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Trade Name: Xylocaine

Generic Name: Lidocaine

Pt Weight: 86kg

anesthetics (topical/local)
antiarrhythmics (class IB)
IV: Ventricular arrhythmias
Why is your patient taking this drug? History of Atrial Fibrillation
Standard doses and routes: IV: (Adults) 11.5 mg/kg bolus; may repeat doses of 0.50.75 mg/kg
q 510 min up to a total dose of 3 mg/kg; may then start continuous infusion of 14 mg/min.
Patient Dose: listed only as 2%
Adverse Reactions & Side Fx:

Patient/Family Teaching:

Applies mainly to systemic use

CNS: SEIZURES, confusion, drowsiness, blurred vision,
dizziness, nervousness, slurred speech, tremor
EENT: mucosal use: or absent gag reflex
CV: CARDIAC ARREST, arrhythmias, bradycardia, heart block,
GI: nausea, vomiting
Resp: bronchospasm
Hemat: methemoglobinemia
Local: stinging, burning, contact dermatitis, erythema
MS: chondrolysis
* CAPITALS indicate life-threatening.
Italics indicate most frequent.

May cause drowsiness and

dizziness. Advise patient to
call for assistance during
ambulation and transfer.

Hypersensitivity; cross-sensitivity may occur;
Third-degree heart block.
Nursing Implications:
1. Monitor drug level. Therapeutic levels are 2 to 5mcg/mL
2. Monitor patient for toxicity. In many severely ill patients,
seizures may be the first sign of toxicity, but severe
reactions are usually preceded by somnolence, confusion,
tremors, and paresthesia. If signs of toxicity occur, stop
drug at once and notify prescriber. Continuing would lead to
seizures and coma. Give oxygen through a nasal cannula if
not contraindicated. Keep oxygen and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation equipment available
3. Monitor patients response, especially blood pressure and
electrolytes, BUN, and creatinine levels. Notify prescriber
promptly if abnormalities develop

Lab Test Considerations: None

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