to get. Im so much more comfortable than I was in the
beginning of class, but I think after always needing the right answer for so long, it is very difficult to get
out of that mind-frame. I dont think I had enough of the challenge in class. With a little more practice at
not knowing, I think it will get easier with time.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana


Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?
Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding
Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?

I am not confident doing this. Ive always thought of science as its own separate subject, and I dont really
remember many scientific words or phrases. When I do try to think of some, I think of the scientific
method, data, and statistics. I feel when discussing these things, its in its own science category, and you
cant relate it to anything else other than science or a science class.

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding

I feel somewhat confident in doing this. In a few classes, the teachers have had me record learning
experiences or do learning reflections. Most classes though did not even approach the topic of reflecting
and did not care to have me do it. I would like to start doing it more.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems

I feel somewhat confident in doing this. Again, Ive only ever done reflections in a few classes. They were
mostly in education classes. Ive done the Beginning, Middle, and End reflections. Ive also done some in
Multicultural teaching. But I dont think I have done them enough to really make an impact.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?

I feel confident about doing this. After reading my previous answer, I see that I do not feel that way about
science words anymore. To me, science isnt just its own subject. Science is in everything, and the
words and phrases used in science can be and is used in any subject. It doesnt just have to be biology,
astrology, chemistry, etc. Science words are just words that represent studying and experimenting any
kind of subject matter.

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding

I feel pretty confident doing this. Keeping a scientific notebook in this class has given me a lot of practice
in recording my experiences. Not only as an end reflection, but as were doing experiments or going
through a lesson, I feel better about recording my thoughts and ideas I have during the lesson. This allows

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

me to better reflect on my understanding of what were going over.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems

I feel way more confident about doing this than I did in the beginning. It helps that I am guided through
what we are doing in class and connecting it to what we are reading in the book. Im confident in my
understanding of the lessons were learning in class and in the book and how to apply it to future aspects.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Re-examine scientific words and phrases that you remember, read, or hear from others. What
meaning do these words really have to you?

After taking this class, Ive realized that it shouldnt be separated into science vs. the rest of the subjects.
Science words arent really science words to me; they are just words that help in the questioning of the
world. Considering I didnt feel this was a science based class, it helped to link the two together connect
that bridge of science vs. everything else.

Recording your learning experiences for the purpose of reflection and further understanding

I feel confident in doing this. After keeping up with the scientific notebook, its helped me put into
perspective the types of things Id be writing in a journal like that. I think Im better at writing in it and
looking back than I was in the beginning of class. Im a lot more organized in my thoughts and my
patterns of reflection.

Referring to those reflections and examining what you understood at that time while looking for
connections to newly constructed knowledge and applying this new understanding to questions
and problems

I feel confident in this. Especially after the last inquiry project, it gave me the ability to look back on my
past writings about inquiry and manipulate that understanding of inquiry into what I know now, and
putting this all into a paper/PowerPoint presentation. Understanding that people learn by negotiation has
made me more open to doing this on my own.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

3. Relations
Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning
involves the community of learners
Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group
Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners

I feel somewhat confident doing this. I was never really the social, extrovert type. In high school, it was
hard to me to connect with others I didnt already know very well. At the same time, the teachers never
encouraged us to. When they were teaching, we were quite. When they were finished teaching, we were
supposed to be quite. There wasnt a time for us to connect about what we were learning. College was a
lot different. We were obviously expected to be quite while others were speaking, but there was a lot of
encouragement to connect with others to help further our understanding of the lesson. I would like to feel
more comfortable doing this.

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group

I do not really feel comfortable doing this. Im not really sure I even understand the question. If its asking
about me knowing my own learning process and how I personally learn the best, I do not really think I
know. Ive always had teachers do the same form of teaching; it didnt really encourage me to try
different things.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur

I feel confident in doing this. Although I am not a very open and social person, I do have very strong
opinions, and I will share them if I feel I should. Also, Ive learned that if you have questions or
confusion, to ask as soon as you feel it. Its best to ask than to fall behind because you are missing out on

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners

I still feel somewhat confident in this, but a lot more confident than I was. Especially in the last group I
was put in, I felt that our personalities kind of brought out the others, and we did a good job of helping
each other further our understanding of what we were doing. I felt very comfortable talking with them and
figuring out our experiment together. I think as we move further in this class, I will get more comfortable
engaging with the others in my class.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group

