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Nick Weingartz

Mrs. Acoff
English 12
Genetically Modified Foods Outline

Introduction to Genetically Modified Foods

A. As the field of genetically modified foods continues to grow and infiltrate the average
grocery store, the criticism of said foods grows as well.
B. These new products have their fair share of critics. These critics cite lack of
regulations on these products and unclear labeling.
C. This issue could help to end world hunger and allow the human race to make the
most out of the resources that are available on the planet.


The Argument Against Genetically Modified Foods

A. Genetically Modified Foods allegedly contribute to health problems (The NonGMO
B. Corporations are the only reason that these products are legal. (The NonGMO Project)
C. None of the GMOs actually do what the companies say that they will do. (The
NonGMO Project)
D. Thesis
1. Crops can be made to resist rot
2. The GMOs can be cheaper than the non-modified alternatives
3. The GMOs can be used to produce other useful products


Why GMOs are good

A. Rot can be slowed down in commercial crops (Slivka)

B. Various genes have been added to plants such as tomatoes in order to slow down
rot. Some common rot diseases can be prevented with the use of new sequences of
DNA introduced to the crops. (Slivka)
C. This means that each harvest will yield more crops such as these tomatoes and could
help in other areas related to supply and demand (Slivka)
D. This aspect of genetic engineering only has beneficial effects

GMO Benefits
A. Less diseased crops means more and lower prices (Stossel)
B. The modifications that are made to the plants are in order to increase total crop
yield. As more product is introduced to the market, the prices will fall (Stossel)
C. Lower prices mean wider food availability. Lower income citizens will be able to
better afford these genetically modified foods (Stossel)
D. There is no possible downside to lowered food prices for essentially the same product


Final Benefit of Genetically Modified Foods

A. Different sequences introduced to the plants could help to produce chemicals
cheaply and efficiently (Paturel)
B. The plants will be able to synthesize industrial compounds like proteins and starches,
these plants would not enter the food supply (Paturel)
C. This would give a renewable and environmentally friendly way of producing
compounds that would otherwise be synthesized in a lab (Paturel)
D. GMOs should be widely used for the general betterment of multiple industries

VI. Analysis of Surveys

A. 19 people took this survey

B. Most of the questions display a generally even distribution of answers

i. More people who answered the survey believed GMOs were safe than not
ii. Most surveyed people believe that they have eaten these foods or dont know
if they have
iii. A large majority believe that these foods should be clearly labeled
VII. Conclusion
A. Genetically modified food is cheap, plentiful, and can have more quality than nongenetically modified food
B. Nearly 80% of our crops are genetically modified and help feel our 300,000,000
American citizens
C. The movement against these genetic breakthroughs are mostly led by people who
are paranoid about what they eat and arent well enough informed to criticize what is
one of the greatest advancements of our time.

Works Cited
"GMO Facts." The NonGMO Project RSS. 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 8 Apr. 2015.


Paturel, Amy. "The Truth About GMOs: Are They Safe? What Do We Know?" WebMD. WebMD, 7
Dec. 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2015. <>.

Slivka, Kelly. "A Genetic Cure for Tomato Rot." Green Blog. 22 May 2012. Web. 8 Apr. 2015.

Stossel, John. "STOSSEL: Modified Crops Mean Cheaper, Healthier Food." Courier-Post. 30
May 2014. Web. 8 Apr. 2015.

"Statement on Benefits and Risk..." International Union of Nutritional Sciences. 1 Jan. 2012.
Web. 8 Apr. 2015. <

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