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According to the student outcomes this chapter I will learn about theoretical
foundations of learning, determine the learner characteristics that impact learning,
describe the application of various technologies that support learning, and to show my
own view of the relationship among teaching learning, and using technology. As I
continued reading the first part in the chapter was about the theoretical foundations of
learning. The book starts by saying learning is a communication it states that the teacher
is the sender of a message. Theyre three factors that that can interfere with the
communication cycle: environmental, psychological, and personal filters. Environmental
factors include physical conditions that can impede the message, psychological factors
are the internal conditions that affect communication, and personal filters include values,
cultural heritages, and beliefs. I believe that all of these are factors that can interfere with
communication. I can relate personally to many of these in plenty of cases where I
couldnt concentrate do to these factors.
After this section the book began talking about different learning perspectives.
The first perspective is the behaviorist perspective they can see learning as the response
to an external stimulus. I believe I am more of a behaviorist learner because I focus more
on rewards and punishment with respect to learning. As the cognitivists and
constructivists both recognize learning as a mental process but fifer regarding individual
and social influences.
As I continue reading I already knew that theyre different types of cognitive and
learning styles. What I didnt know was that cognitive style can be identified and measure
by instruments such as the MBTI. The types of cognitive styles are extrovert, introvert,

sensing, intuitive, thinking, feeling, judging, and perceiving. I didnt know that cognitive
had so many types. With learning styles only three are identified: auditory, visual and
kinesthetic. I must have been confused with learning styles and multiple intelligences, but
I have now learned the difference. The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that
everyone has a unique profile of talents and capabilities in nine different areas. They are
linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal,
interpersonal, naturalistic, and existential.
The next section talk about technology for learning. Technology is used in many
different way theyre to reinforce learning, to address diversity, to foster critical thinking,
to foster communication and collaboration, and to assess competency. The most
important way technology is used for learning to me would probably be for
communication and collaboration. With this classes can meet without actually meeting in
the classroom. This way learning can be done no matter what a persons schedule may be
like. I was surprised that they said that technology could be used to address diversity. I
was unsure how that had to do with learning, but it explained how it helps students with
different learning styles, special needs, and language styles to participate in the
classroom. In my classroom I would like to really try to use technology for address
As the chapter came to a close it wanted our point of view on education and
technology. I believe that students do learn in many ways thats why it is important to
have all the different learning styles in the classroom. In order to determine a students
learning style can be done in many ways. I believe a students can be more than one
learning style as well. No matter what no students is the same as the next this is why I

agree with the book that future educators should explore different techniques of designing
and planning that can make their job easier.

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