I still only feel somewhat confident in this. I think I know a little more about myself and how I learn. In
this class, Ive had a more practice than I ever have doing things my way, in the way that I prefer. Its
really helped guide me in the direction of how I prefer to learn. I think having more group opportunities
like the last one that I had will really help me understand myself as a group worker. That was the most
rewarding group work Ive had in the class so far.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur

I still feel confident in doing this. As said before, Im not an extremely social person, but when I am
social, I do not hold back from sharing my opinion. In a classroom setting that encourages respect and
understanding of others, I do not have any problem sharing my ideas with others.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Engaging in dialogue with others as we work together to deepen understanding learning

involves the community of learners

I definitely feel a lot more confident in doing this than I did in the beginning of class. Before going
through Scientific Inquiry, I was very to myself, and what I thought I knew was the correct answer. I
didnt need to engage with anyone else for help. But Im so glad that this class pushed my limits, because
working with other people on our assignments helped me realize that I shouldnt be so closed-minded,
and its important to have a fresh pair of eyes at everything. I thoroughly ended working with my last
group member on the final project; I feel we challenged each other in just the right ways that overall
produced a well-put project.

Reflecting on how you are making sense of your learning process and science content both
individually and as group

Im sort of confident in this. I feel like I spend way more time in WHAT Im learning rather than HOW
Im learning. I dont really think about how I learn and trying to find ways to engage in information that
would benefit that type of learning. I put more focus on other things. I think I just need more practice in
making sense of that.

Sharing your ideas (i.e. questions, thoughts, concerns, confusion, etc.) openly with others in
group and class discussions so group thinking can occur

I feel very confident in this. If I think something needs to be said, I will say it for the benefit of whatever
we may be working on. Ive always sort of said this, but I think Im less likely to feel like Im being
pushy, rather than just trying to engage other people in what I may be thinking.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. Rigor
Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this
Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept
Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.
Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others
Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this

I am fully confident that I understand that. I dont think I fully understand learning completely, but I do
know that it is so complex and different for each student. This is very overwhelming to think about. And
even though Im confident in knowing its complex, I would like more practice actually dealing with the
complexity and figuring out how to help students learn in their own way.

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept

I do not feel confident in this. If there is an I need to know question, I will try to do my own research.
Its hard to imagine that a question wont be answered or there is no answer. If I cant find an answer, I do
sometimes get frustrated and Ill ask other people.

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.

I feel somewhat comfortable doing this. Ive had a little bit of practice gathering information, and even
more practice doing proper research on a certain topic. I do think though that I could use a lot more
practice in doing this.

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others

I do not feel very confident doing this. In the few experiments and research papers that I have done while
in school, I dont think they ever went that into detail. If they did, it was probably a long time ago and I
dont really remember ever doing or how it went. I have not had much practice doing this and if I were to
be thrown into an assignment that asked me to do this, I would probably need a bit of guidance or some
steps on what is wanted.

Explain things that are confirmed or changed or confusing.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this

I feel very confident in this. Especially after doing more research about learning in class, I have a better
understanding of how complex it really is. I also understand that we wont ever completely understand
learning. All children are different, all children learn differently, and children are all in charge of what
they learn. This creates a very complex environment, and all of our questions will not be answered.

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept

I feel somewhat confident in this. If theres one thing Ive learned in this class, its you dont always know
what you think you know. And if you need to know something, you better figure it out on your own and
support it. Even things that Ive known about since elementary school, such as solids, liquids, and gases. I
thought I knew all about them, but in reality, there is plenty more to learn.

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.

I still feel somewhat confident doing this. After doing experiments in class, Ive learned that observations
and evidence are vital to drawing conclusions. When drawing conclusions and making inferences, I know
that I have to back it up. After having practice doing it though, I think I am much more comfortable than I

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others

I feel somewhat confident in doing this. I think practicing this in class has helped, but Im not sure Ive
had enough practice doing the entire inquiry process. I think after the next inquiry and getting responses, I
will feel more confident in putting all of my work together and sharing it with others.

Explain why your ideas changed or didnt change as a result of this class.

Becoming aware that learning is a complex multi-dimensional process and that we will have
more questions than we can answer completely at this

I am definitely aware and confident of this idea. I know, especially after taking this course, I have so
many questions about learning and teaching than I can even keep track of. I never did understand just how
complex it was, but now, I know just what Im getting myself into.

