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Subject: Music

Class: year 11



Achievement Objective(s)
PK: Apply knowledge of the elements of music, structural devices, stylistic conventions, and technologies through
integrating aural, practical, and theoretical skills.
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions

Assessment and/or Success Criteria

Students will become confident with recognising key

signatures and will understand how to write the scale for
both major and minor

Students will be able to write both a major and a minor


Key Competency Focus

Participating and contributing: Students will participate and contribute in class questions
Using language, symbols and text: Students will use musical symbols in order to write scales and key signatures
Thinking: Students will think carefully about how to create scales using musical conventions

Student Learning Activities

Teacher Activities

Do now
Revision on keys, looking at major and minor scales.
Students remembering rule for working out key

A major key signature written up: F C G sharp.

Who can remember the rule to work out the key
signature when we are dealing with shapes?
-Go up one letter name from second last sharp.

Students observing scale demonstration

Explain how you would write out a major scale.

Every major key signature has a relative minor.
This means that the key signature is the same, but we start
our scale on a different note.
Use image of key board : To find the relative minor we
always go down three semi tones.
- Relative minor of A major is F# minor

Students viewing piano image and stating the

relative minor keys

Teacher to demonstrate how to write up new minor scale on

board .
Using piano image to help students: Teacher to ask
Relative minor of C major?
Relative minor of E major?
Relative minor of E flat major?
To find the relative major or a minor key, we just count
back up three semi tones


Students answering questions

So what would be the relative major of G minor?? (go

up three semi tones) - B flat major

Students completing work sheet.

Activity- work sheet

Write the relative minor scale of D major ( B minor)
Write the relative minor scale of G major( E minor)
Write the relative major scale of C# minor( E major)

Teacher Evaluation
Next lesson I am going to go over the three different minor scales.


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