Finding some resolution to an I-need-to-know question while aware that there is always more
to be learned about the concept

I feel confident in this. Like I said before, never take anything just as it is. If theres something I just
HAVE to know, Ill do my own research on it until I feel my question has been answered. But that doesnt
mean the answer is set, or that theres nothing more to it. There is ALWAYS more to it, and I definitely
learned that in this class!

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Making inferences based on multiple observations and checking their viability in accordance with
your understanding at that time.

I feel confident in doing this. After so many experiments and inquiries, I think my inference-making skills
have heightened a lot. I always compare what I think I know to what I really know, and how I need to
balance those ideas out.

Developing working explanations that synthesize what you are thinking, evidence from your
investigations, and ideas from others

I think I still feel only somewhat confident in this. Although Ive gotten better at putting all of my
information from an inquiry together, I dont think it flows as well as it could. I need to put more thought
into how Im gathering and recording all of this information before I can feel totally confident.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now - Expectations
Class Expectations:
1. Attend all class sessions. Notify instructor of absence by email and take responsibility to learn about
missed experiences from your group. In class credit cannot be made up. Absences may lower your
final grade because class activities require participation to earn points. See syllabus.

Beginning: If you dont think you will be able to attend class on time and/or regularly,
explain the difficult you foresee so we can discuss it.
Attendance will not be an issue. Especially because this is my only class Im taking this semester, this
class has my full attention.


Explain your attendance pattern to date and whether you need to modify it for
the rest of the class.

Ive had prefect attendance for the class, and I dont think it needs to be modified!


If you had problems with attendance this semester, explain your situation here.

I have had perfect attendance for this class.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

2. Participate fully in all class sessions by working collaboratively with peers, asking questions and
taking responsibility for developing your "scientific self".

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking at this time.

I feel mostly confident that I can do this. It will take more effort from me, but Im sure that assignments in
class will help guide me through building myself up and communicating with my peers.


How are you doing in this regard? Look at the Participation Sheet.

I feel pretty confident that I have been doing well in this. I feel comfortable asking questions and talking
with my peers. When it comes to my scientific self, I think the notebook and my notes Ive been taking
have really helped to develop that. There is always room for improvement, but I think Im on a good path!


If you had problems with participation this semester, explain your situation here.

I think Ive done very well with participation. When I heard this class was very much based on group
work, I was a little nervous. But I pulled through!

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

3. Type or word process all major assignments (double space,12 pt font, see guidelines in syllabus) and
submit documents as instructed.

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

Turning in my assignments like this will not be a problem.


How are you doing?

Ive been doing APA correctly and have fixed issues I may have had in the beginning.


If you had problems with requirement this semester, explain your situation here.

I havent had any issues in doing assignments in this format.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. Give each assignment enough time to apply your best thinking and writing skills. I assume that
what you submit is your best work and grade it accordingly.

Beginning: If you think there will be a problem, let me know here and talk with me.
This should not be a problem. I had a hard time last semester doing things in a timely manner. I
procrastinated a lot, and I had four classes with a lot of work. I started last semester a full time student,
part time worker, and a new mom. It was difficult for me to provide my best work. This semester though,
my daughter is a bit older, Im working less hours, and I also only have this one class to focus on (my last
class at Ivy Tech) this semester. I have full confidence that I will do very well in this class.


How are you doing?

I am very proud of myself for how I have been doing in regards to this. There have been some
assignments Ive turned in the day before it was due, but none of these assignments required days of
thinking and planning and I still felt I gave my best when turning them in. When it comes to bigger
assignments that do require more work, I have started them early and checked them twice when finished.

End: If you had problems with doing your best this semester, explain your situation
I have been doing well with this, up until this last month. Everything has gotten turned in on time, but I do
not really think it is the best work I can do, given Ive been so distracted with other things.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

5. Submit all work on due date. See the syllabus for the late policy and assignment submission

Beginning: Explain if this is a problem.

This will not be an issue. As I go through each semester, I do better and better with not procrastinating
and organizing my things so I always know what is coming up.


How are you doing?

No assignments have been turned in late.


If you had problems with getting assignments in on time this semester, explain
your situation here.

Everything has been submitted on time.

Make sure you save your document often

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

EDUC 224
What I am Thinking Now Preferences in Ways of Learning
Preferences in Ways of Learning
Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred)

I like to learn by:




having the information presented by an instructor and/or a book and my

job is to learn what is presented.

reading and listening to explanations but also by asking questions during

class and working to make sense of the material.

figuring out answers on my own by doing my own investigations and


working with a group to do investigations, discuss what we are doing,

and work together to understand new or different ideas or results.
other (type statement here)

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

This is not reflective of how I have been learning. I havent really been able to try out the other methods
as much as the first one, but this is how I would like to start learning. This is what seems to be the most
engaging and beneficial.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

Mine have not changed, and Im not very surprised. Especially after learning more about this teaching
style in class, Ive seen that just having the information is not at all beneficial. I am a very hands on
person, and I enjoy doing things for myself and mainly on my own.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Mine has changed a little, but it has changed from working on my own to working with others. After this
last inquiry, Ive realized how nice it is to have something there to work with. Not only to share the
responsibility of the assignment, but to have another mind working the information. I enjoy it a lot more
than I did in the beginning of class.

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred). Each
statement must have a rating.
I like to be graded by:



individual work (papers, lab reports, or assignments) that I do by myself.

group projects where we get a group grade.

group projects where we learn together but we get graded on our own

taking quizzes and tests.

writing about what Im doing, thinking, questioning, and/or feeling and

other (type statement here)

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

I like to be graded on what I do in class. Its my grade, its my GPA Im working for, and I dont like to
take responsibility for other peoples work. Ive had too many bad experiences where Ive been left doing
the work and the other group members still get the grade. I like to do things on my own and get the grade
I deserve and worked for. This doesnt mean I dont want to work with groups. When it comes to being
graded, it like it to be separate.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

I still would rather be graded for what I do on my own. I think that a grade is a reflection how I am
learning, not anyone else. My preferences have not changed in regards to being graded as a group or by
tests and quizzes because I dont believe those are the best reflection of the true learning that is going on.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?
I have come to realize that I hate quizzes and tests! Not that anyone enjoys taking these, but even from the
standpoint of the teacher, I do not feel they are beneficial to the students at all. I do not think Ill give
many tests in my future class. Also, I hate getting group grades for things. It doesnt happen often that you
have all of the members in the group taking all of the responsibility they should be. I will definitely take
this into consideration for future group work.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

Rate each statement below with 4 (most preferred) 3, 2, 1 (least preferred). Each
statement must have a rating.
I like to take part in class by:



mainly listening to others; I dont like to talk in class

occasionally talking with one person or in a small group

asking questions, sharing ideas, and working in a small group.

asking questions, sharing ideas, and providing leadership in a small group

asking questions and sharing ideas in large group discussions

presenting my ideas to the whole class

Beginning: Explain the thinking behind your ranking

As weird as this sounds, I do not like to be in front of my peers presenting things. Ive gotten a lot more
comfortable than I used to be just by practicing, but it is not my favorite by far. I mainly enjoy
participating in class discussions, listening to what others have to say. It isnt necessarily that I dont like
to talk in class, I just enjoy having large discussion and hearing others opinions.


Explain why your preferences have or have not changed at this time.

Im a little surprised that my answers have changed the way they have. As said before, I enjoy doing
things on my own, but when it comes to sharing my ideas, I am all for it. I dont enjoy sitting back as
much as I thought I did, and I think being forced to work with others has opened my eyes a little more. I
am still not a fan of standing in front of my peers.

End: Summarize your thinking about this section related to this course. How might
this experience influence you in the future?

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

I think its amazing how much my perspective has changed. I enjoy working with others rather than on
my own after doing it so much. I enjoy saying things in class rather than silently sitting. I even dont mind
giving presentations, which I hated doing! I think its just the practice that makes it easier. I wont be as
afraid of these things as I used to be.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

EDUC 224
Ivy Tech Community College Central Indiana

4. If there is anything about how you learn or something that might impact your work in
this class, add it here.
Unless there are any accidents that have to do with my daughter, there shouldnt be anything that
impacts my work for this class.

Make sure you save a WORD document with your name in the document name for
instance Mechelle what am I thinking beginning.doc (or docx) .

When complete, submit in Blackboard Assignment button for the correct time in the course What I am Thinking Now as a Word document.

Assignment developed by IU School of Education at Indianapolis (IUPUI) faculty.

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